Top Ten "Workhorses" (2 Viewers)

Currahee Chris

Sergeant Major
Apr 24, 2007
Hello all:

Kind of a spinoff from Brad's "Top Ten Tanks" I would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts on the "Top Ten workhorses" in military history. Of course, I don't have the benefit of the History Channel behind me. Here is my submission. Please note it is mostly US material as that is what I am most familiar with- I am not meaning to slight any other countries submissions at all- more a reflection of my own ignorance.

1.) US Liberty ships- transported all sorts of men and material to and from and across the Atlantic in support of the invasion of Europe;

2.) Deuce and a Half- US Army 2.5 ton cargo transport truck- a solid, solid workhorse through the ages- variants of this beast have transported men and materials from WW2 to Iraq and Afghanistan.

3.) US Jeep- M151 series- a favorite of most troopers and even broke college students- transported everyone from the mess crew to Generals like Patton (both him and his son in Nam), Mac, Ike and Bradley. Very versatile vehicle and could sport many different packages- water fording, .30 cals, etc. Also could perform other missions besides transportation like recon and insertion and extraction.

4.) Douglas C47 and C130 cargo planes- need to move a city?? Call in one of these beasts!! The C47 moved men all over the place and took a beating and kept on ticking. To me, they were the Sherman's of the sky. C130- well, when you can skylift some Abrams tanks you have one big bad ugly workhorse on your hands.

5.) M113 tracked APC. A tough little fighting machine. Can be outfit with many different packages- I was in an ADA battalion and they used the Vulcan's on these little tracks. Though becoming more difficult and costly to maintain, they make excellent training vehicles and other static position defenders. Seeing duty in Nam and the Persian gulf, these vehicles have proven themselves time and again.

A buddy of mine was in the First AD when he went to Kuwait- ran over a landmine while he was driving his 113. It went off directly below him and blew the track off and destroyed the forward sprocket but he got up out of the drivers hatch without a scratch. Most likely an AP mine but I wasn't going to go out and scour the desert to find out:D

6.) Draft horse and cart- don't laugh- this combo has probably moved more men and equipment in the history of warfare than all the other vehicles combined;

7.) M998 Hummvee- a bigger, tougher, meaner version of the 151 jeep.

8.) Chinook- I have actually heard that the Chinook is the fastest chopper in the American arsenal- if this bird isn't carrying a load and has little wind resistance those twin props get it going faster than an Apache- full throttle in a straight line- it obviously cannot manuever like an Apache. Can anyone lend any support to that claim?? Anyway, it is the helicopter version of the C130.

9.) Huey- main troop mover in Viet Nam. Steady workhorse and pretty reliable. Served as a troop transport and medical evac ship and gunship when necc. Really revolutionized rapid response.

10.) Blackhawk- same as the Huey just far more sophisticated with advanced electronics and avionics.

Well, that is my non-scientific, non-academic opinion. Any others?

Difficult to argue with this Chris....good post. Can you get it down to 3 or 1?
Top ten workhorses in history...well then, to quote Billy, "A horse, my kingdom for a horse." He also said, "a horse is a horse of course unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed." However, most historians think that quote came from a 1960's US television program. I would like to think Billy said it. But then again, I collect toy soldiers ;)

Horse, number one. Everything else is secondary in historical terms.
Difficult to argue with this Chris....good post. Can you get it down to 3 or 1?

Ha!! Thanks for the vote of confidence!! :) Posts like this are such leaps of faith- I am waiting for someone to come through and shred this list. Truth is, things are a bit slow at work.......

Well, I would take my list and chop it off after 4- and wiggle in the horse and cart in there.
I like your list. I am trying to think of something I would add to it, and I'm having a hard time. I think the Deuce and a Half, the Jeep and the C47 would have to be my top three. Didn't Ike say the war couldn't have been won without the jeep? It certainly couldn't have been won without the Deuce and a Half. The Gooneybird (what the Brits refer to more elegantly as the Dakota) is just about the most versatile transport plane I can think of. In Vietnam didn't they take the modernized version of it, mount a huge gatlin gun and wreak havoc on the Viet Cong by night? Again, your list is well thought out and every bit as important as a list of the top 10 Tanks or fighter planes.
Excellant post/list Chris.As Louis said got to be Jeep,Dakota,deuce and a half.With perhaps an honourable mention for the DUKW and the Bedford truck?.

stretching it a little ,but the lancaster and wellington for delivering
a message to hitler in some of the darkest days of ww 2.
Very good list. Limiting it to WW2, the list would need to include the DUKW and the LST. Kind of interesting how little of the list is German compared to the tank or firearms "Top Ten Lists". That's why the Germans can win combat engagements, but lose wars.

I suppose if you had to pick some German workhorses,you could put forward the Prime mover and the Kubelwagen.How about the Opel Blitz?.

I suppose if you had to pick some German workhorses,you could put forward the Prime mover and the Kubelwagen.How about the Opel Blitz?.Rob

What made the US trucks so much better wasn't just technical details, it was brute standardization. One author pointed out that for Opn Barbarossa the German army was using about 1500 different types of trucks, including German, French, Italian, Czech, and even British types. Patton would not have made it past Paris with that mess.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys!!! I really appreciate it!! Careful, I might do a top 10 pieces of infantry equipment :D:D

Actually my dad inspired me to do this list. He gave me this beautiful hardcover Osprey book which did nothing but discuss transport vehicles of WW2- it really got me to thinking. The book is several hundred pages long and just CHOCK full of info on the subject. It has to be the definitive book on the subject matter!!!

Again, my opinion is expressed on the US arsenal because I know that aresenal pretty well- less so with the other countries. I would say that the Blitz and Kubelwagen were excellent transports in their own right.

I was thinking on it again last night and realized I left out the M3 Halftrack. Never really understood that type of vehicle though- closest I was ever around something like that was the "Gamma Goat". Also, the HEMMITT is a big mover for the army now too, especially for fuel handlers.

I have often theorized when looking at the US versus the European powers and trying to understand vehicle logistics that we were, IMO superior than the Europeans because we understood distance transport. In the term "distance transport" I mean things are just so much more spreadout here in the States than on the Continent. We were getting pretty involved with developing our Interstate system- something Europe seemed to be a little behind us with. In short, this analogy may help- Britain was king of the seas simply because they knew the oceans since they are surrounded by water. We were the king of mass transportation due to our interest in trying to decrease the distance between the East and West coasts- just my two cents.

I suppose if you had to pick some German workhorses,you could put forward the Prime mover and the Kubelwagen.How about the Opel Blitz?.


For WWII German workhorses you could also add the Ju52 and the Condor and the 251 Halftrack series.
Hi Chris,

You forgot the Goer! What a piece of junk! Hydrolic brakes that failled on nearly every hill one of the biggest pieces of junk ever designed by committee ever made by the lowest bidder. We were so happy when the Hemmits showed up.

As for the Gamma Goat the best one I ever saw was in a crater on a Drop Zone at Ft Hood where it landed after the main chute failed to deploy properly and it hit the ground at about 500 mph. Was really hard to tell it was a gamma goat.

That was a great list but I was surprised that it didnt mention the 5ton. Good truck.

Great list.

Hi Chris,

You forgot the Goer! What a piece of junk! Hydrolic brakes that failled on nearly every hill one of the biggest pieces of junk ever designed by committee ever made by the lowest bidder. We were so happy when the Hemmits showed up.

As for the Gamma Goat the best one I ever saw was in a crater on a Drop Zone at Ft Hood where it landed after the main chute failed to deploy properly and it hit the ground at about 500 mph. Was really hard to tell it was a gamma goat.

That was a great list but I was surprised that it didnt mention the 5ton. Good truck.

Great list.


So many great comments- where to start-

that is the fun thing about those air drops- never EVER know where stuff is going to land!!! We had a hummer drop about 50 feet on Team Spirit in Korea- landed in a rice paddie. Hit so hard it blew out all the A frames- looked like a low rider!!!

The 5 Ton is a great great truck- I really couldn't put it over the deuce but I believe it actually should be #10 in front of the Blackhawk. Great movers in their own right.
For the German Army - theres just one choice:


Both fronts - East and West - The Horse is what moved the German Army more than anything else. :D
Been in or on #s 1 and three and driven # 2. I really must agree with Ron on his choice being a horseman in the past. Had a sponsor on a Thoroughbred ex-racehorse. Craziest animal on the West Coast , but what was I to do but ride the shoes off him. :D:D:D
Been in or on #s 1 and three and driven # 2. I really must agree with Ron on his choice being a horseman in the past. Had a sponsor on a Thoroughbred ex-racehorse. Craziest animal on the West Coast , but what was I to do but ride the shoes off him. :D:D:D

Ha!! That is funny stuff. I had the pleasure of driving and/or working on numbers 2- the Deuce, 3 the 151 Jeep, 5 the 113- know that all too well, 6- the horse but cartless - probably could have been better classified as a battle donkey, 7- the hummer, and 10- the crashhawk.

I was also in a C47 Dakota at one of the airshows. Sitting on the tarmac, those things angled upwards at quite a steep angle- i really couldn't imagine what that must have been like getting on board with a full harness.

What are you doing up at 3:20 AM ?? :eek:

Dont forget to give us a report on the WWII Show today.

What are you doing up at 3:20 AM ?? :eek:

Dont forget to give us a report on the WWII Show today.

Oh man- my little one- Andrew- hasn't let up over the last 5 weeks- He will go to bed around 8-8:30 and then wake up between 1:45- and 2:30. Me, I put him down and then watch a show or two and then go sleep around 10-10:30. I get up with him and then can't sleep. I really think I have some case of clinical insomnia- seriously, I will sometimes go for weeks on 2.5- 4 hours of sleep/ night, depending on the client I am working on. I can do this and then after 3 weeks or so, CRASH!! I come down and am no good for awhile.

Anyway, little Andrew woke up at 2 on the dot. I got him his bottle and put him back to bed. I went out, put some gas in the car, grabbed a Sobe sports drink and came down to the basement and worked for 3 hours then went back up and slept/ rested for 2 more. Funny thing about trying to get a bottle for the baby at that time of the night, it's a HUGE leap of faith that you don't fall down the stairs or walk into a wall. I always love stumbling over the kids toys in the hall. I dunno, I really think sometimes I pray that God will allow me to fall down the stairs, break my neck and put me out of my least I could get some sleep.

No WW2 show for me this year- my oldest son is ill and he can barely move :(:( so, I hope they can muster up the same roster next year. It was a letdown as it would have been the first time back since 2002. But, with all the heat and humidity today, it was probably better to pass...

Such is the life of a Dad ;)
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Chris hate to hear about the little guy being sick. Your top ten is good but the higgins boat should be in there somewhere and has probably moved more people than the blackhawk, marines in the pacific, army in europe WWII, Korea, Vietnam just a thought.

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