The German's & their Allies ! (2 Viewers)

Good points Joe made on the subject. And he points out that some appropriate figures have already been produced glossy; if they sold ok glossy why would they not sell Matt?

Although a different line, I think a Russian Finnish. War line would be neat.

Rolf ,

Hiriart has produced alot of these countries soldiers in glossy...check out the Hiriart thread , Mike Tarantino ( ucla1967 ) post's alot of great pic's...
I am thinking 2014 may be the best time for K&C to delve into this topic...I know Andy has said he get's alot of suggestion's & idea's from collector's & i am sure his head spin's from everybody wanting this or that made...This is not like saying Andy/K&C i want a 37mm anti-tank gun...This is saying to the toy soldier producing world , that hey , we are intelligent collector's of toy soldiers & of keeper's of history in miniature...reproducing battles in diorama's & having examples of this or that...
But the glossing over of all these participant's is mind-boggling...All these countries that fought are like Jimmy Stewart in it's a wonderful life...wishing they had never been born...& Clarence the angel say's ok George...You'd never been born...poof !
it's the toy soldier equivalent of that...& every company is guilty of it...
I am not saying we have to go off the deep end into insanity & have new Hungarian soldiers every month...i am talking about some type of representation of all these countries @ some point in the toy soldier world...


I collect Italian armour used in North Afrika. There is little scope for Italian models from the Eastern Front. Of the 10 Italian divisions there, only 3 were mechanized (trucks) and only one of them had any tanks - about 60 L6/40 light tanks with a 20mm gun and eventually 12 Panzer IV. Essentially, the Eastern Front Italians were an infantry force that was in Russia for only a short time till they were wiped out at Stalingrad. If K&C do an L6/40 for North Afrika, it may serve for the Eastern Front version with different markings.


You are right.....Italians were mostly an infantry force in Russia, and of little value....

Only one italian corps fought with bravery and some effectiveness in the russian winter: the " Alpini". Mountain troops of choice ,trained to fight in the cold, despite the ridiculous Italian equipment ..... With little artillery and especially their mortars carried by mules defended themselves well during their retreat by breaking the Russian encirclement.
From my country - unfortunately - one finds the Waffen SS Flemish Legion with 10.000 men and the 28th SS Freilwilligen Grenadier Division Wallonien with 6.700 men . There were also 22.000 Dutchmen in the Waffen SS

They fought with courage in the "Nordland" waffen ss division from Leningrad to Berlin. These volunteers, (like the spanish of " azul"), were anti-communists and fought a kind of anti-Bolshevik crusade. The few survivors were given back to their country and executed .
Here's a well made Romanian Soldier from Del Prado...Also a pic of Romanian's with one of their 38(t)'s...A pic i had found when i was pushing for the 38(t) to be made...Also a Hungarian toy soldier that a friend was able to acquire for me from Budapest Hungary...


vanatori_t38_l.jpgphpnOuKdhAM.jpgMisc 589.jpg


The 38(t) is pictured in the black & white photo with the Romanian's...the Toldi was also used by the Hungarian's as well...I used the Czech made 38(t) as a great example of an AFV that was used by the German's , Hungarian' s,Romanian's , Bulgarian's & the Slovak's...therefore making it a perfect fit for a toy soldier company like K&C who is the only company to make one to actually capitalize on it's wide usage by simply rebadging it...

I painted both the Flemish and the Walloon SS volunteers in 1/35 scale a long time ago.The Walloon SS had the swastika in yellow and red on their left sleeve ( yellow and red are the colours of the Flag of Wallonie) The Flemish volunteers had the Flemish lion sewed on the left lower sleeve of their uniform.
here are a few pics of both figures

I think this is one thread I would love Andy C. to address. None of the major TS companies (except Del Prado which does one offs so I am not surprised they have done one) have approached this market; is it is deemed too niche for mainstream consumers? My guess there is likely still so many mainstream opportunities out there that is just low on the priority list. But including the Indische Legion figure manning the atlantic wall and the recent handschar figures give me pause this is not your typical toy soldier company and one of the reasons I why converted from wbritains outside of AZW despite the higher prices. My guessmate is if K&C would to do this genre it would be similar to North African Vichy figures as supplement troops to an existing line ie Afrika Korp.

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I painted both the Flemish and the Walloon SS volunteers in 1/35 scale a long time ago.The Walloon SS had the swastika in yellow and red on their left sleeve ( yellow and red are the colours of the Flag of Wallonie) The Flemish volunteers had the Flemish lion sewed on the left lower sleeve of their uniform.
here are a few pics of both figures
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Guy ,

Some nicely painted figures...

I think this is one thread I would love Andy C. to address. None of the major TS companies (except Del Prado which does one offs so I am not surprised they have done one) have approached this market; is it is deemed too niche for mainstream consumers? My guess there is likely still so many mainstream opportunities out there that is just low on the priority list. But including the Indische Legion figure manning the atlantic wall and the recent handschar figures give me pause this is not your typical toy soldier company and one of the reasons I why converted from wbritains outside of AZW despite the higher prices. My guessmate is if K&C would to do this genre it would be similar to North African Vichy figures as supplement troops to an existing line ie Afrika Korp.

I am getting a couple of the Handscar figures for Christmas WS253 & WS256 , i never miss an oppurtunity to add a unique WW2 related item to my collection...I appreciate all the reply's to the thread...Really , what it's about to me is representing history...
These nation's were involved & their soldiers fought & died just like everybody else...When collecting an era as in this case WW2 , is a toy soldier collection or a diorama really accurate if you are missing so many particaipants of said event ???!!??
I think it would breath some much breath into the would also enhance diorama's as well...The possibilities !
Hears to hoping 2014 bring's us some surprises !
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to All !!

Hi Guys,

Like most of you I too am interested in all aspects of the Second World War and in every army that took part…I like to think that over the years King & Country has, from time to time, travelled into more “less visited areas” than any of our competitors…Czech patriots assassinating Heydrich…Russian Cossacks in the German Army…The French Army in both 1940 and 1944 as well as The Maquis in action…Italian Forces in Italy, North Africa and Eritrea and just recently The Bosnian SS Division that operated in Eastern Europe. Let’s also not forget two different series of Japanese Forces. As even a short glance at this list shows we’re not shying away from less explored areas. However, it’s still about time and resources and the apportioning thereof. Last time I looked there were still only 24 hours in a day and, alas, just 7 days in a week!

Many of the suggestions and ideas put forward are indeed interesting and deserve more looking into. That, I promise you, we will continue to do throughout the year. When and where we believe that there is sufficient interest and sales potential we will dive in, rest assured on that.

Now, just a wee bit of background INTEL to consider…A few years back we were working with Del Prado to produce many different series including “Soldiers of the 20th Century” . We designed and produced over 100 different figures including many WW2 ones for a whole range of armies.

One time I asked their Sales & Marketing Chief which ones sold best…Quick as a flash she answered “That’s easy…Germans Number One…British Number Two…Americans Number Three followed closely by French!”

“What about the rest?” I queried “We could put all the rest together and they still would not sell half as many as the Germans."

Now, I’m not saying that is right or correct but from a business point of view it’s worth thinking about.

So, keep those ideas and suggestions coming in…You never know your luck.
All the best and a very Merry Christmas to one and all!
Andy C.​
I will be happy if you just keep adding to the present series. Merry Christmas Andy, see you on the other side.:salute::, Robin.
Hi Guys,

Like most of you I too am interested in all aspects of the Second World War and in every army that took part…I like to think that over the years King & Country has, from time to time, travelled into more “less visited areas” than any of our competitors…Czech patriots assassinating Heydrich…Russian Cossacks in the German Army…The French Army in both 1940 and 1944 as well as The Maquis in action…Italian Forces in Italy, North Africa and Eritrea and just recently The Bosnian SS Division that operated in Eastern Europe. Let’s also not forget two different series of Japanese Forces. As even a short glance at this list shows we’re not shying away from less explored areas. However, it’s still about time and resources and the apportioning thereof. Last time I looked there were still only 24 hours in a day and, alas, just 7 days in a week!

Many of the suggestions and ideas put forward are indeed interesting and deserve more looking into. That, I promise you, we will continue to do throughout the year. When and where we believe that there is sufficient interest and sales potential we will dive in, rest assured on that.

Now, just a wee bit of background INTEL to consider…A few years back we were working with Del Prado to produce many different series including “Soldiers of the 20th Century” . We designed and produced over 100 different figures including many WW2 ones for a whole range of armies.

One time I asked their Sales & Marketing Chief which ones sold best…Quick as a flash she answered “That’s easy…Germans Number One…British Number Two…Americans Number Three followed closely by French!”

“What about the rest?” I queried “We could put all the rest together and they still would not sell half as many as the Germans."

Now, I’m not saying that is right or correct but from a business point of view it’s worth thinking about.

So, keep those ideas and suggestions coming in…You never know your luck.
All the best and a very Merry Christmas to one and all!
Andy C.​


I get that a single figure release by Del Prado from another country may not sell well... Why should it ?
What can a collector bank on , with a single foreign country pose ? It just doesn't play well for collector's
To buy a single figure of a different army to add to a diorama or leaves you feeling empty...I get that German's sell well...but it also comes to a point that I have read history , & know a lot is missing...Do you really believe if you released a limited series or a mini series based on each country that it would be a losing proposition ??? After being on this forum for two years I believe...
I have seen the intelligence of toy soldier collector's...I believed in a 38t release...did that not work well ?
Andy I met & spoke with you in 2000 & we talked about these same things....I get economics & sales & advertising...I also believe that if you lead people will follow...
It's history that I's a story that has been written...that is how I see it...
I don't really believe you would come out on the losing end if you released limited series would create incredible buzz !! Just on speculation alone....collector's would be left guessing !? What's next ?? Isn't that what it is all about?
It was a global war...let 's represent it Asa such!,,!
Thanks for responding are quite the entrepreneur...& u have run cutting edge...let's just go for something different...I believe if you lead people will follow...

Given that the Germans, followed by the British, are the best sellers how about a few figures of some British who wore German uniform? This treacherous lot would also practice standard British parade drill ! {eek3}

Never say never. K&C from time to time release out of the box potentially non-commercial limited releases as they stated on this thread. This wouldn't be my cup of tea but seems a reasonable niche request. Perhaps if its only the "badging" on some AFV's you need changing try contacting one of our forum member experts who do these types of jobs all the time.
Never say never. K&C from time to time release out of the box potentially non-commercial limited releases as they stated on this thread. This wouldn't be my cup of tea but seems a reasonable niche request. Perhaps if its only the "badging" on some AFV's you need changing try contacting one of our forum member experts who do these types of jobs all the time.


It's not just about rebadging say a 38t...It's about filling in the blanks...History tell's us a story of what happened...As a collector or dioramist it is about bringing the story to life...You need all the pieces of a puzzle to finish it...IMHO...

Merry Christmas to All...

A lot of Nations joined the Wehrmacht or SS to fight for their freedom from English colonialism the same way Eastern European nations fought with Hitler to overthrow Stalin.

Here is the Legion Free India ("Indische Freiwilligen-Legion Regiment 950") who fought in France in 1944. Units like this will not sell in an Anglo-Saxon dominated hobby in my opinion.





A lot of Nations joined the Wehrmacht or SS to fight for their freedom from English colonialism the same way Eastern European nations fought with Hitler to overthrow Stalin.

Here is the Legion Free India ("Indische Freiwilligen-Legion Regiment 950") who fought in France in 1944. Units like this will not sell in an Anglo-Saxon dominated hobby in my opinion.






Andanna ,

IMO I think all these nation's that are not represented in our hobby , would be ideal as limited release series of say 4 to 6 figures...Also if it was up to me each release would come with an AFV that was used by said nation in combat...
As an example if I was releasing eastern front German's for the month , I would release a set of supporting Hungarian soldiers with them...Then to build Buzz announce another special never before released nation in another couple months...To build speculation...
I have been collecting for twenty years & would like to represent these nations in my collection...

I would just like to see K&C do some more Indian Army Sikhs and Gurkhas. Maybe CBI theater. Does anyone know what the K&C item number for that D-Day fortifications piece is? Thought it was kinda silly looking when I first saw it with the Sikh machine gunner. Now that I'm sure its disappeared or appreciated in value I want it (of course).

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