The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 2008 (1 Viewer)

The Counterfeiters and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas were both great movies...

For no reason at all, our daughter watched the boy in the striped pyjamas at the weekend and insisted we watched when she visited last night. Very good, if somewhat predictable movie. The great thing about any film of this genre is that it encourages dialogue, something I had not had with my daughter on the subject before, and she is 22.
For no reason at all, our daughter watched the boy in the striped pyjamas at the weekend and insisted we watched when she visited last night. Very good, if somewhat predictable movie. The great thing about any film of this genre is that it encourages dialogue, something I had not had with my daughter on the subject before, and she is 22.

if you do get a chance...

watch the Counterfeiters... it fictionalizes Operation Bernhard, a secret plan by Nazi Germany during the Second World War to destabilize the United Kingdom by flooding its economy with forged Bank of England pound notes...

the dialog is filmed in there are subtitles...but it's worth it...a really interesting movie...
I thought Boy in the Striped Pajamas was ok, but was very disappointed in what I saw as a contrived ending. Saw it coming a mile off and kept hoping that the story wouldn't go for the obvious ending, but it did. Ruined an interesting movie. On the other hand, Downfall is an outstanding film. Best 'Last days of the Reich' movie I have seen. -- Al
I thought Boy in the Striped Pajamas was ok, but was very disappointed in what I saw as a contrived ending. Saw it coming a mile off and kept hoping that the story wouldn't go for the obvious ending, but it did. Ruined an interesting movie. On the other hand, Downfall is an outstanding film. Best 'Last days of the Reich' movie I have seen. -- Al

Had the same thoughts. Don't think the prisoners were able to move back and forth thru the wire at will. Did enjoy the movie though. Chris
Great movie and very well acted, have you seen the German WW2 movie 'Downfall' about the final days if Hitler in his Berlin bunker, well worth seeing, even though it's quite grim.

I thought Downfall was a superlative movie. I've read John Toland's The last 100 days book on the same thing and the eerie and unreal world of Hitler's bunker was perfectly captured. All the actors were superb, especially the main actor Bruno Ganz, who was unbelievable!

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