The Yorkshire ripper Hoaxer (1 Viewer)


Major General
May 1, 2010
Just watched the premier show on this man who decided to send the police up the garden path. Really quite interesting stuff did a lot of my undergraduate and some post grad on this and the use of the DNA database.

Would like to see the data base go national and, this is another reason why it would be a good idea. Bet the little weasel thought he had got away with it. His contrition in interview was remarkable.

Did anyone else watch this or have views on a national database??
I always thought they should take DNA from everyone when they are born. It might be somewhat expensive and raise some privacy concerns, but it would go a long way in solving or preventing many criminal cases in the future. Other than cost, I guess the main argument against is that the information could be used for other purposes such as identifying those with certain diseases. There are many people in the US that are strongly opposed to any type of governmental list or database no matter how mundane. It derives from a certain paranoid if sometimes justified distrust of government. Reading recently about folks who have objections even to answering basic questions for 2010 US Census. So it's probably never going to happen here beyond the current system where most criminals are entered - but only after they have been caught at least once.

btw: I recall there was recent trilogy of movies centered around the Yorkshire ripper case. They got high praise, but I can't recall the titles.
To think forces were diverted to investigate this guy and the real Ripper was able to carry on taking lives, words fail me to be honest.

While DNA evidence has its worth, it is hardly the silver bullet that it is portrayed as in the detective shows (like many things the shows exaggerate). It is fallible. Moreso continued advances allow anyones DNA to be synthesized. It would be the ultimate in identity theft. As such, I would be very much against any kind of mandatory DNA list. Isn't the idea that one is innocent until proven guilty?

The 'Bedrock' of the English legal system is the trial by jury system but, innocent until proven guilty although a fine principle does not hold water with conviction rates and, I believe juries see through the transparent fiction as would the defendant be in front of them were they truly innocent?

I see your concerns but, DNA has progressed enourmously since its discovery in 85 and, is a valuable tool in crime detection as proven by the conviction of the horrid little man in relation to the ripper hoax.

Absolutely no way would he have been brought before the courts and imprisoned had it not been for DNA. I personally, believe a national database would be of great benefit so, it can be the silver bullet and, has been in many cases not only proving guilt but also innocence.
Apparently courts are suffering from the CSI effect where jurors now expect to see dramatic recconstructions.

While DNA evidence has its worth, it is hardly the silver bullet that it is portrayed as in the detective shows (like many things the shows exaggerate). It is fallible. Moreso continued advances allow anyones DNA to be synthesized. It would be the ultimate in identity theft. As such, I would be very much against any kind of mandatory DNA list. Isn't the idea that one is innocent until proven guilty?

Actually, it pretty much is a silver bullet. Like fingerprints. It's a proven science for establishing the presence of specific individuals at a crime scene. Does that mean they are always guilty because their DNA is found at the scene? No, but it substantially narrows the list of potential suspects from the entire world to one in short order. In addition, DNA actually ensures that innocent parties are not convicted with less reliable evidence like eyewitness testimony which is notoriously inaccurate. Several people have been released from prison because the dna evidence did not match.

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