The Knights of Bushido (2 Viewers)

Interesting to read the different viewpoints.

My parents had a lot of friends and relatives that served in the Pacific theatre. My late wife's father was an Anti Aircraft Gunner in Darwin during WW2 and Two of his brothers fought in the Pacific Theatre, One brother being captured by the Japanese. They all retained negative feelings about the Japanese and none of them have owned Japanese cars.

My father was a Bomb Aimer/Navigator in Lancaster bombers during WW2 but didn't hate the Germans. Of course there are other forum members that have different opinions about the Germans, which I can understand but for some reason the Japanese were hated more than the Germans in my family, especially by my wife's uncles.

I still call the Japanese 'Japs' purely as an abbreviation but I haven't harbored any hated or passed that onto my sons. My oldest son studied in Japan for Two months and now teaches Japanese and History in a Brisbane High School.

Just reading through this thread. Interesting topic and I agree that’s it’s interesting to read different viewpoints.

This is my two pence’s worth.

My Nan’s house was bombed in the war. She couldn’t stand the Germans and she let you know about it, bless her.

My Grandad Fought in Burma. He never talked about it much, but I know he didn’t like to Japs and you could tell he had a different opinion about them to the Germans as his face used to change when anything Japanese come up in conversation.

I really hope the Country cerebrates VJ day as it did for VE day (as far as possible in these times).

IMHO I think If anybody don’t like the word JAPS. Tough. That's how it was. Get over it.

Ps. Getting back to the start of the thread. I really like the new Japs. I'm buying them

By coincidence I was speaking to one of my wife's cousins yesterday. Ron and I are great friends being both around 60 years old, and share an interest in Toys and Military. He served Six years in the Australian Army. He told me his Uncle Gerry had a narrow escape whilst in Japanese captivity. He was walking in the Prison and a Japanese Officer starting yelling at him and pushed him to his knees gripping his sword. Another Aussie soldier intervened and apologised to the officer and explained that this soldier was new in camp and didn't know prisoners were supposed to Stop and Bow every time they encountered a Japanese Officer in the prison. Apparently Uncle Gerry was going to be Beheaded for his offence to the Officer. That's one good reason why the Aussies hated the Japanese. And the name of the Aussie solder that saved Uncle Gerry was the famous 'Weary' Dunlop. Certainly an interesting family history to have.

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