THE NAPOLEON THREAD II - For those who still hear the GUNS !! - but wont fire them. (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Jan 6, 2007

The new server eat my beautiful thread. So lets chat and start with how wonderful NAPOLEON was and how we all want to the worship his leadership.


:eek: :D
There are two things for certain in this life.Mr Gambale wants Italian stuff and Ron Likes Napoleon.

You know what'll happen don't you Ron.When its finally time for you to leave this earth you'll arrive at the pearly gates and St Peter will be there to greet you.And he'll say"Ron,we've been giving it a lot of thought and we've decided to send you back as.........Marshall Ney!"

All that adulation and Napoleon still gonna be pissed at you!.All you got to do is make sure you send infantry support with your cavalry,i mean its day one of cavalry kindergarten!.WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!(actually he thought we were retreating didn't he?-oops big cock up there Marshall!)

There are two things for certain in this life.Mr Gambale wants Italian stuff and Ron Likes Napoleon.

You know what'll happen don't you Ron.When its finally time for you to leave this earth you'll arrive at the pearly gates and St Peter will be there to greet you.And he'll say"Ron,we've been giving it a lot of thought and we've decided to send you back as.........Marshall Ney!"

All that adulation and Napoleon still gonna be pissed at you!.All you got to do is make sure you send infantry support with your cavalry,i mean its day one of cavalry kindergarten!.WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!(actually he thought we were retreating didn't he?-oops big cock up there Marshall!)




Let me have one day on the battlefield of Waterloo ..... and my friend you will be speaking FRENCH forever !!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

You might take the field, but you'll never cross the channel!

In the 19th Century, you'd have been met by hordes of farmers armed with pitchforks.

In the 20th Century, you'd have been met by the Home Guard armed with pitchforks.

In the 21st Century, you'll be met by HM Customs and Excise armed with their customs tariff sheet, and Napoleon - you cannot afford what they will charge. :p
In the 21st Century, you'll be met by HM Customs and Excise armed with their customs tariff sheet, and Napoleon - you cannot afford what they will charge. :p

LOL, nice one! Sad but very true.


You know what'll happen don't you Ron.When its finally time for you to leave this earth you'll arrive at the pearly gates and St Peter will be there to greet you.And he'll say"Ron,we've been giving it a lot of thought and we've decided to send you back as.........Marshall Ney!"

All that adulation and Napoleon still gonna be pissed at you!.All you got to do is make sure you send infantry support with your cavalry,i mean its day one of cavalry kindergarten!.WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!(actually he thought we were retreating didn't he?-oops big cock up there Marshall!)


Funny--Today out of the blue we had orders from two different collectors for Marshall Ney figures. Apparently he has a following!:p
Funny--Today out of the blue we had orders from two different collectors for Marshall Ney figures. Apparently he has a following!:p

Anyone been to the cemetery in Paris where Ney and a number of French marshals are buried? I think it is the same one as Jim Morrison. Very cool.
Anyone been to the cemetery in Paris where Ney and a number of French marshals are buried? I think it is the same one as Jim Morrison. Very cool.

I was looking for Oscar Wilde's grave in the Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise when I came across those musical types alright: the Chopin followers looked more scary than Jim Morrison's devotees.


Forgot to add a link for the French scuptor Jean Carries

He made polychrome horror masks, which inspired some of Andy's sculptors' early efforts until they made polystone facial expressions more human.
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There are two things for certain in this life.Mr Gambale wants Italian stuff and Ron Likes Napoleon.

You know what'll happen don't you Ron.When its finally time for you to leave this earth you'll arrive at the pearly gates and St Peter will be there to greet you.And he'll say"Ron,we've been giving it a lot of thought and we've decided to send you back as.........Marshall Ney!"

All that adulation and Napoleon still gonna be pissed at you!.All you got to do is make sure you send infantry support with your cavalry,i mean its day one of cavalry kindergarten!.WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!(actually he thought we were retreating didn't he?-oops big cock up there Marshall!)


I,ve read that it was not Ney that started this charge but a few jumpy cavalry trooper that saw the british moving back to the reverse side of the sloop on the hill to avoid artillary fire that was mistaken for a retreat by these jumpy cavalry troopers which started all the rest of the cavalry to advance in the confusion.
This was from letters discovered years after the battle from eye witness who saw these jumpy troopers start the charge.

Ney never had the chance to give his side of the story having been shoot by a firing sqaud but I think Ney was well aware of the british using this tactic of hiding on the reverse side of a hill and was one of the reasons why he was overly cautoius at the battle of quatre bras just before waterloo and did not fully commit his troops for fear of hidden troops behind the hills there. He may not be to blame at all for the first attack but he should not have made the repeted mistake of following up the first attack. The last of the attacks did have artillary and infantry support but the cavalry was pretty blown out by then.
The british and allied troops made great targets for the artillary all bunched up in squares and they did suffer greatly from these attacks and after the fall of La Haie Sainte were on the verge of breaking and if napoleon had commited the gaurd like Ney wanted then before wellington had a chance to reinforce his center It is said that he would have won the battle even with the prussains coming up in his rear because the british were on the verge of breaking at this point.
I used to be a Napoleon Fan until I read what a better General WELLINGTON was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was being good on your last thread..I was saying nice things about Napoleon and everything, as much as that hurt. I see the Vacation Island I put you on wasn't good enough....


Sorry Ron couldn't leave you unchecked........:)
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You might take the field, but you'll never cross the channel!

In the 19th Century, you'd have been met by hordes of farmers armed with pitchforks.

In the 20th Century, you'd have been met by the Home Guard armed with pitchforks.

In the 21st Century, you'll be met by HM Customs and Excise armed with their customs tariff sheet, and Napoleon - you cannot afford what they will charge. :p



:D :D :D
I,ve read that it was not Ney that started this charge but a few jumpy cavalry trooper that saw the british moving back to the reverse side of the sloop on the hill to avoid artillary fire that was mistaken for a retreat by these jumpy cavalry troopers which started all the rest of the cavalry to advance in the confusion.
This was from letters discovered years after the battle from eye witness who saw these jumpy troopers start the charge.

Ney never had the chance to give his side of the story having been shoot by a firing sqaud but I think Ney was well aware of the british using this tactic of hiding on the reverse side of a hill and was one of the reasons why he was overly cautoius at the battle of quatre bras just before waterloo and did not fully commit his troops for fear of hidden troops behind the hills there. He may not be to blame at all for the first attack but he should not have made the repeted mistake of following up the first attack. The last of the attacks did have artillary and infantry support but the cavalry was pretty blown out by then.
The british and allied troops made great targets for the artillary all bunched up in squares and they did suffer greatly from these attacks and after the fall of La Haie Sainte were on the verge of breaking and if napoleon had commited the gaurd like Ney wanted then before wellington had a chance to reinforce his center It is said that he would have won the battle even with the prussains coming up in his rear because the british were on the verge of breaking at this point.


:D :eek: :D
What is everyone thoughts on what Andy is going to do next on our favorite range - NAPOLEONICS

.........or as Wellington would put it the WELLINGTON - WHO GOT LUCKY AT WATERLOO RANGE.


LOL :D :D - just kidding ol chap.
Well i'd like a cannon being towed,Brit or French.How about a small group of mounted officers again either would do.


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