They do look into the flu deaths and there has been a decrease in deaths from flu over the last few decades, that is why you can get a flu jab and it is mainly those without the jab who die.
On the bunch of sheep, is that because they are following expert qualified proven advice for the greater good, like the vast majority taking advice and driving in a sensible manner, stopping at traffic lights etc - LIKE SHEEP. Like the millions that signed up to fight the German Nazi's in the early 1940s, as they were a threat to million of lives - did they sign up LIKE SHEEP.
If people took the jab, kept social distances, wore the masks, then this pandemic would have close to being over by now. There are too many snowflakes around who complain because they do not like wearing a piece of cloth in front of their faces or they cannot go to a concert etc, bloody hell growth a pair and realise it is for the greater good. Trust the healthcare professionals, doctors, infection control experts, nurses, they are not up for election, they are not into it for TV ratings, they just want to stop people getting ill. If you cut or broke your arm you would trust the healthcare professionals, you would not rely on praying, a politician or a TV host.
If you go to the show then wear a mask, wash your and protect those at home. Think of the hundreds, no thousands you will come into contact with, from leaving home to getting home. Everyone you meet will have been in contact with 100s of others and so on and so on.