Three days in York (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Apart from my interests in all things WW1,WW2, art deco travel art, Italy's national food and sharing a few drinks with my good friends and fellow collectors in London....I have another hobby that my wife and I have shared for more than twenty years.

This is discovering British Castles/stately homes and other historical sites from across this great country of ours. For years we have visited dozens and dozens of them famous and obscure from mainly the southern half of the country, from London, to Gloucester, from Cornwall to Wales . But up until this last weekend we'd not ventured north. However we put this right with a really enjoyable trip to the great city of York. For those who have not been there York is packed with history and things to see and do. It also has in its outer environs many Castles and stately homes that are in the great tradition of this country, world class.

In three days we took three hundred pics! But don't worry I'll only post 299 here:wink2:

Here is the lovely Rievaux Abbey. Its set in beautiful and peaceful countryside to the North of York. Was a thriving and hugely successful community for hundreds of years with its inhabitants farming and making the most of the host of nature's bounty available right on the doorstep. That was of course until Henry VIII needed the cash of course and it was closed. The inhabitants were forced to give it to the King and were paid off. Contractors were brought in to partially demolish this wonderful building, a huge shame as it must have been magnificent . During this partial demolition one of the huge supporting columns fell on to one of the foreman overseeing the work crushing him beneath. The workers thinking it was an act of God fled the seen and never returned, leaving their fellow workers body to be eventually found hundreds of years later.











This is Helmsley Castle. First built in wood by Walter l'Espec in around 1120. This Castle was perhaps more of a statement of the power and social position of its owner rather than a classic fortress. Having said this it was besieged by Cromwell's forces led by Sir Thomas Fairfax during the English Civil war and having held out for some considerable time finally surrendered when food ran out. Fairfax's forces then destroyed the tower with a huge explosion of gunpowder, a clear message to the town below the tower.






A sign that perhaps this Castle was not built for all out War by top architects was the fact that when finished it became clear any attackers could simply flank the large gatehouse and enter the main Castle! So these walls were added into the defensive ditch to keep such forces out......quite an oversight!{eek3}

This is Clifford's Tower or York Castle as its also known in York City itself. Splendid fortification with great views out across the City. It was in its time a safe place for valuables , arms and prisoners . However it was also the scene of an infamous and atrocious massacre of some 150 Jewish people who sought refuge here from an enraged mob in March 1190. When no help was at hand many of the Jewish people took their own lives rather than be killed by the mob and the building set alight, those still alive were killed by the mob.




Next up is York Minster. This really is a jewel in the Crown of British architecture and is just beautiful. Its undergoing a lot of renovation work right now and we will be returning in 2016 to see the finished product. Whether you are religious or not this is well worth a visit should you be in the area.










Pics of aforementioned work going on, including the stone masons area where traditional methods are being used to repair and replace damaged areas.



Thanks I am homesick!! York has to be one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is definitely in my Top Ten. I can't believe it has taken you so long to get up North!!

I can't count how many times I have wandered around Cliffords Tower or been in York Minster. The ceiling bosses truly are spectacular works of art.

Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. I know I am enjoying it immensely.
No self respecting middle age chap who ever had a Hornby Train set as a kid could possibly miss the chance to visit York's world famous National Railway Museum. Well that's my excuse guys!^&grin

Here she is, the world beating Mallard....still holds the speed record I believe. If a Railway engine can be beautiful , surely this one is.




Apart from my interests in all things WW1,WW2, art deco travel art, Italy's national food and sharing a few drinks with my good friends and fellow collectors in London....I have another hobby that my wife and I have shared for more than twenty years. This is discovering British Castles/stately homes and other historical sites from across this great country of ours.
This only shows me again what I already knew: you have a fantastic taste for your hobbies! Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing!
Thanks I am homesick!! York has to be one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is definitely in my Top Ten. I can't believe it has taken you so long to get up North!!

I can't count how many times I have wandered around Cliffords Tower or been in York Minster. The ceiling bosses truly are spectacular works of art.

Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. I know I am enjoying it immensely.

My pleasure Scott,glad you are enjoying the pics mate. I know just what you mean, me and the wife were wondering around saying ' WHY haven't we been here before'!{eek3}

Apart from my interests in all things WW1,WW2, art deco travel art, Italy's national food and sharing a few drinks with my good friends and fellow collectors in London....I have another hobby that my wife and I have shared for more than twenty years. This is discovering British Castles/stately homes and other historical sites from across this great country of ours.
This only shows me again what I already knew: you have a fantastic taste for your hobbies! Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing!

Thank you my friend, my pleasure!:salute::



Same type A4 Engine, but one for my American friends;


I'm envious to say the least. However, I wonder if we were looking at photos of a portion of the Wilson empire {eek3}


Last steam Train built in Britain;



Inside the steam engine!

I'm envious to say the least. However, I wonder if we were looking at photos of a portion of the Wilson empire {eek3}



Brad, I just can't believe it was my first visit mate and don't get me started on the full English breakfasts up there!:smile2::wink2:

I look at the train sets in a local hobby shop each time I go in. It is a good reminder that collecting toy soldiers is a really affordable hobby!

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