This is crazy (1 Viewer)

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I see there is still no movement on certain key items ( Winter Tiger, Matilda and Rommel Grief). What is the meaning of that Brad? Is the market collapsing are buyers waiting for the last minute. How do we find out what things went for eventually?
If you click to 'watch' the item, you cab check to see what price it fetched post auction.

I see there is still no movement on certain key items ( Winter Tiger, Matilda and Rommel Grief). What is the meaning of that Brad? Is the market collapsing are buyers waiting for the last minute. How do we find out what things went for eventually?


It could mean buyers are not willing to pay those prices. Besides the way suggested by Simon, you can also go to completed auctions and that will show you or you can go to search items by seller which allows you to look at what a seller has sold in the last 30 days.
Simon and Brad
Thanks for your answers.
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Why the personal attacks against this person? While his prices especially for items still available are excessive they are his items, and he is free to offer them to who ever for what ever. Why not just mention this without naming him in particular......and posting links to his auction?

Perhaps he sells to countries where these products aren't readily available?

Also again aren't we following the No Advertising policy anymore? Sometimes I get confused which sight I am actually on.

All offered in the spirt of peace.

I am sorry. I have never bought anything off e bay and I was just curious as to how things work. I did not realize that posting a link is not allowed.
Damian Clarke

Sorry, not trying to single you out, in the past it was said that singling out specific people on Ebay was not a good idea as they or their customers might be members of the Forum......and might be offended.

Only reason I brought this up.

John is right. I have edited out some recent posts, including my own, to edit out what might be insulting references and just stick to a discussion of the facts, which, I believe, has been happening here.

So, Damian please continue to ask questions and we will do our best to answer them.
Hi John, good to read you again.

For some reasons, some members have very big problems with the secondary market.

It's an obsession. I would even say that some are simply rambling.

My very best regards,
Hi John,

I am pleased to see you return to the forum. I have missed your insights into the hobby. I hope all is going well for you.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hello Pierre, and Pat!

Good to speak with you again! I agree Pierre, many people don't really understand the secondary marketplace.

I have done business with collectors all over the world, and quite often items I sell (which may be quite common here) will sell quickly elsewhere, where they are not available......or most sellers are not willing to ship.

Its like the sellers that refuse to accept Paypal, or Credit Cards, or ship internationally. Now I'm not being critical of these sellers, all of these situations have problems......but all are very simple once you understand how to make it work for you.

All I can say with all the terrific new releases all the collectors have their work cut out for them! I'm lucky in my situation, if something new comes in....something old has to go!

I think that it is not offensive to simply state that buyers must do their homework before purchasing on the "secondary" market.....and "think" about what an item is worth before clicking the mouse button in their over-excitement.........otherwise they may find latter that they have allowed themselves to be taken advantage of.......I agree that a seller should not be singled out........ but discussing "fair market" value for pieces may be a good service to members or new comers to the hobby who would otherwise not be aware of the potential for exploitation......Regards.....Vezzolf
Hey John,
Where you been hiding? You leave me to defend the free markets by myself!?!?
E-bay is a boon to us all, it's opened the eyes and wallets of collectors all over the world to our favorite hobby.
Me personally, it has financed nearly my entire collection and I might add, just because there are some huge prices being asked and paid, there are still bargains to be had.
Freedom at it's finest!!
It has been my experience that there are few if any bargains on e-bay in regards to king and country........I have however noted some reasonable prices in some other areas of interest.......well I guess buyers will have to exercise their own good and "careful" judgement in regards to bargains......
Hi Ray

Of course I agree, Ebay has been a terrific opportunity for many collectors to find items they have spent years searching for. It also allows others to earn some extra $$$$ to spend on their hobbys without having to drive for Domino's or greet the folks at Walmart as they enter.......(both great jobs I'm sure no offense intended)

Lots of collectors I know carefully pack up their little treasures and cart them from show to show trying to earn a few dollars for the next item they can't live without. Ebay has allowed many folks to do the same thing from the comfort of their own homes with little damage and minimal risks.

With the incredible costs of living now, I think it is honorable for those that use their hobby to finance new purchases! Usually everyone wins, the collector gets to choose the new items he wishes to have, another collector has the opportunity of adding an item or two he wanted and missed to his collection, and those you support don't have to have another meatloaf suprise while they admire your latest purchase!

I know there are always those that complain when something sells for more then it cost the original buyer........I suspect part of the problem is the fact that they didn't get a piece of the pie!

Myself, I just record the price, and see how it fits into the overall sceme of things!

I'm approaching 10 years now on Ebay, so far I have paid probably 20K in fees.......still going up ...... to Ebay & Paypal, spent another 10K in photographic equiptment, had lots of fun, met a couple of thousand other collectors........and the wife still doesn't complain when another box shows up at the front door!

I'm also on a first name basis with both my local mailman (he gets excited everytime he shows up with something) and the folks at the local post office always interested where the next package is going!

I certainly wish anyone with a limited budget would give it a thought, before they considered taking more time away from family with overtime, or a second job........cause you just know putting their collections on hold isn't usually an option!

I started much the same as you about 9 yrs. ago, just buying, but as I would buy on impulse or the scale or something wasn't right, instaed of letting it sit around I decided to try to put it right back on e-bay. Later I realised what a bunch of blood thirsty, ravinous appetites collectors have. I looked for new avenues to sell on e-bay in that vein, I discovered huge quantities of Lego Star wars sets at 20-30% of retail at Walmart and Target and so forth after Christmas. Bought all I could find sometimes spending $2-300 dollars at a wack! Over the period of the next couple of months I'd double and triple my investment and I found the whole selling aspect of e-bay to be quite exciting.
This little inginuety and work gave me the freedom to expand my K&C collection without burdoning our finances, no grief from the wife, no hiding spending.
The fees are horrendous though and I hope there greed dosen't kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
The freedom to succeed is a wonderful thing.
Ray :D
Ray: You are quite right, and may I say well done! I have helped several friends start up on Ebay, usually someone will mention they need an extra $500 a month, and they are looking for something part/time. I usually ask them if they have ever heard about Ebay, many check in but have no idea how to list and sell, or what to sell. I have advised several to look into what they are interested in, and several now are having fun and earning what they needed!

I started with phone that was really something! I found a collectible trade paper and inside people had 1/4, 1/2, and full page ads for their future auction say on june 15th. You could call up and bid on an item any time between when the paper was published (usually a month earler) and june 15.....the auctions ended at midnight once 15 minutes had passed without another bid. The people would have between 10 and 50 different items up for bid. My wife took one look at this and said "Your Nuts"! who on earth would call up and bid on something like this? I bid on a few items, watched how it worked, and soon we ran our 1st........slowly the calls began coming in, before long as the end date approached sereral came in each day, the closing night of the auction it was like a hotel switchboard. Once we had run several, and people begain receiving the quality items we were offering we had a following and were off to the races! The wife handled all the calls, and was quite good at it, we had promoted and run train, and antique and collectible shows in New Jersey, and Florida, so she was great with customers. We had lots of fun for several years until Ebay started up which took the place of our Toy Shop/phone auctions........certainly a lot of fun, and great experience!

I am basically onboard with John's (NJJA), and other's, philosophy concerning EBay and the secondary market. I don't believe that the people who are currently selling K&C at prices what some would believe as being "out-of-line" or crazy are out of line at all. When a willing buyer paying an agreeable price to a willing seller and both conduct the transaction with a feeling of having made a reasonably good deal, then the free market system works (as long as there is no government or outside interference in the transaction). More power to anyone who can get a great price for what they sell. It is all about supply and demand. Simple terms that can have either a profit or a loss as a reward for entering the market. The risk the seller takes has some value. If someone is able to sell a K&C tank (that originally sold for less than $100) for $700, well I guess you can just color me green and slap my butt for not entering the market to take advantage of that kind of profit. "Power to the people", remember that an old popular phrase from the 60's? It can really happen in the free market system, more power to more people. :)
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