The Americanisation of Film and Television. (1 Viewer)

I have to say, after watching an episode of "You Are What You Eat" (if I recall the title correctly) on BBC-America this weekend, I'm not sure that the damage is all one way or not. The rest of the English-speaking world gets to see our dreck, of course, but if seeing an overweight family examine their stools with a dietician is standard British TV fare, I'll quote my favorite TV sidekick, Al Borland from "Home Improvement", and say, "I don't think so, Tim!"

Maybe we can agree that TV is crap pretty much wherever you go. Turn off the idiot box and grab your paintbrush instead.

I have to say, after watching an episode of "You Are What You Eat" (if I recall the title correctly) on BBC-America this weekend, I'm not sure that the damage is all one way or not. The rest of the English-speaking world gets to see our dreck, of course, but if seeing an overweight family examine their stools with a dietician is standard British TV fare, I'll quote my favorite TV sidekick, Al Borland from "Home Improvement", and say, "I don't think so, Tim!"

Maybe we can agree that TV is crap pretty much wherever you go. Turn off the idiot box and grab your paintbrush instead.



This programme is quite literally cr*p, and I think I speak on behalf of the majority of our nation when I say that we would be quite happy to bury that annoying, weasel of a presenter in that which she studies.

Now "Home Improvement", I can watch that all night long. In fact when I grow up, I want to be Tim Taylor. :D

This programme is quite literally cr*p, and I think I speak on behalf of the majority of our nation when I say that we would be quite happy to bury that annoying, weasel of a presenter in that which she studies.

Now "Home Improvement", I can watch that all night long. In fact when I grow up, I want to be Tim Taylor. :D

Argh, argh, argh! :)
Meryl Streep did a pretty good Aussie accent as Lindy Chamberlain in Evil Angels.
I might be guilty of going off at a tangent here but.....

If you really want to hear something strange - watch a dubbed movie in France.

Scene: Big John (The Duke) Wayne walks up to the bar - orders a shot - and downs it! Simple eh?

NO WAY _ Hosey!

He goes to the bar - and the bartender says in a deep voice, whilst polishing a glass - "Ca va?"

The Duke replies ( in a squeaky voice) "Ca va!"

Downs the drink - and..............Can't remember - I'm rolling on the floor with laughter and holding my sides by now!

How CAN they dub John Wayne's voice with someone with a squeaky French accent? No offence meant to all French people - but Big John - is Big John!

IF you have to dub it - use someone with a voice something like the Duke's! johnnybach
About 15-years ago, I watched The Horse Soldiers in Paris.
It was amusing, but the dubbers did a fair job.
I had already known most of the dialouge.
Apparently Dick Van Dyke is still a wanted man in the East end following ' Maaairy poppins' :wink2:

Apparently Dick Van Dyke is still a wanted man in the East end following ' Maaairy poppins' :wink2:


HAHA probably the worst English accent ever. Funny being a Brit in a different country, when ever anyone tries to mock my accent it sounds cockney. WHAT !! I am from Yorkshire and sound nowt like a cockney tha nose and no I don't fancy a spot of tea :rolleyes2:
Well that is nothing compared to Leonardo trying to sound like a Sefrican in Blood Diamond.
Well that is nothing compared to Leonardo trying to sound like a Sefrican in Blood Diamond.

Or Matt Damon as Captain of the Springboks in Invictus. What about Guy Pearce as Edward VIII in the King's Speech. Though I think Pearce is an English born Aussie.

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