This whole realism thing comes up every now and again regarding toy soldiers.
Hunter Rose, nice pictures you posted from that modelers website, brilliant work that gentleman does.
As far as toy soldiers vs military miniatures/model kits and figures; apples to hand grenades. Modelers spend hundreds of man hours on figures and tanks like the ones in the pictures you posted. Toy soldier figures and vehicles are mass produced in factories, not built and painted one at a time by a master modeler.
If you want off the charts realism and detail, then guess what; you are going to pay for it. If you wanted that sort of detail on a tank from K & C, CS, FL, etc, etc, what do you think it would cost? 200.00 to 300.00 like they do now? Nope, try twice that.
Is the AVERAGE toy soldier collector going to pay that much for a tank; no, he is not.
I'd be curious as to what Mitch thinks of this, or Nick, both of whom are very skilled modelers and painters.
Mitch, if a customer came to you and asked you to do a repaint on a K & C tank, say to a different paint scheme, I assume you'd charge a certain amount for your time. If the same customer came to you and wanted extra battle damage, rusted chains, stowage, open hatches, bent and damaged side skirts, then I assume you'd charge a lot more for your time?
And Nick, if a customer came to you and wanted a basic model of the Hartenstein Hotel, you'd charge a certain amount, but if the same customer wanted total interior detail, wallpaper on the walls, hot and cold running water, the grounds around the hotel as well, then you'd have to charge more for you time?
Again, the point is the more realism you add, the more detail and time is involved, thus the cost goes up.
Alex people like you who are avid modelers have the skills to add all the realism you want; most do not, so if realism is so important to you, then you have the ability to do it, you don't need the manufacturer doing it when you in fact can do it yourself.
It all comes down to what will the AVERAGE collector want and also be willing to pay; trust me, if people said the sky was the limit as to what they'd pay, you'd see realism off the charts from the manufacturers.........................