The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862; Confederate right flank..... (1 Viewer)

As always George another great Civil War display, I truly enjoy the looks of the amassed troops and the sheer number you have represented, and as Bob mentioned it should be viewed at one of the historical sites to be shown to others to enjoy that have a interest in the Civil War, thanks for posting this wonderful piece...Sammy
Another epic battle George and you certainly know your history! Just curious, but is all the little people, 4 legged hounds and furry felines, wife etc banned from your cellar (im assuming that's where you have the display) when you have your awesome dio set-up? :wink2:^&grin


Thanks Tom, I appreciate your feedback; the history behind the battle is as important to get right as the diorama itself IMO.

Great question about the display; my girlfriend actually gets a kick out of the displays, she'll come downstairs for a look when she knows I'm down there, she's pretty amazed with the whole thing which is comical but true, she's a keeper.........:wink2:

The basement is off limits to the cats, it would be a disaster for them to invade this space as there would be figures scattered all over the basement if they ever got down there, the five of them (yep, you read that right, we've got five.............).
Wonderfull stuff George!!.....Simply wonderfull.......Thanks for your Post.


Absolutely stunning work-in fact gobsmackingly good.

As you well know this is one battle I would just love to cut my molars on in 54/60mm scale but could never cover it the way you have here-This should be on show at Fredericksburg all year round.

We have also both discussed the complete absence of any Rebs or Yanks in winter duds although I do believe Ken Osen has half a dozen that will soon be premiered. Well that's a start I suppose.

Meanwhile the only scene of that battle I have been able to shoot is as is below depicting Pelham's action on the day when he kept Meade's boys heads down for an hour or so....and I had to winterize his gunners myself.

Magnificent work George and seriously it should be placed in the Fredericksburg Museum for all to see.



Thanks for the feedback, I'm humbled to say the least with such praise coming from you, the master 54mm ACW story teller.

It's funny for me to look back in this section of the site and see some of my earlier efforts at ACW dioramas, the first several were nothing short of amateur hour, I've come a long way with both the figures and the scenery.

I get a kick out of this, I enjoy visiting ACW battlefields, studying a particular area, buying books on the subject, studying maps and troop deployments and they trying to recreate them in miniature. Gives me a great deal of enjoyment for sure.

I love that winter scene of yours, it's one of my all time favorites and you are right, looks like Ken is doing some winter figures, I am hoping to find a way to get to Fredericksburg in December for the Britains event at the visitors center as well.............
As always George another great Civil War display, I truly enjoy the looks of the amassed troops and the sheer number you have represented, and as Bob mentioned it should be viewed at one of the historical sites to be shown to others to enjoy that have a interest in the Civil War, thanks for posting this wonderful piece...Sammy

Thanks Sammy, even though it's not your scale, I appreciate your comments, also pretty cool that you are able to trace your ancestors back to the ACW, my people came over in the early 1900's, thanks again for your comments........
Wonderfull stuff George!!.....Simply wonderfull.......Thanks for your Post.


Thanks Steve, I am glad you like it, I enjoyed planning and setting it up, that is for sure........
Fantastic recreation, George. Gives a good feel for the obstacle that the up-hill assault faced. I see the gorgeous Zouaves in all their glory and I noted Meagher's Irish Brigade, as well. Wish I had kept Troiani's 'Clear the Way'. I think it is the best print he has ever done, by far. Somebody made me an offer I couldn't turn down for it many years ago.:( -- Al

My wife tried to get a copy of that print for my birthday, but they were sold out almost as soon as released. As you said, one of the best prints ever done. Chris
Thanks Chris, glad you like it; I was inspired to do this upon entering the visitors center at Fredericksburg and I viewed the famous painting of the 114th PA attack on Jacksons men, the original is owned by the NPS and is spectacular to see in person, the show I attend there is held every October, gives me a good chance to see all the battlefields in the area............all of the gun positions are still visible on Prospect Hill as well, very well preserved.

George, when you return next yr, make some time to visit the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico. It's a short drive from Fredericksburg and well worth the visit if you've never been there. Many displays from 1:1 scale on down of the entire history of the Corps. I posted some pics when we visited, but that was two yrs ago.

Sorry to digress from the thread subject of your fantastic dio. Chris
George, when you return next yr, make some time to visit the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico. It's a short drive from Fredericksburg and well worth the visit if you've never been there. Many displays from 1:1 scale on down of the entire history of the Corps. I posted some pics when we visited, but that was two yrs ago.

Sorry to digress from the thread subject of your fantastic dio. Chris

Thanks for the heads up on the Marine Corps museum, I plan on getting there either this December when I travel to Annandale for a show on the 1st or next July when I go to Frederickburg for the Historicon gaming convention, I heard it is a spectacular museum, thanks for the reminder.

I want to try to visit Bull Run in December as well and head to Richmond in July and see Petersburg and Cold Harbor as well.............

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