Totally Confused? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:( Hello Guy's! Is it me, or possible I'm Confused? Why is Andy, making another PANTHER TANK? Why not make , an ELEPHANT---WESPE-----MARDER II / III---- a PUMA -Long Barrel ----a HORCH---HANOMAG-----OPEL MAULTIER CARGO TRUCK--- KETTENKRAD---HUMMEL? Is it because HONOUR BOUND's, has made a Panther Tank? Why not go ahead instead of backwards! TIME-IS-OF-ESSENCE!
He's the owner of his company, he can do what he wants. If you don't like the Panther, don't buy it. For my part, I already pre-ordered two of them. A great set. I really love it.

I'm not writing this post by having in mind that your suggestions are no good, it is only that they will come in their time, if they ever come. That's it.

Based on production lead times, this was obviously in the works for awhile so the appearance of both, more or less at the same time, is coincidental. However, a legitimate question is how many dollars there are into buying both. I think it has to be limited. I already have two K & C Panthers and will be getting the HB Panther so getting the K & C Panther, as good as it looks, will not be my first priority. Andy is making so many great things this year that at least in my case one has to make a choice and three Panthers may be it for right now.
i for one am looking forward to andys new panther,iam only new to all this so the more german armour the better.would love to see a wespe,hummel,nashorn,jagpanzer 1v,also motorised flak but i think if andy sees people would be interested in these he may manafacture them.time will tell.;)
Sorry Brad, I don't buy that about coincidence on this one, I think it's a direct response to HB's Panther. When a product is made first priority, you can expidite all phases of his operations and go head to head with HB. Cut into his revenue stream, force decisions on buyers which will most probably pinch the competion to some degree. I don't think he wants to give HB a free pass on this one.
nmrocks said:
Sorry Brad, I don't buy that about coincidence on this one, I think it's a direct response to HB's Panther. When a product is made first priority, you can expidite all phases of his operations and go head to head with HB. Cut into his revenue stream, force decisions on buyers which will most probably pinch the competion to some degree. I don't think he wants to give HB a free pass on this one.

I aggree ,if K and C was my company i wouldnt be wasting anytime responding to competitiors.Hit them on the beach as it where!
after all their can only be so many collectors dollars out their and i,m sure i,d do my best to keep em coming ny way.
Hi guys

I'll have to agree with the lack of coincidece theory. We'll have to wait and see if any other Panthers make an appearence like from New Model or someone else. Of course this could just be the luck of the irish right? Whats that I hear,:D silly rabbit?!?

Good to see the competition is doing some things to the market place.

Can't wait for the Panther myself.Looks a superb example of Andy once again producing the goods.There are also probably quite a few collectors who have joined the hobby since he last produced one(myself included).Sorry but i also don't understand why "time is of the essence"?.

DMNamiot said:
Hi guys

I'll have to agree with the lack of coincidece theory. We'll have to wait and see if any other Panthers make an appearence like from New Model or someone else. Of course this could just be the luck of the irish right? Whats that I hear,:D silly rabbit?!?

Good to see the competition is doing some things to the market place.


I have to agree with Dave and Ray on this one - Andy has produced this as a response to Honour Bound and what is wrong with this? Nothing when you put something out as stunning as this vehicle. If it had been a lower quality production vehicle then he would have lost ground to HB, but this vehicle will only strengthen his position. There will be people who want 2 or 3 versions of a vehicle for their diaromas and the Panther tank must be one of the best looking vehicles of the war. I am sure there will be people who buy both regardless and other people who will only buy K&C but who can argue 'what a great time for collectors.' Imagine if New Model Army produced one as well for their next vehicle?
Rob said:
Can't wait for the Panther myself.Looks a superb example of Andy once again producing the goods.There are also probably quite a few collectors who have joined the hobby since he last produced one(myself included).Sorry but i also don't understand why "time is of the essence"?.


Rob's right on the money with this one, there are plenty of us new guys out here who didn't get in the early Panthers, so bring them on. There's room on my shelves for both the Honour and K&C Panthers, I plan on getting the HB version without the side skirts, so the K&C Panther with the skirts should complement them nicely. The coincidence theory is just a too "cute" for me to buy. The Germans were famous for their counter attacks and I applaud Andy for his.

Coincidence- yes or no? It's a tough one to call I think.

The K&C Panther doesn't look like a rush job to me. It looks from the picture to be their best tank so far which doesn't really suggest a hurried response. Thought looks to have gone into it's design beyond simply being a knee jerk reaction.

Also a Panther must have been due in the Normandy series as it's such a popular tank and many of us collectors who joined the game in the last 12 months haven't got one.

Still as you guys say the timing does look a little suspicious but we'll never know for certain.
I seem to recall that we knew about the KC Panther before the HB line was announced. Not sure it makes any difference though. I would like to see some of the tanks John has suggested, but don't see their future production precluded by the upcoming Panther.
I'm often confused by other people's opinion on this forum :) The new K & C Panther is certainly an improvement on earlier K & C tracked vehicles with moveable canon etc. However imo I feel it has to much battle damage (I hope this isn't a trend) and way to much vegetation in the track wheels. The later makes it look like just another polystone statue collectable rather than a model suitable for diorama display. A little bit of vegetation is ok but that looks like it needs some serious agent orange attention :)

Maybe the Panther is a coincidence (yeah right), but if the new 8th Army 'armor' is a Stuart/Honey we'll know Andy C is loaded for bear and taking no prisoners :D
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OzDigger said:
I'm often confused by other people's opinion on this forum :) The new K & C Panther is certainly an improvement on earlier K & C tracked vehicles with moveable canon etc. However imo I feel it has to much battle damage (I hope this isn't a trend) and way to much vegetation in the track wheels. The later makes it look like just another polystone statue collectable rather than a model suitable for diorama display. A little bit of vegetation is ok but that looks like it needs some serious agent orange attention :)

Maybe the Panther is a coincidence (yeah right), but if the new 8th Army 'armor' is a Stuart/Honey we'll know Andy C is loaded for bear and taking no prisoners :D

Well thankfully Oz mate we don't all agree on this forum. We have different opinions, that's all. No need to be confused by mine. :)
If I like a model then whether it's by K&C or Britains or HB or NMA or whatever then i'll say so and I think you'll find my posts bear this out. It'll be an honest opinion because I owe nothing to any particular company I just like what I like and put my money where my mouth is.
Re: Totally Confused and other points

Hi Guys,

Me again, re our old pal Mr. Gambale’s latest rant …

1. Andy and K&C are doing another Panther because we want to … and because we can. Some of Mr. Gambale’s “wants” list are already in the schedule for the next 12 months but I am not about to say “what and when”. Our friend John seems to think that if he shouts “jump” loud enough I’ll simply reply, “how high?”

Successful businesses (and I include K&C in this) are not run on such an “adhoc” basis of “I want it all and I want it now!”

That, my friend is a recipe for bankruptcy and failure.

2. HB and K&C dueling Panthers

Believe it or believe it not “Nmrocks” coincidence is exactly what it is. Late in 2005 K&C could see that our present Wittman Tiger was running its full course. With the additional success of the “Strictly Limited” Winter Tiger we felt we should line up another major German tank for release – the Panther was the natural choice.

I can’t speak for Honour Bound but my best guess is that when they sat around thinking about what they should do as their first venture into 1:30 scale … German … WWII … fighting vehicle … One important factor might have been “Well, what is not on K&C’s current production line?”

And lo and behold the answer came back “The Panther”.

At least that’s what I would have thought and done in their position.

As far as forcing collectors to choose between one or the other. I believe this growing and expanding market is big enough for the two of us. And who knows maybe more.

“You pays your money and you makes your choice”. That seems pretty fair.

Best wishes and… Happy Collecting!

Andy C.
As a further addendum to Andy's post, Andy's view, which he has expressed here as well, is that while he is making a variety of product he doesn't expect everybody to purchase everything at once as he's catering to collectors' different interests and different budgets.
Eazy said:
Still as you guys say the timing does look a little suspicious but we'll never know for certain.

Actually I DO know for certain:) . Since I am in close contact with both Andy from King & Country and the Donzinos from Honour Bound I have sort of an "inside scoop" on this particular topic. The actual facts behind the story are that the Donzinos did indeed choose the Panther because it had not yet been produced by King & Country, but unbeknownst to them Andy not only had a Panther in the plan but he had the prototype already finished and in the production schedule months ago before HB had even started the sculpting process.
It may look like King & Country "coincidentally" released a Panther at the same time as the Honour Bound one but I know from telephone conversations with Andy late last year that he had planned a May release for his Panther all along. He could have pushed production so that his tank came out before Honour Bound's or at the same time but he decided to keep the production schedule unchanged and let Honour Bound release their's first.
Honour Bound's tank was originally supposed to come out in February or March (can't remember) but because they have needed to tweak various aspects of production the release has been delayed.
So I guess technically it is a "coincidence" that they are both being released at the same time but the coincidence is for the reasons I stated above, not what people commonly thought according to the posts I've read.
So now you know...the rest of the story.:)
Shannon Reuss said:
So now you know...the rest of the story.:)

Since you're doing the Paul Harvey thing, you forgot to "Good day." :D

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