the past 2014 and new 2015!! (2 Viewers)


Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

Well 2014 is coming to a close in just a few short weeks so thought I would take a quick look at what First legion bestowed upon us in 2014, mind you I'm sure I forgot some sets, ranges, but just looking back at some newsletters,

New British Naps, American Indians, WWI French, Germans, Stalingrad, German Paras (FJs) and I'm sure I'm leaving other sets that I just can't remember, either way 2014 was a fabulous year for most all ranges and the new ranges continue to be a hit with each new release, also with Matt/Constantine hitting the shores of Italy for the world model show back in July was a big success as the modeling world seemed to accept that metal 1:30th soldiers are pretty bad *** as well, at least that's how it came across to me from the comments made at the show reviews, the other main shows (London, West Coaster, Chicago) also seemd to have a really good buzz about the First legion brand and what it has to offer now and in the future, so all in all I think 2014 was a great year for being a First legion collector, and when one door closes another door opens up as in 2015!!! so I aked you fellow collectors what do you want/hope/desire to see in 2015??

Of course I'm going with WWII armour, we know a US Sherman is coming and we saw a newsletter with a German Hanomag so I would love to see the work horse of the German Armie a Mark IV, and or a Tiger, Panther, Normandy artillery pieces for both sides, a US Willy Jeep, Kubelwagon (wow, starting to put a John list together):smile2: no shirtless Italians please:) but I would like to see (among many others) the release of our WWII brethern in arms...some UK Paras or regular infantry, hmmm..are we forgetting anything?? please join in, even though matt/Constantine have brillant ideas they both read Treefrog and you never know if one of our ideas catches their eye and becomes reality, so Thanks again First legion for 2014 and looking forward to 2015!!...Sammy
We have posted different ideas for Matt already few times on different threads here (many of them came true), but since never too much dreeming, I will join with my wishes (not just "would like to see" but "will buy for sure"):
- more Woodland Indians and not only (Settlers, Trapers, the French - FIW period)
- Russian Grenadiers 1812 firing line
- Peninsular War - for example Somosierra 1808: Spanish, Polish Lancers
- Polish Winged Hussars as well as some opponents like for example Ottoman troops
- Alamo? Apaches, Wild West? Aztecs and Conquistadors?


Hi all,

Well 2014 is coming to a close in just a few short weeks so thought I would take a quick look at what First legion bestowed upon us in 2014, mind you I'm sure I forgot some sets, ranges, but just looking back at some newsletters,

New British Naps, American Indians, WWI French, Germans, Stalingrad, German Paras (FJs) and I'm sure I'm leaving other sets that I just can't remember, either way 2014 was a fabulous year for most all ranges and the new ranges continue to be a hit with each new release, also with Matt/Constantine hitting the shores of Italy for the world model show back in July was a big success as the modeling world seemed to accept that metal 1:30th soldiers are pretty bad *** as well, at least that's how it came across to me from the comments made at the show reviews, the other main shows (London, West Coaster, Chicago) also seemd to have a really good buzz about the First legion brand and what it has to offer now and in the future, so all in all I think 2014 was a great year for being a First legion collector, and when one door closes another door opens up as in 2015!!! so I aked you fellow collectors what do you want/hope/desire to see in 2015??

Of course I'm going with WWII armour, we know a US Sherman is coming and we saw a newsletter with a German Hanomag so I would love to see the work horse of the German Armie a Mark IV, and or a Tiger, Panther, Normandy artillery pieces for both sides, a US Willy Jeep, Kubelwagon (wow, starting to put a John list together):smile2: no shirtless Italians please:) but I would like to see (among many others) the release of our WWII brethern in arms...some UK Paras or regular infantry, hmmm..are we forgetting anything?? please join in, even though matt/Constantine have brillant ideas they both read Treefrog and you never know if one of our ideas catches their eye and becomes reality, so Thanks again First legion for 2014 and looking forward to 2015!!...Sammy
I wish in 2015:

-War machine and roman cavalry

-US cavalry( USA-Mexico War, ACW, Indian Wars,Cuba War,...)

-Germans WWI(1914-15)

Frankly, I would be just as happy to see more concentration on filling out existing lines than introducing a lot of new ones.

That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing:

ACW CSA Artillery (Maybe the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, one of the oldest Regiments in the country)
Normandy Paras, US Infantry, Rangers
Vietnam US Marines
Battle of New Orleans (it is the BiCentennial and there are so many different sets that could be made)
Boxer Rebellion
WWI Doughboys and Marines
Korean War
Stalingrad has been a superb series, so what about other WW2 battles? Monte Cassino, Fort Eben Emael, Pegasus Bridge?

First Legion really have excelledrecently. Look forward to whatever comes in 2015.
For Civil War I am hoping Pennsylvania Bucktails. For WW2 I am hoping for some small German Vehicles. Would love a hetzer for Normandy or Kubelwagen. For Allies it would be nice to have an Armored Car.
Hi all,

Well 2014 is coming to a close in just a few short weeks so thought I would take a quick look at what First legion bestowed upon us in 2014, mind you I'm sure I forgot some sets, ranges, but just looking back at some newsletters,

New British Naps, American Indians, WWI French, Germans, Stalingrad, German Paras (FJs) and I'm sure I'm leaving other sets that I just can't remember, either way 2014 was a fabulous year for most all ranges and the new ranges continue to be a hit with each new release, also with Matt/Constantine hitting the shores of Italy for the world model show back in July was a big success as the modeling world seemed to accept that metal 1:30th soldiers are pretty bad *** as well, at least that's how it came across to me from the comments made at the show reviews, the other main shows (London, West Coaster, Chicago) also seemd to have a really good buzz about the First legion brand and what it has to offer now and in the future, so all in all I think 2014 was a great year for being a First legion collector, and when one door closes another door opens up as in 2015!!! so I aked you fellow collectors what do you want/hope/desire to see in 2015??

Of course I'm going with WWII armour, we know a US Sherman is coming and we saw a newsletter with a German Hanomag so I would love to see the work horse of the German Armie a Mark IV, and or a Tiger, Panther, Normandy artillery pieces for both sides, a US Willy Jeep, Kubelwagon (wow, starting to put a John list together):smile2: no shirtless Italians please:) but I would like to see (among many others) the release of our WWII brethern in arms...some UK Paras or regular infantry, hmmm..are we forgetting anything?? please join in, even though matt/Constantine have brillant ideas they both read Treefrog and you never know if one of our ideas catches their eye and becomes reality, so Thanks again First legion for 2014 and looking forward to 2015!!...Sammy

My mistake the Hanomag was not in a newsletter but on the box art of a certain release awhile back, sorry...Sammy
A gateway for the great castle diorama pieces would not go astray. Robin.
Stalingrad has been a superb series, so what about other WW2 battles? Monte Cassino, Fort Eben Emael, Pegasus Bridge?

First Legion really have excelledrecently. Look forward to whatever comes in 2015.

The FL Fallschimager are suitable for Monte Cassino..
With funding other interests and just trying to live a full and happy life with the family I've fallen behind with what I'd like to have that was released in 2014 :(. I really can't think past the upcoming 3. Kürassier-Regiment and Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz {sm4} . But if pushed I'm sure I could come up with a list half a mile long :wink2:. regards Gebhard
I would like to see new FL in 2015.
Roman cavalary, Russian cavalary Cosaks WW1, Russian General Brusilov WW1, German WW1 artilery, Russian Borodino 1812 firing line, Polish lancers 1812-1815, Scots Greys 1815, German TIGER WW2.:salute::

Warmest regards and best wishes to Matt/Constantine,
I would like to see new FL in 2015.
Roman cavalary, Russian cavalary Cosaks WW1, Russian General Brusilov WW1, German WW1 artilery, Russian Borodino 1812 firing line, Polish lancers 1812-1815, Scots Greys 1815, German TIGER WW2.:salute::

Warmest regards and best wishes to Matt/Constantine,

Hi Mikhail,
Let me be the first to Welcome to the Forum, some very good request. I'm looking forward to your contributions in the future. regards Gebhard
Frankly, I would be just as happy to see more concentration on filling out existing lines than introducing a lot of new ones.

That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing:

ACW CSA Artillery (Maybe the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, one of the oldest Regiments in the country)
Normandy Paras, US Infantry, Rangers
Vietnam US Marines
Battle of New Orleans (it is the BiCentennial and there are so many different sets that could be made)
Boxer Rebellion
WWI Doughboys and Marines
Korean War

Yes, repurposing many of the Crusader and Agincourt figures to be Scottish war of independence figures would be great! A Bruce, A Bruce!
Stalingrad has been a superb series, so what about other WW2 battles? Monte Cassino, Fort Eben Emael, Pegasus Bridge?

First Legion really have excelledrecently. Look forward to whatever comes in 2015.

I would love for First Legion to keep building out the Eastern Front with some Kharkov and other major battles.
Expand the "Alexander the Great" line to a Macedonian phalanx and Persians......
Only one wish: Napoleonic mamelukes (I know I am a broken record...):rolleyes2:

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