"The Latest K&C Club Figures" (1 Viewer)

I wish that each club figure signified the start of a new series or sub-series. My personal favorite was the Indo-China figure (which I was not able to get, and that is huge regret of mine!), and that is also a range that I would love to see.

If anyone is not a member of the club I highly recommend joining.
Nice figures. One of the things I like most about the Club are that the figures represent a wide variety of history and interests. They often go outside the regular K&C lines. K&C's passion for all kinds of history is quite evident, whether they be popular or not with collectors. K&C is like a history teacher, their varied releases force me into investigating parts of history I'm not familiar with and that usual sparks new interests. That keeps things fresh for me and keeps the hobby interesting. Kudos for having the guts to do this, many companies wouldn't, they'd just do something mainstream solely for the sales.

I joined the club as soon as i saw these, i was a member of the uk website and searched for about an hour before i realised it must be the other website. Does anyone have a release date for these 2?

When i joined i managed to bag myself a Madras Lancers British Officer, he's on his way in the post with my welcome package. I really wanted CF020 The Australian Digger but alas he was sold out due to popular demand:mad:


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