The Official EOI Roman Thread (1 Viewer)

Hey Ken-

take a look at my "Second Armored in Iraq" thread under the diorama section- I am hoping to flood that bad boy next Spring with Legions of Romans!!

I am considering doing the following five dioramas:

1.) Zama (with Blackhawk- use EoI Romans if possible)- C'mon it's got Scipio, Hannibal and 80 flippin elephants!! How can you pass?? :D Also, given that it was on relatively flat ground, it's not like you have to shell out a ton on scenic pieces.

2.) Alesia- The Epic Siege- probably the least likely of the options- I think JG's American frontier fort pieces would work pretty well for this.

3.) Perhaps Masada- Mark (Marco55) sent me a boatload of great Osprey books showing various Roman sieges- it has me cooking up some great ideas

4.) Caesar's first landing in Britannia- judging from the book I am reading, again, thanks to Mark, that sounds like it was a real mess- I think it would be great to have my Conte War Galley smashing into the Britanian coast and mixing it up with a bunch of ticked off Celts.

5.) With KC's Egyptians- the meeting of Caesar and Cleopatra.
Amazing photos on that thread Chris, and wow that is quite a collection you have there. Looks like you are going to end up doing what a collector friend of mine does some weekends on either a beach near him in PR or sometimes in his garden.

A few weeks ago he loaded up his entire 1:6 scale figure, AFV, artillery and buildings collection in his truck (a large truck!) and headed down to the beach. He then set the whole lot up; DAK verses British 8th army. I will try to get some photos.

Excellent work! I am looking forward to seeing the Roman landings; will you also be going to the beach for that :D
So, back to ROME!:D;):) As its getting closer to release time I thought I would jump in here. I've put my nap glossy purchases on hold for the year in anticipation of these beauties. Is the release schedule still roughly the same?
So, back to ROME!:D;):) As its getting closer to release time I thought I would jump in here. I've put my nap glossy purchases on hold for the year in anticipation of these beauties. Is the release schedule still roughly the same?

SON'S OF DIS!! Who speaks these blasphemies in Caesar's name!!!

NEVER EVER allow Naps to be purchased in lieu of the Legion.

Report immediately to the Field of Mars, Legionaire- your beating awaits thee!!:D:D

So far as I know, I haven't heard anything to the contrary. This legionaire has taken to receiving the spoils from EBay plunders in order to pay for the upcoming June purchases.......... would be kind of rotten for Ken to delay till July, in order to celebrate Caesar:eek:
Don't make me break you back down to Optio there Centurian! As I CLEARLY stated the glossy naps have been on hold in eager anticipation of forthcoming Legions as none are currently available to this Tribune (at least that I haven't already scooped up).;)

You clearly must have been recruited from the barbarian outer provinces:D:eek::D.

I shall have to consult the Oracle on an appropriate punishment for such an outburst!:p

Well I am on holiday at the moment and about to start enjoying the Spanish sun. That’s if we get any with these changing weather patterns!

I am sorry to say that just before I left the office our factory informed us of some serious delays in our production lines (why does this always happen just before going away on holiday to try and relax) and that our predicted June schedule looks unlikely to materialize. I will give you more information when I get back to Hong Kong and after I have addressed the matter with them face to face. Needless to say these figures will be produced no matter what and of course I will bring these figures to market as soon as I am able. We have to have money to eat as well!

Anyway I can now announce that our initial offering will be the famous 14th legion that was of course stationed in Britannia in the 1st century AD. Legio XIIII to be precise and NOT Legio XIV as often misrepresented by figure makers and reenactment groups alike!

I have most of the figures now painted up and in the office and will provide more details at a later date. I am very pleased with the final results after so much hard work getting them to this stage and for your interest here is just one of the legionnaires.

For those of you that do not know the scale of our figures; they are approximately 54mm tall. Depending on your screen settings these pictures should show the figure much larger than life. On my screen here for example they are blown up to about 150% and the details still work perfectly; well at least for me.

I hope you enjoy the figure and more later from me.


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:eek:OH NO!!!:eek:

Ken- i sincerely appreciate the honesty and heads up on the delay. The new figure looks awesome- great to hear some more details like Legio XIIII and Britannia. We are your patient fans and will be there when they launch. Better to delay and issue perfection than hurry and blunder.

Have fun in the Spanish Sun!! :D

Don't make me break you back down to Optio there Centurian! As I CLEARLY stated the glossy naps have been on hold in eager anticipation of forthcoming Legions as none are currently available to this Tribune (at least that I haven't already scooped up).;)

You clearly must have been recruited from the barbarian outer provinces.

I shall have to consult the Oracle on an appropriate punishment for such an outburst!:p

The fact that you mentioned Napoleon on a Roman thread is an affront!! How dare you bring that Gaulish swine into the midst of our beloved Republic!! :D

Don't try to cover your blasphemies by saying I misread the dispatch.

Well, it would appear from our Consul Clarke that our Legions will not be able to join us for the campaign season so perhaps we wait a bit longer- must be some kind of delay in Carthage or Alexandria.

Dear FRCs

Veni, Vidi, Impedimenti, Vici.

I came, I saw, I had some slight production problems, I conquered!

I wish they were stuck in Alexandria Chris. It looks like at this moment they are still marching along the Silk Road!
I wish they were stuck in Alexandria Chris. It looks like at this moment they are still marching along the Silk Road!

That comment conjures up a funny image in my head- a bunch of EoI Roman prototypes squaring off against KC Imperial Chinese Figures :D:D Talk about historical fiction:p
That comment conjures up a funny image in my head- a bunch of EoI Roman prototypes squaring off against KC Imperial Chinese Figures :D:D Talk about historical fiction:p


I have recently finished a novel called “Empire of Dragons” by Valerio Massimo Manfredi (author of “The Last Legion”) based on exactly your comments! Apparently this is a recently debated hypothesis as to whether Roman soldiers may have been present at some point in ancient China. Worth a read imho.

Hey Jeff-

thanks for the heads up. Sounds like there is a lot LOT of excellent Roman era fiction waiting to be reviewed.

I have read over some of the discussions regarding Rome in China tough they are a bit over my head as my knowledge of the subject matter is relatively limited. It would make for an extraordinary piece of aracheological or historical discovery if someone could prove these theories out. Me, well, I gotta believe as extensive as the Roman Empire was, there had to be some measure of interaction. i would think it would have come in the late Empire stages and moreso with the Eastern Empire- just basing that idea on the Mongols and their attacks on Rome.

Thanks again bud

Alright- the ramifications of this news are starting to sink in and I am feeling a wee bit depressed- perhaps I should take one of the legions out and go sack something- that might make me feel better- I dunno :D

Bummer- well, the upside is that I have a pretty hefty warchest now for the GBurg show- I have been eyeing up a certain mounted Roman from St. Pete- maybe I can find him this weekend.
That new figure looks fantastic; well worth the regrettable delay. I hope there are suitable candidates in the lot for Optio/Centurion Quintus Licinius CATO, Centurion Lucius Cornelius MACRO and Legatus Vespasian:D I have finished the first five of the Simon Scarrow Roman Legion series I am eagerly looking forward to the rest. I still prefer Benard Cornwell but Scarrow is great. Vivat Cato and Macro;);)
For those who are interested: Scarrow
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NAPOLEON,NAPOLEON,NAPOLEON! :D:D:):eek: WHEH, got that out of my system;). What was th Corsican but a Julius wannabe eh? Imitation is, after all, the sincerest form of flattery.:)

Kind of bummed about the delay but I can scoop up a few other misc sets I've been hedging on, glass half full and all that.

That figure just looks awesome, worth waiting for IMO.
Scarrows books are pretty good. Ever read Igguldens Emporer series or McCulloughs First Man IN ROME books?
Scarrows books are pretty good. Ever read Igguldens Emporer series or McCulloughs First Man IN ROME books?

Yes I have read and enjoyed the first 3 of the Emperor Series. I think Igguldens takes a few more liberties with historical possibility but overall nicely done. IMO, neither can match Cronwell though. What I would like is a good Warlord Chronicles figure set.
I would love to see Derfel and Arthur (as depicted there) and his "heavy horse" warriors and the Brits and dreadful "Sais". What great duels and shield walls you could make:D I would even settle for the Saxon series.
Thanks:mad:, now I'm going through Legion withdrawal again:D:);)!

I've had to resort to collecting Roman coins to calm my nerves:D!

I really hope EofI pulls this off and it does well because I have wanted a strong line of Romans for some time. Like Chris, I've already staked out the space to spread my glorious legions (and assorted seige equipment):D:cool:!

I hope you enjoy the figure and more later from me.

I wanted to put this great figure back on top, it is too good to bury amid all our sidetracks.;)


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Well I am on holiday at the moment and about to start enjoying the Spanish sun. That’s if we get any with these changing weather patterns!

I am sorry to say that just before I left the office our factory informed us of some serious delays in our production lines (why does this always happen just before going away on holiday to try and relax) and that our predicted June schedule looks unlikely to materialize. I will give you more information when I get back to Hong Kong and after I have addressed the matter with them face to face. Needless to say these figures will be produced no matter what and of course I will bring these figures to market as soon as I am able. We have to have money to eat as well!

Any update on this yet Ken, how long was that vacation anyway?;):D

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