Thanks Everyone! (2 Viewers)


1st Lieutenant
May 20, 2005
A few weeks ago Capitolron visited Paris, I'm sure almost everyone viewed

the many interesting photos he posted.

He also offered to pick up the Joan of Arc exclusive figure from Toy Soldiers

Paris. I thought that was quite nice of him, as he would have to hand carry

them back himself. I know several members obtained this nice figure from


Today I got a note from Ron saying over the weekend while in Gettysburg

he saw the LAH096 figure I had been chasing for several months and he

bought it for me.

I thought it was time to acknowledge some of the nice gestures many

members do for other members.

If anyone wonders why some people were chosen to write an article perhaps

this is why.

Louis Badolato is never to busy to answer a question, or post a photo of his

collection, Steven Chong goes out of his way to post photos while on visits

to Hong Kong, and answer questions, and give advice. Brad, not only

moderates our debates, but is quick to give pricing advice based on the lists

he maintains, and Capitolron is not to busy to pick up a piece he remembers

someone is looking for.

This kind of action makes a Forum special, and I thought I would mention it!


It was my pleasure ! :)

Hey, we are all in this hobby together !

A few weeks ago Capitolron visited Paris, I'm sure almost everyone viewed

the many interesting photos he posted.

He also offered to pick up the Joan of Arc exclusive figure from Toy Soldiers

Paris. I thought that was quite nice of him, as he would have to hand carry

them back himself. I know several members obtained this nice figure from


Today I got a note from Ron saying over the weekend while in Gettysburg

he saw the LAH096 figure I had been chasing for several months and he

bought it for me.

I thought it was time to acknowledge some of the nice gestures many

members do for other members.

If anyone wonders why some people were chosen to write an article perhaps

this is why.

Louis Badolato is never to busy to answer a question, or post a photo of his

collection, Steven Chong goes out of his way to post photos while on visits

to Hong Kong, and answer questions, and give advice. Brad, not only

moderates our debates, but is quick to give pricing advice based on the lists

he maintains, and Capitolron is not to busy to pick up a piece he remembers

someone is looking for.

This kind of action makes a Forum special, and I thought I would mention it!


Yo Trooper, Would like to second your view on this, what makes the forum special, is we have some very special people out there always willing to help, with advice or get you that item you dont have. Thanks to Brad I have the 93rd Highlanders he really put himself out for me on this one. Jeff always willing to repair or paint your Soldiers, Dick with advice on Old Britains, everyone offers something and then of course there is Damian & Heid what would we do without them they are priceless, a big thanks to all. Mount Up.
Cool Njja,

Great acknowledgments to some great guys in our community. It's great to have these connections that many of us wouldn't have otherwise if it weren't to the dedicated and continuous effort daily by Shannon and the rest of the Treefrog gang.

Thank you,

Great thread njja great thread! and I would like to add my thanks to Capitol Ron for grabbing me Britains General Hood figure (my avatar) long deleted this side of the pond and impossible to find (spent 3 years scouring shows and ebay never did find him). Ron knew this through the forum, happened upon Hood at a show and thought of me.

also Kilted Vampire who spent weeks locating and finally purchasing some Barzso (unheard of over here) adobe walls I've been after for ever.

Where do these guys come from who will put themselves out to do the above for some Brit they only know from this forum. They and many others on here who give freely their sound advice on a multitude of issues and items are simply amazing and thanks to you all -I just hope you give me the chance to reciprocate sometime.

Thanks guys!

To say nothing of a fine gentleman (UKReb) who has captivated the Forum

with one of the most interesting Threads (The American Civil War Diaries)

most of us have ever read!

With a wopping 12,822 views so far......and everyone waiting for the next


My pleasure UK Reb ! :D

As a SOUTHERNER - I feel everyone should have a REBEL in their collection. I was just as excited as you - when I found him :)
I may not be one of the heavy posters on this forum, but I do read it everyday and I want to add my agreement to what has been said. A very good thread Njja! If there's one thing lacking in society today it is thankfulness. It always cheers me to see gratitude put forth like this. You are absolutely correct in that there are a lot of great people associated with this forum and there is nothing wrong with showering praise on those to whom it is due!
I have only been here a few months and have received help from a few members on items I have been interested in. Everyone seems keen to help with a question or problem.

Cheers Guys

I only hope someday I will be able to reciprocate.
Great thread njja great thread! and I would like to add my thanks to Capitol Ron for grabbing me Britains General Hood figure (my avatar) long deleted this side of the pond and impossible to find (spent 3 years scouring shows and ebay never did find him). Ron knew this through the forum, happened upon Hood at a show and thought of me.

also Kilted Vampire who spent weeks locating and finally purchasing some Barzso (unheard of over here) adobe walls I've been after for ever.

Where do these guys come from who will put themselves out to do the above for some Brit they only know from this forum. They and many others on here who give freely their sound advice on a multitude of issues and items are simply amazing and thanks to you all -I just hope you give me the chance to reciprocate sometime.

Thanks guys!


You are most welcome my fine confederate friend. This forum is as much an international community as well as a place for fun and frivolity. S it would stand to reason that we can and will help each other out.
I have only been here a few months and have received help from a few members on items I have been interested in. Everyone seems keen to help with a question or problem.

Cheers Guys

I only hope someday I will be able to reciprocate.
We give back what is freely given.;) Er..uh I could be a friend of Bills'
I would like to personally though anonymously thank a fellow forum member who practically gave me a NA 71 to complete my KGL collection from K&C. It was much appreciated and very easy on the wallet.

KUDOS to my friend in Dixie as well as this great forum.

Now, there are many forum members over my time who deserve thanks for various tidbits, soldiers, information and generally good times, you know who you are and I would rather not list for fear of missing someone.

I would like to personally though anonymously thank a fellow forum member who practically gave me a NA 71 to complete my KGL collection from K&C. It was much appreciated and very easy on the wallet.

KUDOS to my friend in Dixie as well as this great forum.

Now, there are many forum members over my time who deserve thanks for various tidbits, soldiers, information and generally good times, you know who you are and I would rather not list for fear of missing someone.


You got my pm then? Knew you could not pass that up. Glad you got that one.:)
it is a long roundabout story, but something like that! Let's just say, it was a combination of a few forum members (including you) and somehow the stars aligned! I had a deal in the works with another member on a few other things and your pm, the post and that member all aligned at once and I was the fortunate recipient!


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