I gotta admit fellas, I am loving the irony here- many of the individuals who have posted here have expressed in the "10 greatest tanks" threads that they felt that the US Government was short sighted or what not in developing the US Army tank corps- yet it took one extraordinary visionary, Gen George himself, to soldier on and make the Tank corps as much a reality as possible.
Now, we have a toy soldier company try to come to the table with something new and we are debating amongst ourselves as to price, feasibility, etc. Funny how I have heard those constraints mentioned as barriers to the development of the US tank corps back in the Depression era (interwar years).

in fact, if you look at the toy soldier hobby, it is essentially a microcosm of realities faced when building a fighting force- at the ground level, are the troops, who, are the cheapest in the toy soldier hierarchy, then the armor (or artillery or cavalry, etc). Next, the air force- airplanes are very expensive to develop and produce- finally- the ships. Look at it as a pyramid-at the lowest level, we have troops, which viritually everyone makes and can afford, we go a step higher up the pyramid and certain buyers can afford tanks, go another step higher and a few more collectors drop off at the airplane level (Kc Warbirds, etc) and finally get at the apex and you are building a navy (figarti for example).
Ana- as I said in the other thread, soldier on, it's your company and it is always fun to see someone try something new- an idea can never be genius if it is kept tucked away in the brain. Granted, I am not a Tiger diehard, but should you decide to venture off into the realm of the modern Abrams or even the Bradley, I'll part with my money.