The Tale of a Brewers Dray (1 Viewer)

Nice progress, John! That's an interesting solution for the base. I've been using tin or copper flashing for bases for foot figures, with 2-part epoxy to adhere them. But I don't think it'll hold in the long run for horses, I think the joins will be too weak. But I was thinking of casting thin bases in tin or lead, and soldering pins into the feet. I'll have to look for some metal sheet stock like you've used and try your method, too, and see how it goes.

I have had horses on bases like that for about 5 years now - no problems - so far. It's just whatever you can get with me. I have been going for 12 years now - and nothing has fallen off so far - at least from them. ( and not from me - so far - either!!). Just hoping it all stays that way.{sm2}
Hi Johnnybach,

I enjoy your show and tell too. I will have to figure out a way to handle my horses.

All cast W Britains with very thin legs and NO bases.

I'll probably put my whole coach and horses on a single base.

Rgds Victor
Well Victor mate ( is that Ozzy enuff?^&grin) - I have constantly been on the receiving end of some very good advice and tips since I joined the forum - so I always try and give something back wherever I can. I also like to show how I do things - in case anyone out there has a better solution that they would like to share. I figure that all modellers/painters are trying to produce something that firstly pleases themselves - but secondly, that others might like to look at too.

After all - it was looking at the finish on some of your figures - that eventually led to me finding out about a better final finish for my lads! So thank-you ( and Dragoon & the Forum), for that.

As to your coach and horses idea. Are you going to have your Coach wheels free to spin? If you are - maybe you could put all of the horses on one base and leave the coach off it?

You could then pull along your horses alltogether - and the coach would move and the wheels turn. If not - then your idea of the lot on one base is a very sound one. I once tried to move a six horse gun team on a loose base - with disasterous results - when I dropped the ***** lot! My goodness - La Commandante learned some Anglo-Saxon that day!{eek3}

Good fun this - innit?:smile2:
I have been giving a bit of thought to the offloading ramp that draymen use for getting the barrels from the dray to the ground. The piece given looks like this below.


Its obviously meant to be just stuck to the back of the dray. I was a bit disatisfied with this - as I want my dray to be able to move ( and therefore be played with!

So I decided on another modification. Using the simple tools shown below - and some copper staples retreived from some packaging as raw materials - I fabricated two brackets below and bent them to shape.


I then glued them to the top of each leg of the ramp - and drilled two holes at the rear of the dray - so that each new bracket could drop into the hole - not making them too neat - as with constant use, these holes would get quite rough.


The finished ramp now looks like this - is easily demountable - to chuck onto the back of the cart - and allows Albert the drayman (Billy - his mate is feeding the horse with a horsey-bag snack thingy) to roll the barrels down the ramp - Hurrah!


Will paint up in red - with the metal brackets in black. johnnybach
Necessity as they say is the mother of invention!! You clever chap you Mr. B GREAT JOB !!!
Hey - both - like it that you like the mod - which works - will go with it. We will see what needs to be done next. Thanks . jb
It always amazes me what that first coat of colour does when the cleaning up and modifications allow the piece to progress. I am now happy that this is the way I will display the Dray when completed , with Albert unloading some barrels - whilst Billy feeds the horses. Nameplate at the front is unpainted yet and mounted with a bit of blu-tack for now
So,thought I would share the pic. Very happy with what I obtained for just over £50. A lot of model for the money - though note that my front axle has still not arrived - which is delaying progress a bit. johnnybach

It always amazes me what that first coat of colour does when the cleaning up and modifications allow the piece to progress. I am now happy that this is the way I will display the Dray when completed , with Albert unloading some barrels - whilst Billy feeds the horses. Nameplate at the front is unpainted yet and mounted with a bit of blu-tack for now
So,thought I would share the pic. Very happy with what I obtained for just over £50. A lot of model for the money - though note that my front axle has still not arrived - which is delaying progress a bit. johnnybach


This is beginning to look excellent {bravo}}

The modification you made to the ramp was a great idea:salute:::salute::


Thanks Martyn - I am also getting an increasingly twitchy feeling regarding that Trophy Hancocks Dray model. After becoming quite familiar with the basic dray - I think that I could probably do a similar job on the Hancocks one - and make it look a lot like the Trophy version. Maybe even have the driver's (Still My Grandad, I'm afraid!) feet touching something. Dark thoughts indeed to a Trophy collector I'm sure. I will see how this one turns out first - but am strongly tempted to have a go!! johnnybach
Thanks Martyn - I am also getting an increasingly twitchy feeling regarding that Trophy Hancocks Dray model. After becoming quite familiar with the basic dray - I think that I could probably do a similar job on the Hancocks one - and make it look a lot like the Trophy version. Maybe even have the driver's (Still My Grandad, I'm afraid!) feet touching something. Dark thoughts indeed to a Trophy collector I'm sure. I will see how this one turns out first - but am strongly tempted to have a go!! johnnybach

I'd say go for it, I bet it would look stunning :salute:::salute::


Well - it is really what I do! I have never been one for just buying something off the shelf - putting it in a glass case (or worse - never taking it out of the box) - and then just looking at it!

What I like to do -really - is see something I like - then think - how could I do that - then have a go at it. Even when I buy a casting like the "Thwaites Brewery" Dray - I just have to change or modify it in some small way - usually so it means something to me!.

So - long-winded way of saying - I will see how this one turns out - and then give it some more thought. If you look closely enough at the Trophy model - and then at the ATS flatbed - they ain't half close! The rest of it is easy-peasy stuff - and I wouldnt have though it would be that difficult to source a sitting driver with a peaked cap. I think Dorset Soldiers would have a body and head to suit that.Colours would be easy - as I have the picture as a screen-saver right now.

Yes - that's an almost definite maybe - is that! Don't look too hard for that one Martyn! johnnybach^&grin
Well - it is really what I do! I have never been one for just buying something off the shelf - putting it in a glass case (or worse - never taking it out of the box) - and then just looking at it!

What I like to do -really - is see something I like - then think - how could I do that - then have a go at it. Even when I buy a casting like the "Thwaites Brewery" Dray - I just have to change or modify it in some small way - usually so it means something to me!.

So - long-winded way of saying - I will see how this one turns out - and then give it some more thought. If you look closely enough at the Trophy model - and then at the ATS flatbed - they ain't half close! The rest of it is easy-peasy stuff - and I wouldnt have though it would be that difficult to source a sitting driver with a peaked cap. I think Dorset Soldiers would have a body and head to suit that.Colours would be easy - as I have the picture as a screen-saver right now.

Yes - that's an almost definite maybe - is that! Don't look too hard for that one Martyn! johnnybach^&grin

Excellent Johnnybach, I'll take it of the list^&grin


But Martyn - thanks for your help in getting me into this area (which I never really knew existed), in the first place - and thanks for the offer to look for one - much appreciated -^&grin I won't forget it! Joohnnybach.
Anyhow - on with this project for now - The Brains Brewery Dray with a pair of draymen c.1900. Post-van came and went - still no axle! ****!

So got on with a bit of work on the offside horse ( is that how they refer to them?). Decided on a very dark brown for the horse leather-work (Tack?), which should show off any horse brasswork I can add.

This will be the last photo for a couple of weeks - but I wll be back then with further installments of what has turned out to be quite a fascinating little project - which has also brought back a few memories too.

Memories like the old "De'Mascio's" horse drawn ice-cream cart. Cardiff'/Italian family - who would give you "Extra red stuff" to go on top of your penny cone - if you could scrounge a penny from somewher in the 1940's!!! Now THAT would be another interesting little project.............. see you later - johnnybach

Well Victor mate ( is that Ozzy enuff?^&grin) - I have constantly been on the receiving end of some very good advice and tips since I joined the forum - so I always try and give something back wherever I can. I also like to show how I do things - in case anyone out there has a better solution that they would like to share. I figure that all modellers/painters are trying to produce something that firstly pleases themselves - but secondly, that others might like to look at too.

After all - it was looking at the finish on some of your figures - that eventually led to me finding out about a better final finish for my lads! So thank-you ( and Dragoon & the Forum), for that.

As to your coach and horses idea. Are you going to have your Coach wheels free to spin? If you are - maybe you could put all of the horses on one base and leave the coach off it?

You could then pull along your horses alltogether - and the coach would move and the wheels turn. If not - then your idea of the lot on one base is a very sound one. I once tried to move a six horse gun team on a loose base - with disasterous results - when I dropped the ***** lot! My goodness - La Commandante learned some Anglo-Saxon that day!{eek3}

Good fun this - innit?:smile2:

Well Johnnybach,

just seeing your latest pics and that wonderful looking horse has made me decide that for my coach, I will abandon the original WBritains horses for some Historex conversions. My coach wheels don't turn so well so I will fix them and mount all onto one base.

Rgds Victor
The horse sculptor of the ATS Dray I believe is Alan Caton - who has done equally nice work for Asset and Yeoman too. The horses are very much toward the model end of the Toy Soldier spectrum - and I like them very much. That's not to say that I don't like the old-world charm of some of (say) Britains early TS figures - because I do. It's just what you are trying to do with them that speaks to you - and suggests what to use.

I agree that if you don't want a running carriage - it makes good sense to put them securely on a solid base. Love the way your model is progressing by the way - really nice job.

I bought that book that Trooper recommended fro Amazon UK for the bargain price of One penny - plus £2.80 for postage. Its an absolute beauty - with tons of info and pics of the whole collection - and not just the Gold State Coach. Do get it - if you can - for that price its a steal.

All the best though for now - johnnybach
Now I am back in the uk for a while - I thought I would do a little more research for the project. If you go to ASDA supermarket - you can also join me in some research - and get a free one of these! There's a buy 2 and get one free on at the moment.

I love research - and may be forced to do some more soon!

P.S It's just as good as I remembered. iechyd da (good health!) johnnybach^&grin


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