That's Andy on the left, Louis Badolato, myself and Hans Hedrich, from 2005.
I'm in. I am so looking forward to seeing everybody! God I miss Larry's grin.
Right before he got diagnosed, Larry and I had a great day together. We went down to Dutkin's shop in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Larry talked Rich into letting us search his basement. We systematically picked our wAy through the whole place, finding everything from old K&C glossy Afghans to a Heco Tinplate Models RAF ground crew set and Nissan Hut. On the way home Larry had that big grin on his face as he plotted how we were going to get Rich to let us search his warehouse for more classic K&C, Trophy and Heco. Nobody enjoyed the thrill of the hunt more than Larry! A week later he found out he had stage 4 cancer.
Great Larry Story! Very typical and yes really a shame after everything else he went through with his wife. Larry is one part of the reason I got back into the hobby, I met him on ebay and then quickly met Hans, Louis, Brad. Ironically Shannon was the other half of the reason, now unfortunately, both are gone. Life can be a strange adventure.
My trip to the 2009 show in Chicago where I got to put faces to names was the highlight of my collecting experience
Even when you met me?..................:wink2:
Great Larry Story! Very typical and yes really a shame after everything else he went through with his wife. Larry is one part of the reason I got back into the hobby, I met him on ebay and then quickly met Hans, Louis, Brad. Ironically Shannon was the other half of the reason, now unfortunately, both are gone. Life can be a strange adventure.
I never met Larry in person but had email discussions with him about K&C sets, no doubt a strait up fellow, I forget the K&C set I was looking for but it had been long retired (some type of 88 I think) Larry had a extra one and told me he would sell it to me at what he bought it for when he could have put it on ebay/forum and made a ton of cash, but chose not to, I believe that was the type of guy he was, he didn't want to mail it for fragile reasons but told me if I made it back East he would have it for me, I never got a chance to buy the set but his hospitality I haven't forgotten.
Shannon...Without her insight most of us guys would more then likely have never met, or conversed through emails/pms, as Tom said "strange adventure" indeed...Sammy
P.S. great photo of the fellows from a few years back.