The FW 190..beautiful but by no means perfect. (1 Viewer)


Hey, I'm a K&C fan 100% and cheer them all the time. I also have an extensive K&C collection. But I also know that they have made a few mistakes here and there that have been disappointing to me and I feel it is okay for people to speak up if they have something they don't like about a certain piece. The phrase from your thread "And this is where 'Don't like don't buy' is perfectly acceptable to me, these people have no intention of buying the product (and probably never did before they even saw it) but are set upon ruining others enjoyment , on these occasions I will happily use it." would not be true in my case as before when I had a problem with the Firefly, I had been waiting for a Firefly for a long time and when it finally came out, there were a couple of issues I felt I couldn't live with so I didn't buy it. I wanted to buy it (and might still yet if I break down) but didn't. It is a great looking model to the eye, and for probably 95% or so of collector's, no problem. Anyway, expressing disappointment occasionally by a true K&C collector should always be welcome, even on the K&C thread list. Anyway, these are my thoughts and don't take it wrong, you seem like a great guy mate!

Duke my friend, I in Nooooooooooooooooooooo way meant you at all, no no no, I was talking about a few who really dislike K&C at all (their perfect right of course)but sometimes make mischief, please accept my apologies if it appeared I meant you, nothing further from the truth.

All opinions are valid here, for or against, I just love coming here to share the hobby, even with people who don't enjoy the things I do.

All the best

Yep I agree Mitch. These threads have plenty of room for both celebration and critique. I also agree re other producers threads, I may be a flag waver or ra ra for one company (and have been called a lot worse in another place by one member) but am not in the habit of going onto another producers thread to wind up fans of said company. Its just not Cricket....that we appear to be doing very well at right now...sorry Wayne;)


The reaction ... to any precept of none critique....on the KC threads...

I popped a post in before seeing yours. but, your point about where do we draw the line is pertinent as the line is drawn wherever the debate ends there does not have to be a definitive answer to the question as the forum allows debate about products but, it allows collectors of all levels to have there say about a product and, to learn more about that product maybe, before they part with their hard earned money. Thats got to be a good thing and should never be stopped because some don't like repetitve threads.

It does not matter to me whether this type of thread is repeated every day as long as someone gains from it and, from debates like this you do learn more than boringly looking at old threads.

Great Post....Totally Agree.....I personally like the FW 190 even though it may not be historically accurate in some aspects...... I appreciate an "accurate critique" of products since these pieces are expensive.........Nice plane regrets
This is the reaction any precept of none critique....

So you think there is something wrong with the bathroom door on the Me262 :confused: I don't think the Me262 had a bathroom. :confused: What are you trying to say? Do you have to go to the bathroom? :) You know what to do. Put up your hand and you will be excused. And don't forget to wash your hands. :)

And dry them too. ;)

So you think there is something wrong with the bathroom door on the Me262 :confused: I don't think the Me262 had a bathroom. :confused: What are you trying to say? Do you have to go to the bathroom? :) You know what to do. Put up your hand and you will be excused. And don't forget to wash your hands. :)

And dry them too. ;)


Are you....trying to "flush" me out...and give up the wrong with the Me-262..:D
No one said Paul didn't have a sense of humor. Paul, isn't it time for a poem? :) At some point, we'll be flushing this thread down the toilet. Oops, bathroom humor there ;)
Brad mate,
Once again the question begs to be asked, "What do they put in the water in Cambridge, MA":D:D
Cheers Howard
I've been reading this thread with interest on how everyone views the topic of accuracy in a model. I can appreciate lots of different viewpoints and that not eveyone looks at it the same. I don't really accept the phrase "if you don't like it don't buy it" as a "catch all" for arguing against someone who wants to critique a certain model. After all, we are talking about models that sell for around $200+/-. For that much money, I believe the manufacturer has a responsibility to produce a model as accurately as possible. This is done most of the time, but there have been times where a significant mistake was made and with minimal research could have been avoided. This is where it becomes a problem for me. If I was buying a plastic tank at the department store for 10 or even 20 dollars that was advertized as a Sherman tank and it basically looked like a Sherman tank, no problem. I just expect for an expensive collector's piece (not a toy) that it be right (some minor mistakes being acceptable). And like I said, this is usually the case, but not always. Anyway, I agree with you Mitch about being able to discuss the shortcomings of any particular model and also about holding accuracy to a high standard for the price.

Total agree & well said that man :)
Duke my friend, I in Nooooooooooooooooooooo way meant you at all, no no no, I was talking about a few who really dislike K&C at all (their perfect right of course)but sometimes make mischief, please accept my apologies if it appeared I meant you, nothing further from the truth.

All opinions are valid here, for or against, I just love coming here to share the hobby, even with people who don't enjoy the things I do.

All the best


Thanks Rob, and no worries.:) I guess I was reading too much into your post. Thanks for the clarification.

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