We are very pleased to officially present the first release of our American Revolution figure range, the Continental Militia as they appeared at the battles in and around Boston in 1775. These 20 different figures will allow you to accurately recreate the very earliest form of the Continental Army of the American Revolution. So raise your troops and stand fast in defense of Bunker Hill or turn the redcoats away at Lexington-Concord! These figures will be shipping late June 2010. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!
AWI001 Continental Militia Standard Bearer - $64.95
AWI002 Continental Militia Drummer Boy - $59.95
AWI003 General Dr. Joseph Warren - $54.95
AWI004 Colonel William Prescott - $54.95
AWI005 Continental Militia Standing Ready - $49.95
AWI006 Continental Militia Standing with Raised Musket - $49.95
AWI007 Continental Militia Standing Cocking Musket - $49.95
AWI008 Continental Militia Standing Ready in Waistcoat - $49.95
AWI009 Continental Militia Standing Ready - Bareheaded - $49.95
AWI010 Continental Militia Standing at Rest - $49.95
AWI011 Continental Militia Standing Ready - $49.95
AWI012 Continental Militia Standing in Waistcoat with Raised Musket - $49.95
AWI013 Continental Militia Standing Firing - $49.95
AWI014 Continental Militia Standing Firing - $49.95
AWI015 Continental Militia Standing Firing - $49.95
AWI016 Continental Militia Kneeling Firing - $49.95
AWI017 Continental Militia Kneeling Firing - $49.95
AWI018 Continental Militia Kneeling Firing - $49.95
AWI019 Continental Militia Wounded - $49.95
AWI020 Continental Militia Dead - $49.95
Just checked the FL website and the status for the Continental Militia changed to "ships next busines day"
I am very excited to see the first figures in person soon.
A question for FL.....
I think a great addition to your American Revolution series would be a likeness of Peter Salem. Is it possible that he might be joining the ranks of your American Revolutionaries? He'd really be a nice inclusion indeed, IMHO.
Wonderful looking work, btw. The line is stunning.
..Also, for those who are interested, I have recently put up the paint masters of several of the AWI British 5th Foot on our website. Those inclined should go take a peek.
Hmm...this is a very interesting suggestion Joe. It's different/unique and goes perfectly with our current figures. Food for thought for sure. If you know of a portrait of him, please do let me know. And thanks for the kind words on the figure range.
Also, for those who are interested, I have recently put up the paint masters of several of the AWI British 5th Foot on our website. Those inclined should go take a peek.
Hmm...this is a very interesting suggestion Joe. It's different/unique and goes perfectly with our current figures. Food for thought for sure. If you know of a portrait of him, please do let me know. And thanks for the kind words on the figure range.
Also, for those who are interested, I have recently put up the paint masters of several of the AWI British 5th Foot on our website. Those inclined should go take a peek.
Hmm...this is a very interesting suggestion Joe. It's different/unique and goes perfectly with our current figures. Food for thought for sure. If you know of a portrait of him, please do let me know. And thanks for the kind words on the figure range.