THE NAPOLEON THREAD II - For those who still hear the GUNS !! - but wont fire them. (1 Viewer)

What is everyone thoughts on what Andy is going to do next on our favorite range - NAPOLEONICS

How about a scene from the coronation of Napoleon in Notre Dame cathedral? Thinking limited edition Napoleon carriage - the pope - the skies the limit.
Or Ponsonby being ridden down in the mud by the lancers.

I didn't realize there were so many French supporters amongst you yanks. The rest of us from the true English speaking part of the world have always supported the idea of a noble hardy British square resisting the mad onslaught of the Corsican Ogre. As Flashman said " There is nothing more amazing than watching the English peasant calmy staring certain death in the face". As the famous football chant goes

We won because We won because we won
I didn't realize there were so many French supporters amongst you yanks. The rest of us from the true English speaking part of the world have always supported the idea of a noble hardy British square resisting the mad onslaught of the Corsican Ogre. As Flashman said " There is nothing more amazing than watching the English peasant calmy staring certain death in the face". As the famous football chant goes

We won because We won because we won


Are you not a BOER ? Join us and we can defeat the dreaded English....:eek:


:D :D :D
Hey theres an idea!K&C Boer war!!

I don't think my nerves could stand it!

IAs Flashman said " There is nothing more amazing than watching the English peasant calmy staring certain death in the face".

A George MacDonald Fraser fan! Me too! I love the Flashman books, as well as the Dand MacNeil/MacAuslan series. Just for the record, for the last 100 years, we Yanks have loved the Brits, our closest allies. But back in the Napoleonic Era, there was no love lost between the Yanks and the Brits. We were at war with them two between 1812-1814, so its only natural for us to side with old Boney in this era.
A George MacDonald Fraser fan! Me too! I love the Flashman books, as well as the Dand MacNeil/MacAuslan series. Just for the record, for the last 100 years, we Yanks have loved the Brits, our closest allies. But back in the Napoleonic Era, there was no love lost between the Yanks and the Brits. We were at war with them two between 1812-1814, so its only natural for us to side with old Boney in this era.


Sometimes when walk the streets of Washignton on a cold night like tonight - you can still smell the burnt embers of our Capitol and White House from the War of 1812.......Yes, my friend the memories do run deep and with cold brisk breeze against your face - you try to forget the horrible sight of British Torches lighting up this wonderful City. :eek:

HAHAHAAHAHA - Just funning you Brits :D




Sometimes when walk the streets of Washignton on a cold night like tonight - you can still smell the burnt embers of our Capitol and White House from the War of 1812.......Yes, my friend the memories do run deep and with cold brisk breeze against your face - you try to forget the horrible sight of British Torches lighting up this wonderful City. :eek:

HAHAHAAHAHA - Just funning you Brits :D




I have no problem with them burning Washington - they were just trying to clean up some of the political trash. And besides, they got some beating for it down in New Orleans at the hands of Old Hickory and his boys.
Actually we should have burned Washington ourselves, I have been to DC. It is a boil on the Arse of the east coast. Sorry Ron
I hope you all realise what a good boy i've been in not getting involved in this Brits v Yanks stuff again.! I deserve lots of K&C goodies every day!!

Altogether now..."i'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"

Cue drinking of coke,slapping each other on the back etc.

I haven't been involved much either recently. I became too involved with Celebrity Big Brother and became obssesed with Shilpa Shetty instead of little metal figures!
Thought i'd not read you on the forum much lately,glad to see you back.I'm afraid being a very proud Brit i did get a little over zealous in my remarks and have resolved to be a good boy from now on.That whole Big Brother thing was quite a row eh,perhaps i should go comfort Davina Mcall.Its the only gentlemanly thing to do.

I hadn't read the previous Napoleonic thread so I'd missed all the action. Just had a quick catchup on it and WOW that was pretty heated wasn't it?
It made Jade Goody Vs Shilpa seem like a tiff over stock cubes. :)

Glad i missed it though cause as another proud Brit i'd have felt compelled to wade in. Instead I'm relieved I spent the last few weeks gazing adoringly at the TV screen whenever Shilpa came on!

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