At the risk of be-laboring a point, we have beaten the h*ll out of this subject many other times on this forum. For example, here:
While I generally concede that each of us is entitled to his/her opinion, I have seen the damage that abuse of copyrights has casued. I think most of us "get it" but there still appears to be some holdouts. Hopefully they will become educated to the notion that copying is stealing.
When you buy a figure, you buy/acquire the right to possession - to hold it. You do not acquire- unless you have a license- the right to reproduce, modify or sell it. Those rights remain with the manufacturer or other owner.
Let's not disrespect the hard-earned rights those who give us our toys (and thereby, so much pleasure) for the sake of saving a few bucks. Character is measured by what one does when no one is looking.
Mike, you are a stand-up guy. That post took courage. I'm proud to know you.