Town re-captured in the Ardennes (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 21, 2011
The ardennes offensive lost momentum after the US was able to re-organise their defences and when good 'old blood and guts' came into the picture in the relief of the Siege of Bastogne, the game was over for the Germans.

Here, a long line of German prisoners was marched into certain captivity through a town in Belgium.


The Germans look weary as they trudged through the town, well guarded by US GIs.

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"Good old blood and guts" haughtily look on from his M20 Armoured Car as a German officer wanted to speak with him. Nearby a US MP checked the documents of the German prisoners streaming past the checkpoint.

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Some US GIs having a meal and drink nearby. Cafe is closed. No problem, let us cook our own. We deserve something warm in this snow.

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Belgium civilians watched as the German POWs and a US truck carrying a lucky wounded German POW went past. The German ardennes offensive had finally been crushed.

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WOW, some intense scene. Serious collecting here, not to mention the cost (this translates to the cost of a small car^&grin). You have put a great deal of thought into this and nailed it.:salute::, Robin.
Hi Guys,

Beautiful little scene (actually not so little) and blend of old and new “Battle of the Bulge” figures and vehicles.

Also nice to see how the two kind of buildings – façade and 3 dimensional work so well together.

Keep up the great work “Shadow fax” – very well done!

All the best,
Andy C.​
Yeah that's a really great display, love the mix of figures and nice to see the civilians in there too!!
great dio , love the row of wounded Germans, guards and medics
Excellent diorama and really well thought out. Those captured German figures look great.
What a fantastic dio. It really tells a great story. Thanks for posting.{bravo}} Keep up the great work.:salute::

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