Tiger I late version (2 Viewers)

Re: An Early Christmas Present from K&C

The Reason why we add shipping is because you have to special order them so the each person will be paying from their dealer and from ana, unless you order it solely from ana and then the cost will probably be more. Also very few if any HB tanks will be order stock. I can gaurante people will add something whether it be crews bases or what not. I was going to buy an HB tank until i learned you had to pay extra for the crew.

The pay for a crew option seems to be a real sticking point with lots of folks. It does add least $76.00 to the price of the tank if you want all 3 crew members. Although the tank is the best I have ever seen, the HB crew members are no better than the K&C crews. So you do have an argument that the crew members should have been included. The 5 crew members I received with the sandbagged Sherman are still the best I have ever seen, and they came with the price of the tank. So yes, K&C are going to be chosen as a consumer best buy for sure. I think just by adding the crew with the tank, they would receive lots more orders for the this phenominal tiger. One advantage to this system, is if a crew member becomes damaged or lost, it can be easily replaced, which you can't do with the K&C limited editions. Also, as Ana pointed out, these tanks are truly customized to your specifications, which cannot be done with any other tank on the market. I am not crazy about the total cost, but if I desire one, I know that I will have to pay the price! One last thing, I will be very interested to know, if these tanks will break even on the e-bay market. I would be careful about investing in these for profit, because not too many people are going to pay what you payed for the tank.
Re: An Early Christmas Present from K&C

The pay for a crew option seems to be a real sticking point with lots of folks. It does add least $76.00 to the price of the tank if you want all 3 crew members. Although the tank is the best I have ever seen, the HB crew members are no better than the K&C crews. So you do have an argument that the crew members should have been included. The 5 crew members I received with the sandbagged Sherman are still the best I have ever seen, and they came with the price of the tank. So yes, K&C are going to be chosen as a consumer best buy for sure. I think just by adding the crew with the tank, they would receive lots more orders for the this phenominal tiger. One advantage to this system, is if a crew member becomes damaged or lost, it can be easily replaced, which you can't do with the K&C limited editions. Also, as Ana pointed out, these tanks are truly customized to your specifications, which cannot be done with any other tank on the market. I am not crazy about the total cost, but if I desire one, I know that I will have to pay the price! One last thing, I will be very interested to know, if these tanks will break even on the e-bay market. I would be careful about investing in these for profit, because not too many people are going to pay what you payed for the tank.

Good point about potential ebay deals there. IF the crew was included I think more people would pay the price but who ever released a tank and you had to pay extra for the crew. Bad stratey HB. Paying extra for a base and even combat weathering I can give you that, but for crying out loud at least provide a single crew member with the base price of the tanks, $350 and not a single crew member again bad idea IMO.
A couple thoughts here...

  1. I'm not sure that the 'secondary' market is really an issue with these HB Tigers. Think about it. If you have something customized to your exact specifications, what incentive is there to dump it on the market in order to get something else? Toy soldier collecting is first and foremost about getting what pleases you, is it not?
  2. While some people don't agree with Honour Bound's strategy, it is the direction that they have chosen to take. Time will tell if this new approach is viable. I for one think it is. A number of people (including some Forum members) have taken the opportunity to order a Tiger to their exact specifications, so they would agree.
  3. A common Forum refrain is appropriate here...if you like it, get it. If you don't like it (or the price), then don't. Feel free to give an opinion, but continually harping on HB doesn't seem productive.
A couple thoughts here...

  1. I'm not sure that the 'secondary' market is really an issue with these HB Tigers. Think about it. If you have something customized to your exact specifications, what incentive is there to dump it on the market in order to get something else? Toy soldier collecting is first and foremost about getting what pleases you, is it not?
  2. While some people don't agree with Honour Bound's strategy, it is the direction that they have chosen to take. Time will tell if this new approach is viable. I for one think it is. A number of people (including some Forum members) have taken the opportunity to order a Tiger to their exact specifications, so they would agree.
  3. A common Forum refrain is appropriate here...if you like it, get it. If you don't like it (or the price), then don't. Feel free to give an opinion, but continually harping on HB doesn't seem productive.

Sage words,

I'm thinking of my customised Tiger with the spare K&C crew set.

For me, I'm going to wait until the dust settles before deciding if I really want to go along with the ride. I do like the look of the new HB Tigers (sheesh....who wouldn't?), but I think I'll just take a back seat until there are a few alternative vehicles on offer. Are they worth the cost? Probably YES. I did find it incredible that so many people seemed to be so surprised at how much they are though.
I wonder if Mr JG has been following this issue. Here might be a chance for him to petition a different company to produce what he wants instead of constantly harping on to K&C. Then again, possibly not. To make this customized approach viable, I think HB (at least in the short to medium term) are going to have to offer "base" tanks that are popular and will sell in relatively large quantities.
This probably means more Panthers, Panzer IV, Panzer III (yes please), Jagdpanther, Sherman, etc. (I would think, but I could be wrong - I'm not Mystic Meg after all). In the long term, will they offer more "exotic base" vehicles, such as, I don't know lets say the Cromwell. A tank with undoubted appeal to some, but would it have enough appeal to sell in the quantities of the Tiger, Panther, etc.
I guess time will tell.
I do tend to agree with the comments about the secondary market. I don't think anyone buying one of these tanks will be buying them with a view to making money. They'll be buying them for the simple reason that they have been produced to their exact requirements. So why would they want to sell them? Therefore I don't think we'll be seeing too many on e-bay in future.
All just MY opinions of course.

I agree with most everything you have said. In particular, I think there will be a bump in interest once the first HB Tigers are produced and collectors begin to chime in with (hopefully) positive feedback and pictures.
I am waiting for more Shermans that can be customized more radically. In other words I would like to get hold of some Springbok armor for use in either Italy or EL ALamein. I am sure forum members with Polish ancestry will want Polish armor, French ancestry will want Free French tanks, Canadian , Aussie NZ etc. Those of us who have relatives who served in specific units may want to get a piece to represent the tank their grandfather fought in. If HB do it well I think it will be a viable business model. There will be no room for little errors here I am afraid.
A couple thoughts here...

  1. I'm not sure that the 'secondary' market is really an issue with these HB Tigers. Think about it. If you have something customized to your exact specifications, what incentive is there to dump it on the market in order to get something else? Toy soldier collecting is first and foremost about getting what pleases you, is it not?
  2. While some people don't agree with Honour Bound's strategy, it is the direction that they have chosen to take. Time will tell if this new approach is viable. I for one think it is. A number of people (including some Forum members) have taken the opportunity to order a Tiger to their exact specifications, so they would agree.
  3. A common Forum refrain is appropriate here...if you like it, get it. If you don't like it (or the price), then don't. Feel free to give an opinion, but continually harping on HB doesn't seem productive.


I'll be placing an order for a Winter Tiger and possibly a Tri-striped version after I have done a little more reaserch on the available Tank Battalions. The research to me is really the fun part.

Semper Fi!
For some willing and talented entrepreneurs, the customization of base vehicles, from any mfg. could be a real financial winner. Alex and others have already shown the way to totally redo stuff..So you buy someones basic Sherman for $100 or $150 and give your personal specs to whoever and for another $100 ( total $200 or so) you get your own tank...the way you have researched it..Wish I had the talent and not the just the vision..Michael

I'll be placing an order for a Winter Tiger and possibly a Tri-striped version after I have done a little more reaserch on the available Tank Battalions. The research to me is really the fun part.

Semper Fi!


I posted some links in a separate thread to help people. If you find others, can you post them there.

Hope you and your troops have a healthy and safe Christmas.
hi anna,

is the crew for winter tiger proportionally correct at 1/30?

from the pics comparison, it looks like the normal (black/peadot) crew looks about right, but the winter ones looks disproportionate to the tank.

this is important coz, if this disproportionate size is true, then i will bypass the winter tank and takes another design, maybe the tri colour.

and anna, pls update us on the wittmann & bobby woll figure, and also the eastern diorama.

thank you,

nasir kasmani,
from sunny singapore.
Umm, lets see now, $400.00 for the shipped tank and then maybe $70.00 for the crew shipped, uhh: no thanks.

I just cant see paying what they are asking for the crew, come on, K&C has their number when it comes to figures. IF I purchase a Tiger I will use K&C figures for sure.
At $500.00 dollars a tank Honor Bound is now simply in the business of making model kits for individual customers and not producing product lines that are collectable: IMO.

Its a great idea for the few that can afford it, but I think K&C armor is getting better and Collectors Showcase pieces are even better: so I'll just stay with those two manufacturers.
Hi Nasir,

The crew for the winter will be proportionate. The ones in the picture look large because they were masters that we painted for the photograph, but we shrinked them before beginning production because they were really out of proportion with the tank. You don't have to worry about that.

Wittmann, Woll, the rest of the crew and the eastern dioramas will be ready by when we come back to Buenos Aires, around January 15. I'm the one who takes the pictures!:D:D:D

I am waiting for more Shermans that can be customized more radically. In other words I would like to get hold of some Springbok armor for use in either Italy or EL ALamein. I am sure forum members with Polish ancestry will want Polish armor, French ancestry will want Free French tanks, Canadian , Aussie NZ etc. Those of us who have relatives who served in specific units may want to get a piece to represent the tank their grandfather fought in. If HB do it well I think it will be a viable business model. There will be no room for little errors here I am afraid.

Hi Damian,
As I've said in a previous post, I'm hanging fire until more base AFV's are available. Magnificent as they appear to be, I'm not sure if I really want a Tiger right now. A customized Sherman appeals to me though - but it would have to be a Firefly, straight off the bat.
Could 2008 be the year The Heid takes the plunge into the high-bucks end of the market? (Wartanks not Warbirds). We'll see, it all depends on what surprises K&C spring on us I suppose.
Happy New Year
Hi Damian,
As I've said in a previous post, I'm hanging fire until more base AFV's are available. Magnificent as they appear to be, I'm not sure if I really want a Tiger right now. A customized Sherman appeals to me though - but it would have to be a Firefly, straight off the bat.
Could 2008 be the year The Heid takes the plunge into the high-bucks end of the market? (Wartanks not Warbirds). We'll see, it all depends on what surprises K&C spring on us I suppose.
Happy New Year

I am waiting on K&C, it will be worth it !!
I gotta admit fellas, I am loving the irony here- many of the individuals who have posted here have expressed in the "10 greatest tanks" threads that they felt that the US Government was short sighted or what not in developing the US Army tank corps- yet it took one extraordinary visionary, Gen George himself, to soldier on and make the Tank corps as much a reality as possible.

Now, we have a toy soldier company try to come to the table with something new and we are debating amongst ourselves as to price, feasibility, etc. Funny how I have heard those constraints mentioned as barriers to the development of the US tank corps back in the Depression era (interwar years). :D:D

in fact, if you look at the toy soldier hobby, it is essentially a microcosm of realities faced when building a fighting force- at the ground level, are the troops, who, are the cheapest in the toy soldier hierarchy, then the armor (or artillery or cavalry, etc). Next, the air force- airplanes are very expensive to develop and produce- finally- the ships. Look at it as a pyramid-at the lowest level, we have troops, which viritually everyone makes and can afford, we go a step higher up the pyramid and certain buyers can afford tanks, go another step higher and a few more collectors drop off at the airplane level (Kc Warbirds, etc) and finally get at the apex and you are building a navy (figarti for example).

Ana- as I said in the other thread, soldier on, it's your company and it is always fun to see someone try something new- an idea can never be genius if it is kept tucked away in the brain. Granted, I am not a Tiger diehard, but should you decide to venture off into the realm of the modern Abrams or even the Bradley, I'll part with my money.


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