The Campaign in Germany, 1813........... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
May 12, 2005
French, Bavarian and Polish forces square off vs Russians and Prussians in Germany, 1813......





All of the figures are 20mm, all are hand painted metal figures.......






The field with the wall around it is scratch built, the windmill is from Scenic Effects, painted by David from TM Terrain, he does superb work as many of you know.......






There are about 1200 figures on this particular display, this one is smaller than most of my others, but I like the way it came out, may put together a larger one using all my French, Poles, Bavarians, Russians and Prussians at some point........






Great work, George! Is this what you've been doing the past few weeks? ;)

I take it you painted all of the figures? They're well done. Is the base 4'x8' ?

Are you going to try a Battle of the Nations display next?

Oh, and I just remembered, on the topic of wargame miniatures, this blog:

"Der Alte Fritz Journal", the owner is also on Facebook as "Der Alte Fritz", if you use Facebook. He has some interesting work, including scratching ordnance and train pieces, and scenery, as well as images of his painted figures, and some SBS posts. Very interesting to browse through his site.

Thanks for the link to that site and for the comments, the base is 5 by 4, I painted a good chunk of the figures.

I may do a Battle of the Nations layout in the near future...........
{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}Once again nice to see you at play George and thank you good Sir for sharing it with us along with the hours spent creating the battle scenes. Take care an be sure to say hello to your Dad for me.....Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}Once again nice to see you at play George and thank you good Sir for sharing it with us along with the hours spent creating the battle scenes. Take care an be sure to say hello to your Dad for me.....Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

I appreciate your comments as always Joe, always better to set up and enjoy toy soldiers than argue over them....................will say hello to my Dad for you as well.............
George, Great set up! Love the figures!^&cool I can,t wait to see the larger set up.^&cool This is just what I needed to see to get me off my butt and get down stairs and try and finish some of my half finished projects! Keep them coming.^&cool
George, Great set up! Love the figures!^&cool I can,t wait to see the larger set up.^&cool This is just what I needed to see to get me off my butt and get down stairs and try and finish some of my half finished projects! Keep them coming.^&cool

Nice to hear from you Tim, hope you are doing well, thanks for the comments; I need to work on getting more Russian Infantry and cavalry first and am hoping to put about 3,000 figures on the table......................
Nice to hear from you Tim, hope you are doing well, thanks for the comments; I need to work on getting more Russian Infantry and cavalry first and am hoping to put about 3,000 figures on the table......................

Lucky for you that you choose the right scale to collect, Russian cavalry in 1/32 scale are impossible to find and trying to find space to set up 3000 1/32 scale figures would be a bit tough to say the least.{eek3} I,ve always been jealous of whats available in 1/28 and 1/72 scale as far as figures and the huge set ups that can be done in those scales I,ve been tempted a few times to get into one of those scales but that would be like starting all over again and painting figures that small would kill whats left of my eyes. Painting 3000?????{eek3}
George, a well done display! {bravo}} This really is the only way to do the Napoleonic Wars justice. You have some nicely painted figures btw. :salute::

Lucky for you that you choose the right scale to collect, Russian cavalry in 1/32 scale are impossible to find and trying to find space to set up 3000 1/32 scale figures would be a bit tough to say the least.{eek3} I,ve always been jealous of whats available in 1/28 and 1/72 scale as far as figures and the huge set ups that can be done in those scales I,ve been tempted a few times to get into one of those scales but that would be like starting all over again and painting figures that small would kill whats left of my eyes. Painting 3000?????{eek3}

As great as the variety is in 20mm, it's even greater in 15mm; that is THE most popular wargaming scale for Napoleonics. Not far behind is 28mm, loads of options there too.

As far as the painting; my collection goes back to 1992 or so, we're talking 20 years, which is a long time to build up my armies.........
George, a well done display! {bravo}} This really is the only way to do the Napoleonic Wars justice. You have some nicely painted figures btw. :salute::


Thanks Jeff, you've seen my Napoleonics collection grow and grow courtesy of this forum, glad you like what you've seen so far.............
Another fantastic set up George, very nicely done as usual. You are the forum master of mass formations, lots of the little guys always make for quite the impressive display. Keep 'em coming.

Well George, although the subject matter of your photos is not the ACW, they are still brilliantly done and a pleasure to view . . . . . good show . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Another fantastic set up George, very nicely done as usual. You are the forum master of mass formations, lots of the little guys always make for quite the impressive display. Keep 'em coming.


Thanks B, I appreciate it, 20mm lends itself to mass, which is what trips my trigger...........

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