"Why can't there be a show?"...……………
Seriously; where to begin on this.
Social distancing, 6 feet apart and wearing masks is a now a thing.
Talk to me like I'm 5 and explain to me how you are going to social distance in hotel room selling little metal army guys...………..there are times at Chicago where there would be half a dozen people crammed into my two rooms, I have to have a deli ticket machine out front, one in, one out, one in, one out "Now serving customer number 27!!"...………….plus wearing masks all day and all night long, oh boy what fun.
As I stated, Rodgers daughter said the hotel wanted the dealers spread out all over the hotel on floors 1 through 5; people had enough trouble finding me when we were on two floors, now we're talking FIVE floors of dealers scattered all over the place; not going to work. And what are the dealers supposed to do, wipe down every figure once it's touched, what is the hotel supposed to do, hire a staff dressed in hazmat suits wiping down every square inch of the hotel 24/7, how many people will be allowed on an elevator, what about the morning buffet, that's out the window, or hanging out at the bar at night, that is also out the window.
And just how in the name of God are you going to do the actual show on Sunday; people waiting in line 6 feet apart, the line would go from the front of the hotel to the Indiana border. And what are they going to do, let 10 people in at a time, how can 1,000 people social distance at a toy soldier show.
Anyone who cannot understand the reasons why an event like this cannot happen in todays climate really needs a check up from the neck up; it's strait up common sense.
How is this virus spread; through droplets floating in the air and on surfaces; this show would be a bacteria trap and attendees would be dropping like flies.
No way, no how, and how does where it's held have any bearing; so in TEXAS things are different?
Different how?
What difference does it matter where it's held, I'm at a loss over that one.
Just clueless.