The Foraging Mission (2 Viewers)


Sergeant Major
Jan 17, 2006
This is my very first attempt at creating a "dio-drama". I've been deeply inspired by many of the diodramas posted here previously by other forum members. I hope that my efforts here somehow measure up to the rest. Given my singular focus on 18th C US history, I was somewhat limited in choosing a topic. I considered creating combat scenes that depicted some of the more seminal battles of either the FIW or AWI. However, I wanted to do something different and challenge my creativity (or lack thereof). The "foraging" subject came to me one day out of no where so I thought about pursuing that idea. So here goes.........

It is late October 1776. The 17th Dragoons are camped in the northwestern part of New Jersey. They are taking part in the British mission of chasing and capturing the Continental Army which is fresh off a major defeat in White Plains, NY and are now retreating into NJ.
The day for Jane Aswell begins with her usual laundry chores. Soon after hanging the laundry Jane hears noises coming from the lower road near the farm. Her husband Hezekiah had just rode up on his horse to inform her that a small unit of British dragoons was in the area most likely on a foraging mission. He quickly left his wife and rode off to warn Mrs. Sarah Davis who lived a few miles away. The Davis farm was full of livestock and the Brits would surely have their way there.


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The only way to get to his neighbor’s farm without being seen was to take a back path through the forest. Unfortunately Hezekiah was too late. The British were already there and he could only watch from afar as the dragoons approached Mrs. Davis and her kids. Sarah was without her husband Zach who was off fighting with the Continental Army. The area had been embroiled in a civil war since independence was declared last July. Patriots and loyalists were constantly raiding each other’s properties and confiscating what they could. Apparently a local Tory tipped off the dragoons regarding the Davis farm in order to recompense for some damages done to someone on the loyalist side.


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In the middle of her daily farming duties Mrs. Sarah Davis is suddenly startled at the sight of the British on her land and doesn’t know what to do. Her instincts tell her to quickly reach for her gun and grab little Nellie. She has no time to run for her 10 year old son, Nathaniel, who was working near the barn. She can only hope that he would come out to her in the pasture area. Sarah is now forced to confront the approaching dragoon officer.


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Brilliant start and a superb scene. Look forward to you developing this
Lieutenant Watters promptly notifies Mrs. Davis that his orders are to commandeer food & supplies for the King’s men camped about 10 miles away. She would be given a receipt for the provisions taken from her farm whereby she could go to the British camp commissary for reimbursement. She is told that as long as she and her family cooperated that no harm would become them.


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With the outbreak of war, Nathaniel’s father gave him a pistol to carry as a precaution. Upon hearing the dragoons enter the barn yard, Nathaniel hid for his life. But when his favorite piglet ran out of the pen towards the barn, he immediately ran out of hiding to save it. After scooping the little guy up, Nathaniel couldn’t help but take a quick look at the dragoons in action as they pillage his family’s farm.


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Within 20 minutes the dragoons round up all the cattle and other livestock from the fields and are herding them back to camp. The food and other supplies they got make for a seemingly successful foraging mission.


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With a 10 mile hike ahead of them, anything could happen...............


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Very well done. Nice editing and picture selection to tell your story. Different brands look great together too.

It's great to see the AWI done up like this!

Mark...great job...I love the story line...your pictures are superb and am anxious to see where this goes...fantastic...
Very nice staged, photograph an told Mark and hopefully your story line will continue.....The Lt.
Simply superb Mark.

Brilliant scene construction and a very strong opening story line. I am more than impressed. Really sterling work.

Also well pleased we have some new blood on this particular board as apart from Kevin and Joe's input most of the other "diodramas" appear to have been frozen in time.

Well done and keep the story rolling

Great work on your pictures and story Mark. I enjoyed viewing the photos. John
Thank you all very much for the compliments!! They are very encouraging. It took me seemingly forever to perfect the story and the scenes. I must have shot the scenes about 3 times on 3 separate occasions. I was not happy with how it turned out but I decided to just go ahead and post it anyway as it would take me forever before I would be happy with the end result.

I thank you all once again and I will work on an ending to this story sometime in the near future.

Just fabulous Mark, I enjoyed reading your story and I look forward to more in the future!!!
I do not collect these, but they are bright figures with which you have put together in a story format which displays them well, good effort, hope you look to continue with more. Cheers, Robin.

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