The People vs O.J. Simpson...American Crime Story... (1 Viewer)

when this series was first discussed...I remember a couple of people poopoo-ed it from the beginning...a couple even put the kibosh on it when it was first discussed...refusing to even give it a each his own...

but to you missed a really good series...this has broken FX's all time series ratings by a huge margin...a giant success for them...a Season 2 has already been negotiated and will deal with the crime aspect of Hurricane Katrina...which should be awesome...

for me...while it was impossible to ignore when it was actually happening...I really didn't have time to follow it on a daily basis and absorb all the little eccentricities that developed in real this was a good chance for me to finally digest the whole story...

I found a "fact checker" website...and while I have not checked it recently...the times I did...the show was touted for it's dedication to keeping the story straight...a ton of stuff I thought might be embellished...or given the "Hollywood stretch"...was actually factual...

Johnny Cochran...while I find him and his tactics despicable...he did a great job of getting OJ off...with the case following the Rodney King riots...this created a lot of sympathy in the black community...that coupled with the inept prosecution team of Darden and Clark...Mark Fuhrman's damaging testimony...and OJ's team eagerness to play the "race card"...a guilty verdict seemed to lose momentum every day...

a friend I play golf with...who also watches the show...told me he read on a website...that OJ...currently incarcerated in a Nevada prison...weighs over 300 pounds and has supposedly lost his mental faculties...he said he read an excerpt about OJ sitting in the corner of his cell...arguing with himself over a piece of chicken...served for dinner that day...and whether or not he ate it...

"Where's that chicken leg?"...^&grin

so either karma or "slow justice" has been delivered...
First post so, Hello to all. I thought he was guilty at the time and after watching the first show I could not watch anymore. Race was played to take the attention away from the fact he was guilty. I think most people thought he was guilty but, the black community would have rioted had he been found guilty and, I would think in some circles a huge sigh of relief went out at a NG verdict.

I read a really riveting book on this called Outrage: the five reasons why OJ got away with murder by Vincent Bugliosi that never seemed to get a lot of attention but, comes highly recommended.
After watching the finale of the show today I decided to re watch the actual closing arguments on you tube, I was working and didn't get a lot of time to watch the trial except an hour here or there but once Marsha Clarke rolled out the entire mountain of evidence on a full time line chart, man how in the hell could anyone be so blind not to convict that monster Simpson^&confuse{eek3}{eek3} back to the finale I didn't know ol Juice through down an all night party after the verdict, what a piece of work ...Sammy
well...we all know that justice not always prevails...

the term..."small town, small favors" applies in many cases...
who do you connected are you?

the rich have a better chance of getting off than the poor...
and a good legal team will usually beat a bad legal team...

I read "Murder Most Texan" a few years ago...
the book detailed 16 bizarre murder stories in Texas...
of court failures to provide justice in cases with overwhelming evidence of guilt...
some of the reasons were due to the defendant's political connections...bribes...small town favoritism...etc...

the OJ trial was none of those...

love him or hate him...

Johnny Cochran's team...
with the use of the "race card"...
just out matched the prosecution's team...

the help of a predominantly black jury certainly helped an innocent verdict...

I actually checked a "fact checker" website...
to see if the scene with the black male juror raising his fist with the "Black Power" salute was embellished...

it was not...

this was fact...amazingly...this juror was actually a past member of the Black Panthers...
for real...
how this inexplicably went unnoticed by the prosecuting team as accepting him as a juror is hard to fathom...

thoroughly enjoyed all 10 episodes...which at first I thought would be a little long to tell this story...but the episodes weren't filled with repetitive dialog...but new fresh material every week...mostly shocking to me...

Kardashian is still a mystery to he stayed on the legal team to the end is hard for me to they let him stay on the legal team is also a mystery to me...he contributed nothing to OJ's defense...and in the early episodes...when the camera would pan to could see him raise and roll his eyes when he realized OJ was guilty...I can't find anything to the reality of his becoming ill in the sink of the courthouse after the verdict...maybe that was the Hollywood spin...

Season 2 of American Crime Story is about Hurricane Katrina...

this should be interesting...with more of a local flavor of interest for me...from the tragedy of the event itself...the aftermath of looting and violence...the slow national response to provide aid...and the corruptness of the New Orleans mayor and police...this should be a doozy to watch...
Did they reach any conclusions in this show regarding whether the LAPD planted evidence? That seems to be the justification that some of his lawyers are sticking with today. That while OJ may have committed the crime the LAPD effectively framed a guilty man. Dershowitz still claims the blood on OJs sock was put there sometime later because it showed traces of a chemical used to preserve blood and had soaked through the sock from one side to the other indicative of it being poured on an empty sock. He is a slime ball so I would not take him at his word though.
I DVR'd the finale episode and watched it last night. I swear I was madder last night than I was at the time of the real case. The whole case was playing the race card, period. The whole irony was outside of Simpsons actual skin color he was more white than me. Everything I have read about this series was that it was not Hollywood embellishment but what actually happened. How about the black juror on leaving the court room after the verdict and giving Simpson the black power salute. That says it all. Hope this series is still fresh in everyones mind when Simpson comes up for parole next year.

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