The Ultimate E-Bay Seller's Travesty.....Buyer Misconduct (2 Viewers)

Why do something you regret. I have steered clear of e-bay for a long time because of all the bad press and, only recently allowed myself to join it and sell some stuff and buy a good bit. Its obvious there are as many bad sellers as there are bad customers but, if someone did not want to sell something to me after I won it no biggie and move on. If they relist then rebid and mess with them that way by winning it again.

I had a women I won an item from say it was posted it never turned up and then went all around the doors with excuses in the end she said another seller actually had here item listed as the box looked identical!!!! I waited and then got a full refund for non delivery. Looney tunes sprung to mind.

You just have to watch out for the crackerjacks as with anything, its a crap game and you take the chance you will have no problem but, its bound to happen

I said I'll do something the seller would regret, I'll regret nothing because the person will get everything what he/she deserves. Done it before, involved police to investigate fraud etc.
I said I'll do something the seller would regret, I'll regret nothing because the person will get everything what he/she deserves. Done it before, involved police to investigate fraud etc.

Like the old saying goes.....what comes around goes around !
Unless I know the buyer, I ship only to Canada/USA with a tracking number, insurance and delivery confirmation. That's the way ebay must want it by the way they treat sellers and charge fees on shipping and those shipping costs are very expensive for international shipping.


That the way to go Terry if you want to be protected by ebay , interesting thing is you don't get same problem else where with things going missing like you do on ebay :wink2:
I would have considered some of the cases you and others are talking about are hardly criminal matters and, would expect a hard pressed police force to take the option and outlook that these are, in terms of legality, civil matters. What one person believes to be fraudulent does not mean its true or, the seller is in the wrong. Surely, one contacts e-bay before wasting police time and, then its for e-bay to act is it not?

As I said each to their own but, if a seller pulled an item from me and, even sold it again under the pretence of some excuse I would not feel it necessary to involve outside agencies in order to hope they get what they deserve whether warranted or not.

Its not aimed at you but, when you read things like this it always springs to mind, or my mind, of the buyer having sour grapes at missing something they wanted. In my short time on e-bay I have quickly realised if you miss an item for whatever reason one day, odds are favourable it will be seen again very soon.

The joys of E-bay no wonder its called evil-bay!!! seems caveat emptor applies not only to buyers. A bit of awareness and, as I have been told by many long time e-bayers most transaction swill be fine and they are.

I said I'll do something the seller would regret, I'll regret nothing because the person will get everything what he/she deserves. Done it before, involved police to investigate fraud etc.
Bought from all over the world never had a single problem with items not being received or being broken. Maybe I have been lucky or maybe I am too selective on who I buy from.
With E-Bay the 1 in 100 bad deal is the one that gets all of the frustration and disapointment {eek3}

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