The Prussians advance (2 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
I just finished painting up a bunch of Hats marching Prussians today and threw together this diorama with them. I converted a bunch of them also and also added in a few of Fubars metal Prussian castings i painted up also.

The Prussian troops are building up now and more Hat Prussian and Russian Troops in the works.:cool: I can,t really afford to spend money on metal any more but these new plastics are filling the gaps.
Soon I,ll have enough Russian/Prussian troops for a huge 1813 battle.









Tim mate,
AWESOME. I am not a Naps collector as such but that looks fantastic.
Would love to see you do the Lighthorse Beersheeba Charge like that.
Keep the photos coming cobber.:)
Cheers Howard
I just finished painting up a bunch of Hats marching Prussians today and threw together this diorama with them. I converted a bunch of them also and also added in a few of Fubars metal Prussian castings i painted up also.

The Prussian troops are building up now and more Hat Prussian and Russian Troops in the works.:cool: I can,t really afford to spend money on metal any more but these new plastics are filling the gaps.
Soon I,ll have enough Russian/Prussian troops for a huge 1813 battle.










Thanks for a taste of your huge 1813 battle to come Tim an looking forward to it. Nicely done painted an converted figures and your mat looks great It's alway a pleasure to see what you've done an at play...........Joe
Nice scene. How'd you make the smoke?
There pretty easy to make, its just cotton, the type you can buy cheap around this time of year for under the X-mas tree and such.
Just pull some off about the size and shape you want and get some cheap acrilic paint and here comes the messy finger painting part! Take some paint on your fingers starting with red at the bottom and swish it into the cotton with your fingers.
With your fingers still messy and red, now take some yellow and go just above and slightly into the red paint and you,ll get some orange color when you swish the two paints together as they mix.
Now clean your fingers and do some straight yellow just above the orange you made by mixing the two and try to make it look like fire from an explosion.
Now get some black and white cheap acrilic again and mix some gray but keep the black to one side and the white to the other and mix it to a gray but keep various shades of gret as you mix it and swish that in above the yellow with your fingers starting dark and get lighter as you move up.

Use your eyes to be a judge and experiment a bit its not that hard.

I glued it onto a flocked small fender washer and used some two part putty to texture the washer first and add a small wire standing up inside the 2 part putty to help keep the cotton from falling over.

I,ve also used this idea to make cannon blasts from the front of cannons and camp fires also.

Good luck!
Here is a look at were all those shots are coming from!:D








Wow! awesome!
The quantity and quality of scenario is superb.
Thank you for explanations "cannon smoke", very well done special effects.:eek:
I do not know the "trick" to do, I'll try?:rolleyes:
I too am in "work" a diorama 1813?? very busy time in 2011.
Again thank you and bravo.Regards.
Tim...glad to see you posting...your Russian/Prussian plastics look really nice...I especially like the way you're getting your campfires, cannon discharge plumes and artillery explosions done...great work...:cool:
Wow! awesome!
The quantity and quality of scenario is superb.
Thank you for explanations "cannon smoke", very well done special effects.:eek:
I do not know the "trick" to do, I'll try?:rolleyes:
I too am in "work" a diorama 1813?? very busy time in 2011.
Again thank you and bravo.Regards.

Thanks artmabigor! Its not First Legion stuff like your incredible dioramas but I try.
The metal figure prices have just gone crazy and with a new house and work being slow I,m back to collecting and painting plastic figures.:(

There are so many great looking new metal Napoleonic figures coming out and it drives me crazy but The house and family come first so I,ll have to keep chopping plastic and hope my painting skills will improve.:eek:
Tim...glad to see you posting...your Russian/Prussian plastics look really nice...I especially like the way you're getting your campfires, cannon discharge plumes and artillery explosions done...great work...:cool:

Thanks Mike! You should give them a try, there pretty easy to make. Just like finger painting when you were a kid. And I,m still just as messy.:p

I went on a painting and flocking frenzy I finished painting like 40 prussians and flocked all there bases and then went finger painting on these guys so I was covered in glue and paint when I was done.
Thanks Mike! You should give them a try, there pretty easy to make. Just like finger painting when you were a kid. And I,m still just as messy.:p

I went on a painting and flocking frenzy I finished painting like 40 prussians and flocked all there bases and then went finger painting on these guys so I was covered in glue and paint when I was done.

You're really talented and Joe have shared laughs together on how you can go fishing...pick up some stuff under your feet in the woods on the way...then go home and create a realistic diorama piece with it...

the McGyver of diorama building...:D

all you need is a paper clip, some bubble gum and a wad of paper and you can create something...

the bb cannon balls is a good example...
Great dioramas ! I'm found off this kind off large reconstitution, with huge number off troups.
Did you decide on wich 1813 battle you will work ?

I,m not 100% sure yet I,m thinking Lutzen or Bautzen or maybe some large scale skirmish type actions in and around that time.

I want to get started on painting up an Austrian army soon also for some 1814 battles with the goal being Leipzig.

Hat is releasing all kinds of new Napoleonic figures and they have Austrians on the way I was hoping between the Hat and Italeri figures I could build a good sized Austrian army and mix and match parts from both and convert a bunch up also.

They have more Prussians and Russians also on the way and its just a matter of slowly painting up the figures and building up the troops. My Prussian/Russian army is starting to build up pretty good but I have nothing for cavalry.
And that sucks because it was the french cavalry that was weak in 1813 not the allies.:mad:

I,m hoping Hat will do something about that soon???? I tried doing some Prussian Hussar conversions as seen in the photo but it all takes a lot of time to get done.

Thanks, and I also like your dio work also! 1/72 scale is great for these larger battles. Its easier to build up the large numbers needed and space is a lot easier to find to set them up.
Thats why I like street to street type mini dios or small skirmish type scenes.
You're really talented and Joe have shared laughs together on how you can go fishing...pick up some stuff under your feet in the woods on the way...then go home and create a realistic diorama piece with it...

the McGyver of diorama building...:D

all you need is a paper clip, some bubble gum and a wad of paper and you can create something...

the bb cannon balls is a good example...

Thanks Mike! Your a very creative guy yourself.
Those bb,s were from a fishing trip also! I got those from cutting through the yard with the NO TRESSPASSING sign on the lawn, but it was no fun pulling them all out!:eek::p
Thanks Mike! Your a very creative guy yourself.
Those bb,s were from a fishing trip also! I got those from cutting through the yard with the NO TRESSPASSING sign on the lawn, but it was no fun pulling them all out!:eek::p

hehehe...that sounds like a fib...:rolleyes:...but it's still pretty funny...
Tim, simply sensational, great to see you posting throughout this thread, thanks.
Great stuf as usual Tim. I like the fireworks too.
I finished all my 54mm Prussians and of course Russians. Have not as yet fielded them.
Napoleonic Cavalry is the hold up isn't it?
I started some Landwehr Silesian Lancers. It has potential but I'm shy on enough parts to make a troop and lost interest.
I have 15 x 32 Battalions of Prussian line and Landwehr. No reserves, no Fusilier.
Short on Cav.Cannon, I have a puny four sections with crew.

Starting 28mm .Everything's available in a bewildering number of poses.
All the troops I can stand.

Maybe HAT will do Some Prussian Cavalry. Dragoons, Uhlans are both very close so they would only have to simply add a couple different arms, head and a single box would make 2 troop types.
Same with Russian Dragoon, Chassuer a Cheval and Uhlans.

Great to see the pix Tim. Too bad we are other sides of the States.

Harold Scott
der FUB
Great stuf as usual Tim. I like the fireworks too.
I finished all my 54mm Prussians and of course Russians. Have not as yet fielded them.
Napoleonic Cavalry is the hold up isn't it?
I started some Landwehr Silesian Lancers. It has potential but I'm shy on enough parts to make a troop and lost interest.
I have 15 x 32 Battalions of Prussian line and Landwehr. No reserves, no Fusilier.
Short on Cav.Cannon, I have a puny four sections with crew.

Starting 28mm .Everything's available in a bewildering number of poses.
All the troops I can stand.

Maybe HAT will do Some Prussian Cavalry. Dragoons, Uhlans are both very close so they would only have to simply add a couple different arms, head and a single box would make 2 troop types.
Same with Russian Dragoon, Chassuer a Cheval and Uhlans.

Great to see the pix Tim. Too bad we are other sides of the States.

Harold Scott
der FUB

Hows it going Harold? I have been thinking about converting up a few units of Prussian cavalry also, but I,m undecided as to which ones I want to do???

I was thinking maybe dragoons or landwher lancers? I was thinking of using the legs from the Italeri scotts greys and some 2 part putty for dragoons and The french Hussar horses.
I found some sets of Italeri Hussars on Ebay for $7.99 a box brand new sealed, Buy It Now and I believe they stopped making those from what I hear??? So I went crazy and bought 14 boxes! I already had a few sets of those untouched already but for that price the horses alone are worth it.
I think those are some of the best Napoleonic horses ever done in plastic and the saddles are perfect because they are sheep skins that were used by just about everyone.:cool:

I really wish I lived up your neck of the woods also, A trip to your hobby room and work shop would be like a trip to Santa,s workshop to me.
Its a good thing I don,t because you might have a hard time getting rid of me.:p
Your collection always blows me away! You do in 1/32 more then a lot of guys do in 1/72.
Have you done any new dioramas? Post some pics if so.

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