Totally Confused? (1 Viewer)

Ah well, another conspiricy theory shot down! Where's the intrigue in life!!
Oh Shannon and Brad, :mad: you sure do know how to ruin a good conspiracy theory. Just when we thought that there was some industrial spying and some behind the scenes business trickery, you go and find out the truth. What downers you are!!!

Thank you to Andy for posting his information so that we can know what really happened.:) In my profession, I am privy to confidential information and it just drives me nuts when I hear something exactly the opposite to what I know to be the truth and I can’t say anything. Although it is nice to be able to know in your own mind just what is going on, i.e. Shannon and her conversations earlier with Andy concerning the Panther.

Anyway, I will be buying the panther and it will be proudly displayed next the other K&C vehicles and men that I have. I love this stuff. :cool: Michael
I,m sticking with the conspiracy theory ,its far more interesting that way:)
Re: Totally Confused and other points

2. HB and K&C dueling Panthers

Believe it or believe it not “Nmrocks” coincidence is exactly what it is. Late in 2005 K&C could see that our present Wittman Tiger was running its full course. With the additional success of the “Strictly Limited” Winter Tiger we felt we should line up another major German tank for release – the Panther was the natural choice.

Andy C.[/QUOTE]
Oh Andy! come on! wheres the "eye of the Tiger", go for the throat! vengence is mine! and all that rot!
Minion of the dark side,
Ray :mad:

You see I too have sources(unreliable,yes) but sources just the same that tell me deep in the King and country bunker, excuse me executive offices, there is a secret room, shrouded in mystery and darkness where a single lamp hangs from the center of the ceiling eluminating a large map of the world. Not the world as we know it but the toy soldiers collectable world, where the great powers of this world wage war for the control of all!
There Andy leans over the map contemplating his next move, using a long stick to push his latest armies into the lands of Britains and Conte. The King and Country empire must be ever vigilent and mindful of the second front opened by Honor bound and new model army. So Andy prepares his counterstroke with great secrecy and misdirection in preperation to land the Hammer blow!
O.K. time for another beer,
Yes drink that beer Ray, but no more wacky weed for you, you're getting way to paranoid :)
I've been working until 8 every night this week so send me some of that wacky weed :eek:
nmrocks said:

You see I too have sources(unreliable,yes) but sources just the same that tell me deep in the King and country bunker, excuse me executive offices, there is a secret room, shrouded in mystery and darkness where a single lamp hangs from the center of the ceiling eluminating a large map of the world. Not the world as we know it but the toy soldiers collectable world, where the great powers of this world wage war for the control of all!
There Andy leans over the map contemplating his next move, using a long stick to push his latest armies into the lands of Britains and Conte. The King and Country empire must be ever vigilent and mindful of the second front opened by Honor bound and new model army. So Andy prepares his counterstroke with great secrecy and misdirection in preperation to land the Hammer blow!
O.K. time for another beer,

Now thats more like it
I bet he,s also got a few people at the various competing companys on
his payroll feeding him info and sabotaging paint jobs etc.
Where do you think he got the idea for ''The price of deception''
I bet he shows that to any would be moles ,so they understand the risks they are taking!
Hey Brad, if I was the cynical type I'd suggest you'd get your work done faster if you posted less on these forums, but I'm not, so I won't :)
OzDigger said:
And we are all talking about you behind your back as well :)
Hey Ozzy,
Sorry for exposing my American psyche or is that psycho?
besides your the guys hanging upside down!
OzDigger said:
Hey Brad, if I was the cynical type I'd suggest you'd get your work done faster if you posted less on these forums, but I'm not, so I won't :)

You're probably right but the work never stops and I'm off next week so I need to get most of the work out the door.
jazzeum said:
You're probably right but the work never stops and I'm off next week so I need to get most of the work out the door.

With a week off, you'll probably reach the '3000 posts' level by the end of it:D .

nmrocks said:
Hey Ozzy,
Sorry for exposing my American psyche or is that psycho?
besides your the guys hanging upside down!

And like monkeys, us Aussies like to throw crap around :)

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