Third new word game (2 Viewers)

Dennewitz, 6 September 1813, a Prussian / Russian victory by von Bulow over Ney near Berlin after the battle of Kulm.
Rothiere, 1 February 1814, a disasterous lost to the Prussian led allies by Napoleon near Brienne that cost the French 74 cannons and much loss of morale.
Erfurt, 16 October 1806, the bloodless surrender, by the Prince of Orange to Murat's cavalry of a fortified city in eastern Germany. The Prussians suffered 12,000 captured and lost 65 guns and numerous colors but most captives were freed 3 days later by a Squadron of Prussian hussars.
Ten Briel, 6 April 1794, a small Hanoverian victory over a brigade from Moreau's division of the Armee du Nord in West Flanders.
Brecon - Home of the 24th Regiment of Foot - later the South Wales Borderers and Royal Regiment of Wales -also my home town!
Brecon - Home of the 24th Regiment of Foot - later the South Wales Borderers and Royal Regiment of Wales -also my home town!
I love how this thread has evolved to impart such great information. Just to add to this one, though the 24th will always be most known for its AZW battles, it also had a distinguished Napoleonic career including the critical holding of a collapsing line at Talavera that cost the 2/24th nearly half of its numbers, driving the French from the village at Fuentes de Onoro, a valliant charge through the breach at the failed seige of Burgos and gaining further battle honors at the Pyrennes, Nivelle and Orthes.
This whole thread went off course at Post 1627 , Thucydides. UC must follow. -- lancer
Just a request, using the "search this thread" option before posting will eliminate the large number of repeat answers being used. Some of the words have been used 3 or 4 times now. Thanks, lancer
Uckerath, 19 June 1796 then. Recorded as a draw between the French and Austrians, the French suffered nearly 4 times the Austrian casualties.

It is good to check the last post against the prior one, which I failed to do on the "uc". It was nonetheless a fun diversion. Since the posts after were based on a false premise, they should be available to use again.

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