The Scots are coming! (12 Viewers)



Scott, mate,

That's a wonderful assortment. I'm so glad you joined us in this display of wretched excess!:smile2::smile2:

Very nice, indeed.

Johnny, one thing I meant to mention that would make the case with the Imperials, Frontlines, and K&C's most germane to what we were talking of here, you'll notice that cabinet has a multitude of holes for more shelves, much like your's.

I currently am having three new shelves made, but of either glass or plexi. We're playing with finding the better material for clear shelves of this span and weight given plexi likes to sag over time whilst glass just makes me nervous. Lucite of a reasonable thickness looks to be the most promising at this point.

The goal is to have four levels rather than the current two, yet get the open feel clear shelving gives (much like Scott's display case) and the ability to illuminate all the levels reasonably well. It might be a little while yet, but I'll keep you posted how that might turn out, should you want to give it a go.
Hi Sarge (and thanks to Scott for the pictures too - lovely stuff)

With regard to the extra shelves. Have a look again at my newest cabinet. Can you see that under each 4mm glass shelf, I have made an open oblong out of thin wooden strip. I gave each corner a step joint, and glued and pinned each corner. I rest this support on the little pins first - and then put the glass shelf on top of it. It gives support to the thin glass shelves - which were actually dipping slightly in the centre when loaded with about eighty figures. Since I have made this modification - no further trouble with bending - it lets light through - and doesn't look too bad once given an appropriate lick or two of stained varnish. You can see that I haven't got round to varnishing the top shelf support yet - it is still plain white wood.

I tested the idea first with a 5 kilo weight in the centre - and it was fine. I have done it for all of my cabinets - though you can see it clearest on the new one. It's just another option for you to consider, perhaps. Works for me.

Lastly, Yes, nearly all of my mob have been painted by me from castings. The only shelves that aren't, are in my first cabinet - fourth and fifth shelves down. These are Delprado Napoleonics and Men at War series - which were so cheap and well illustrated, that I just had to have them. You may also be able to make out my New Britains Kings Troop RHA gun and limber with the usual riders. This was a Xmas gift to me from La Commandante - made by Britains as a Centenary Special I think. Special to me for another reason too. My Grandfather was lead driver in WW1. In front of him though, you can see a gun in action, firing a salute. I made and painted that one. Just about everything else are either castings - or repaired and painted by me. There's a load of stuff out there which can be bought as castings - and then painted up at your leisure - some cheap and cheerful - others approaching painted prices. But all wonderful - and best of all for me (and I suspect you too) you can get that wonderful pleasure of knowing you did them yourself! johnnybach:salute::
Johnny mate, I must be getting past it. I didn't notice the clear shelving at all, I'm afraid to admit. :smile2:

I do like how you did it, very well engineered. You know I'm going to quietly and shamelessly steal parts of the concept.

I'm happy to say I'm not so far past it that I didn't notice the RHA, as well as other objects of lust and wanton desire. I also noticed, tucked away where you would think we wouldn't note, a box-set of Fawlty Towers (your stock thus went up a point or two).

Now, I'll play the sap and ask. What's the legend with the one lonely thimble?
Thimble. It's too small for a pic.

When I bought my "£10 box of bits" from the Geezer - it came with them. I gave it to La Commandante - ( a bit like your Darlin' Bride - but I think a bit stricter!). She makes patchwork quilts as a hobby - but couldn't get on with it, so she gave it back. It commemorates QEII's 60th birthday - and has QEII sitting side-saddle on Burmese, saluting at Trooping. Nice thing - came free.

It is quietly awaiting the arrival of a Britains version in 54mm - which I had a tip-off was available the other day. When it arrives - I'll show her off. Not sure yet if it's a real one - or a re-cast (suspect the latter, because of the price - but hope for the former) - watch this space.........time will reveal all..............johnnybach.
Thimble. It's too small for a pic.

When I bought my "£10 box of bits" from the Geezer - it came with them. I gave it to La Commandante - ( a bit like your Darlin' Bride - but I think a bit stricter!). She makes patchwork quilts as a hobby - but couldn't get on with it, so she gave it back. It commemorates QEII's 60th birthday - and has QEII sitting side-saddle on Burmese, saluting at Trooping. Nice thing - came free.

It is quietly awaiting the arrival of a Britains version in 54mm - which I had a tip-off was available the other day. When it arrives - I'll show her off. Not sure yet if it's a real one - or a re-cast (suspect the latter, because of the price - but hope for the former) - watch this space.........time will reveal all..............johnnybach.

She is a Britains figure for sure johnny, In 2000 they released some figures from the hollow cast series. She is solid so while not an original hollow cast Britains she is a genuine Britains item made by the company. Comes in a nice box reminiscent of the old hollow cast boxes.

She can also be seen (barely) in post #6, second shelf from the bottom of the five-level case taking the salute of the Honourable Artillery Company (who themselves are being prodded along by some various Lancers). She does get around, bless'er.

That one is the recently re-issued "not-so-hollow-cast-anymore" version, perhaps of eight or ten years ago or so. Would a close-up be of any interest whatsoever?

Thimble. It's too small for a pic.

When I bought my "£10 box of bits" from the Geezer - it came with them. I gave it to La Commandante - ( a bit like your Darlin' Bride - but I think a bit stricter!). She makes patchwork quilts as a hobby - but couldn't get on with it, so she gave it back. It commemorates QEII's 60th birthday - and has QEII sitting side-saddle on Burmese, saluting at Trooping. Nice thing - came free.

It is quietly awaiting the arrival of a Britains version in 54mm - which I had a tip-off was available the other day. When it arrives - I'll show her off. Not sure yet if it's a real one - or a re-cast (suspect the latter, because of the price - but hope for the former) - watch this space.........time will reveal all..............johnnybach.
Sarge - yes I did see her sneaking in from the corner - and also a couple of views of Scot's. Believe it or not, I have been trying to get hold of a castings version of her on Burmese for quite a while now - to no avail. Scott gave me a tip of a place and price I couldn't resist. I'm half hoping the paint-job is awful so that I can remove the paint ( can't say strip - now can I), and do a re-paint on HM! Waiting on the post0-box as we write.

By the way, when you get glass shelves made - ask for the toughened stuff, with bevelled edges. Made especially for shelves, so I'm told, and much safer with weighty stuff. A bit more expensive - but better safe than VERY sorry! Can you imagine the domino effect cascading downwards?

Doesn't bear thinking about. See ya. johnnybach
Yesterday was a banner day for the post, a box each from two fellow Treefroggers. Here are the latest additions to the case of Scots...


Also, another one of HM's conveyances, this from the Trooping the Colour range. I'll fit up the tracework this weekend...


Johnny, mate. Also in the hoard is a second gun and limber for King's Troop! Once I get the thing all together, I'll snap a picture of two of these side-by-side with gunners riding outboard the pair. Ah, nothing like wretched excess...
So sorry that I have not discovered this thread earlier^&grin:salute::! It is nice to see my men have gone to a good home (certainly better than my home for the first set of scots guards)! All of these arrays are stunning, and soon I will post a picture or two of my glossy shelf, which consists mostly of current club sets, limited editions, and exclusives. It is mostly gloss Napoleonic, with some thin red line and non-nap Christmas sets. I will never part with any of these for any price, and the whole shelf probably has doubled if not quadrupled in value since I bought them (not that that matters^&grin%^V).
Nice pickups Brian. The Ivory Phaeton is a nice set and one which I also have. I think I am partial to horse drawn carriages though :D

I'm rather partial to horsedrawn vehicles as well, including artillery sets. Perhaps you would have a good handle on two questions. Did Britains do any other of the carriages besides the Irish State Coach, the landau, and the phaeton?

The other question doesn't have anything to do with carriages, but much to do with parades. I've accumulated (or do they breed during the night?) marching foot Guards, Scots Guards pipes and drums, Household Cavalry and RHA, carriages, et al. What is truly missing from this parade is a marching Guards band set. I would assume that's an area Britians covered. Or did they?

If not, wouldn't that be a great subject for a renewed line of "thin red boxes", should Britians find the whole set idea worth pursuing again? Just one healthy sized set a year? "More sir? Please?"

Ah, I was hoping to see you here!

I hope you approve of how the Guards 'way back on the first post came out.
Regarding your Britains questions:
'Course thre are more coaches! Go to MKL models, as thy have the Prime Minister's coach!
'Course there are guards bands! Before 1st gear, they made up a larg part of the ceramonial collection. There are also at least two guards limited edition bands. I will take pictures of the catalog for you.
Hi There,

Britains did a coach with Queen Victoria and escort set number 00293 called Barouche, Queen Victoria and Escort. It went with the all the sets they produced for the series called Queen Victoria Presents the State Colour, Scots Guards. It was a massive display of a standing not marching band. For the Jubilee series they produced the Prime Ministers Coach set 40259, The Coronation Coach 40295, The Semi State Landau with Queen Salote of Tonga set number 40320. They also did a lot of bands for this series if you are interested in them I will post the names and set numbers later.

Dave and Sandor:

Oh, Gawd. Now I'm back in the coach hunt (once my bank account recovers from the latest haul). The PM's coach is quite nice and the Coronation coach looks like a real winner as far as eye-food is concerned. Pity I have such tastes, says the Exchequer.

Regarding bands, I was hoping that would be the case. The interest is in building an appropriate massed band circa 1985-present (with some little leeway as the uniform hasn't changed that much) all marching ahead the Ivory Phaeton with the Guards marching along behind, somewhat reminiscent of the Marching Off from Horse Guards Parade to the Palace after the Trooping. It would have to be scaled back just a bit from the real Massed Bands, of course, but the flavour of the whole thing can well be made. I'd very much be interested in set numbers (and perhaps photos of the contents) so that I can plan this next assault on the purse.

Thanks so much!
Hi Sarge - I couldn't resist a peek at your latest ready-mades from Britains. They do look nice - but still prefer to "have a go" myself, wherever possible. I DID make one exception however, and bought a bargain HM QE II saluting on horseback (40197) - after a tip-off from Scott that they were going at an absurdly cheap price "Brand New". She came in a little red Britains box too - for LESS than the price of a casting. We figured that the company was trying to get rid of some back-stock - so - I made an exception - along with mounted Lancer Officer at the same price! (40196) Not bad paintwork either - so left both as Britains intended.

I HAVE found a casting version of an open Landau that I like - but currently have my hands full of Gordons castings - so maybe towards the end of this year, I might order it (from one of my favourites - Asset again).

Nice to see your latest recruits though - see ya. johnnybach:salute::
Phwaw! Sarge - can't beat that for the price can you? 17 pieces and change from that meagre sum?
If ever my old "mince pies" give out - or the shakes really set in - I'm gonna ask the Brit to tell me where I can get 'em.

I must admit - Britains are STILL my thing too. I just don't buy them unless I simply cannot make 'em. Call me old fashioned - who gives a toot! They are just so "touchy".

Suggest you do what I do - discuss with the "Chancellor" (mine is La Commandante) the merits of the purchase - and keep on discussing and discussing until agreement is made. You simply can't beat that price.

Uh-oh! that poor old postie's soon gonna be humping some more lead to the door!

You're gonna need some more cabs soon though!

Isn't this just the best hobby? NB If the slightest hint of dissent is heard - I just say "Well, I'm off to the pub then!" Nuff said!
As my daughter is fond of saying "Just think of it as an investment Mum!"

My reply usually is(still) " If I can't take 'em with me - I'm not going!"
Best of luck with negotiating! - johnnybach

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