This would never happen where I live... (1 Viewer)

True Brad, I just thought i could expand the subject into something more positive but people seem to take it the wrong way.
Trying to find solutions to prevent these behaviors doesn't mean I am anti-law enforcement or want the perpetrators to get away with their crimes.

By the way the Attorney General's decision to reinstate the death penalty for heinous crimes is ok with me.

Rich, I agree with you generally about finding solutions. I just don’t think this is that case.

I’m not sure I agree with Barr’s decision but let’s not open that can of worms.
Imagine being a police officer and being in the middle of that.

This is getting out of hand now.

My proud....

JFC. I’m surprised. But I’m not.

There are places in this city that folks like me don’t dare tread. Not that we care to, of course. But take a wrong turn and things might go very very badly. I made a mistake about a year ago after hitting golf balls and ended up on Hollowell Parkway. Think Berlin, May 1945.

Why did the Braves move to the north side of town? Hmmm. I wonder.

I was driving south on the city’s main thoroughfare on Sunday about 5:30. (South Buckhead on Peachtree St.) Suddenly a swarm of about 200 motorcyclists, 3 & 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, you name it, were speeding en masse the other direction. The riders were doing wheelies, standing on their bikes, completely ignoring traffic lights, driving in the middle turn lane so no one could turn left, weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds. Some were even driving the wrong way in the inside lane going the opposite direction! It was mayhem. The same crowd as in the video. The cops arrested 3 people.

Mob rule is in effect.

Seems like fun to have a water gun fight (for a cause?), but uhhhhh I find no humor in spraying the police, standing on their cars or hopping on the fire trucks. I find it highly disrespectful towards law enforcement/first responders to blast them with water, I mean c'mon man they weren't there to play. It is just rude and NO that would never happen where I live.

Secondly, here in South Texas our water comes from the aquifer and is extremely restricted in its use. When there is a drought the water utility imposes water restrictions on different stages. Stage 1, 2 etc...and if we are in any of those stages you can get fined for wasting water. There is a running joke that you can identify a "water cheater" by how lush their yard looks during Stage 3 and yes he utility drives around the city to see if you are abusing water restrictions. The fines are no joke and you sorta become a pariah in your neighborhood if your grass is all green and lush and the rest of the hood is dry and brown.

So, I guess Atlanta (or that part of town of Atlanta) has zero problems with wasting water like that. And cops have to put up with a lot of BS on a daily basis, and to douse them with water was a bit unnecessary man.

John from Texas
My proud....

JFC. I’m surprised. But I’m not.

There are places in this city that folks like me don’t dare tread. Not that we care to, of course. But take a wrong turn and things might go very very badly. I made a mistake about a year ago after hitting golf balls and ended up on Hollowell Parkway. Think Berlin, May 1945.

Why did the Braves move to the north side of town? Hmmm. I wonder.

I was driving south on the city’s main thoroughfare on Sunday about 5:30. (South Buckhead on Peachtree St.) Suddenly a swarm of about 200 motorcyclists, 3 & 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, you name it, were speeding en masse the other direction. The riders were doing wheelies, standing on their bikes, completely ignoring traffic lights, driving in the middle turn lane so no one could turn left, weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds. Some were even driving the wrong way in the inside lane going the opposite direction! It was mayhem. The same crowd as in the video. The cops arrested 3 people.

Mob rule is in effect.


Its dangerous...plain and simple. No regard for safety, no regard for your fellow man so you can do what? Pop wheelies and disrupt traffic to make some sort of statement? Its just not cool and again I find no humor in it. To me it (acting a fool) is just thumbing your nose at your community and those who live there and serve it. And frankly "acting a fool" comes in all shades and sizes.

Sometimes when I see crazy things on TV, mob mentality, injustices of all kinds I think:

"What would Martin say?" as in MLK, jr.

John from Texas

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