The Shape of Water (1 Viewer)

I’m one of those ‘Dip-in-dip-out’ viewers who will watch quite large chunks, but decided I couldn’t be arsed with the tumult of political views and back-biting this year.

I’m awaiting the next historical drama with an ‘Inclusion rider’ in it.

Like some of you on here I have not seen 'The Shape of Water' yet...But would still actually like to see it because I did see one of the director's previous films, 'Pan's Labyrinth', and enjoyed it tremendously. Although not a fan of the director's politics he still makes and has made movies that I want to watch and will watch given the opportunity.

Now as for the 'Oscars' themselves and the ceremony itself... A big disappointment and a bit of a drag especially the seriously 'unfunny' Jimmy Kimmel with his dumb gimmicks such as the 'giveaway' jet ski and the inane 'take the stars across the street to surprise the peasants actually watching a movie'!!!

Then, all the 'Virtue Signalling' from so many of the presenters and most of the Oscar Winners...Sooo frigging Hollywood!

At least Gary got his Oscar...and the guy who did his amazing transformation into 'Winston'...
Oh well, see you at the movies...maybe,
Didn't watch the show but read the results and all the hand wringing over the PC issues. :rolleyes2: Who cares what Hollywood thinks? Also glad Oldman won for Darkest Hour, great movie despite one glaring inconsistency. A lot of turmoil over that award as well due to an alleged incident yrs ago. :rolleyes2: Chris
Most of these actors can't even speak unless somebody writes it for them. DeNiro used to be one of my favorite actors but I've seen that he can't even complete a sentence if he has to think for himself.
There are too many "awards" shows and I agree that people want to be entertained not preached to these days. We have 24 hour news repeating the same subjects over and over with more commentary than actual news. Artists have a right to express their opinions and we have a right to turn them off.
There are, however, many artists and athletes who put their money where their mouths are.....donating large sums of money and time to worthwhile charities and social issues. Many do it quietly without fanfare and self aggrandizing.
If you look at the history of Hollywood you can see that there are many great films which both entertained and highlighted social issues. I tend to skip the big
violent, special effects Hollywood commercial films and watch documentaries, independent and foreign films.
All that said we still need voices that call out sexual harassment, racism and economic inequities but we also need a break once and a while to just lay back and let our brains chill out.
The trouble with folks who are out of touch is that they are the last to know they are out of touch. In Hollywood circles everyone thinks the entire world agrees with their opinions with the exception of a few uneducated bigots sitting on the front porch playing a banjo. It's a closed circle of views. Everyone there is a sycophant patting one another on the back at how enlightened they are.
For those of you who don't want to hear celebrities (actors, athletes, etc.) speak their mind -- the same rights that are guaranteed to you -- there's a simple solution: mute the TV or just change the channel.
The trouble with folks who are out of touch is that they are the last to know they are out of touch. In Hollywood circles everyone thinks the entire world agrees with their opinions with the exception of a few uneducated bigots sitting on the front porch playing a banjo. It's a closed circle of views. Everyone there is a sycophant patting one another on the back at how enlightened they are.

I think you can say the same for a lot of groups not just Hollywood types.
This country has lost the ability to empathize and compromise.
-- there's a simple solution: mute the TV or just change the channel.

Apparently 20% of last years viewers did just that. And last years viewing was the lowest ever.
Down some 15%. You'd think for an industry that is so tied into ratings they would get a clue.
Late Night shows are also in the tank. Bring back Jay Leno. Funny without preaching.
The viewing public, unlike in years past, has many other options for watching all kinds of content. They are no longer captive to the networks. That is part of the reason why viewership is down for these kinds of events, not to mention they’re somewhat boring.
For those of you who don't want to hear celebrities (actors, athletes, etc.) speak their mind -- the same rights that are guaranteed to you -- there's a simple solution: mute the TV or just change the channel.

Agreed, which is why I stopped watching any type of awards show right around the time it became popular to rant about all the wrongs in the world while accepting their award for whatever it is they did so well that they were handed a little statue for it.

I don't want to hear their opinions on anything, period; just sing the song, say the line and score the touchdown.

The problem with singers, actors and athletes who feel the need to enlighten us with their diatribes is 50% of the people will agree with them, 50% will not, so it's a no win situation.

Speaking of sports, the owners of the Dolphins and Texans have come out and said they will not sign any free agents who protested during the national anthem this past year and the two of them are basically getting killed over it.

So it's ok to protest, ie, exercise your freedom of speech, but it's not ok to exercise your freedom of choice by not signing any of them.

Talk about a hypocritical attitude.

It's their choice to protest, it's the owners choice not to sign them, you made your bed, now lay in it.
The viewing public, unlike in years past, has many other options for watching all kinds of content. They are no longer captive to the networks. That is part of the reason why viewership is down for these kinds of events, not to mention they’re somewhat boring.

It is more than boring. More like stop preaching and running things you don't agree with
into the ground constantly.
They think it makes them big to rant.It only goes to show their ignorance.
I think you can say the same for a lot of groups not just Hollywood types.
This country has lost the ability to empathize and compromise.

Agreed. Among the masses it is the product of social media and cable "news" which lends itself to conflict between groups that harden into increasingly adversarial positions from constantly butting heads. Eventually there develops an us against them mentality in which those that disagree with you must be deemed evil or stupid for doing so. When that point is reached mutual destruction is the objective. That is certainly the case in politics these days.
While we may not agree or like to hear political and social commentary in an entertainment venue Hollywood has been on the right side of important issues on many occasions. They have brought attention to racism, women's rights, sexual harassment, *** rights, workers rights and government abuse among many others.
The issue is how they use their fame and fortune for good causes.....I think grandstanding turns people off and gives the impression that they have the moral high ground. They make a lot of money because in a capitalist free enterprise system their movies make profits and pay a lot of salaries. If consumers don't agree with their politics and don't like their art then they have the right to spend money elsewhere.
In this country money = power and influence.
It is not the grandstanding. People have done that since Adam and Eve. It is the HATE. Jay Leno poked fun of everyone. He was never hateful. And all laughed and had a good time.
Hate is a new phenomenon. All because they lost.
While we may not agree or like to hear political and social commentary in an entertainment venue Hollywood has been on the right side of important issues on many occasions. They have brought attention to racism, women's rights, sexual harassment, *** rights, workers rights and government abuse among many others.
The issue is how they use their fame and fortune for good causes.....I think grandstanding turns people off and gives the impression that they have the moral high ground. They make a lot of money because in a capitalist free enterprise system their movies make profits and pay a lot of salaries. If consumers don't agree with their politics and don't like their art then they have the right to spend money elsewhere.
In this country money = power and influence.

They should practice what they preach.Most are hypocrites.

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