Hi guys a few photo's of the 88 and half-track -TCS says they have 20 some of this set left.Great set.Thank you for looking.Mike B.
Mike, great looking photos-where did the back-drop come from?
Hi guys a few photo's of the 88 and half-track -TCS says they have 20 some of this set left.Great set.Thank you for looking.Mike B.
Mike, great looking photos-where did the back-drop come from?
RIght here at Treefrog in the diorama section under backdrops i think?Mike B.The couple i bought i think came from England.
Excellent set up. I like the natural light effect . I only got the winter set its a nice detailed 88MM. I still like the first DAK 88MM the best though
Thanks Mitch and Chris.Chris it is a nice set you will like it i think.Mitch the only thing i did not like in the Early TCS DAK is the size a little small i have a few of those sets but not the 88.Thanks again Mike B.
the flak 41 was a big gun in its own right so, putting the two together will always make a standard flak look small. The new CS 88mm is larger and bigger than K&C's old releases and, the figarti flaks. For me, as I said, I think the old gun and crew just have something about them which, makes it a personal favourite