Toy soldier collecting & addiction. (2 Viewers)


I actually think Michael raised some good points that I think are just general guides or caution flags. As a general rule, if a hobby (not just toy soldiers) starts to get the better of a person so that person is hitting basic expenses that you need to live (i.e., the mortgage), then that's a problem, one which we see with gamblers, where they literally lose their shirt.

Obviously, we are all different and have to make different choices. I have become a little more carefully lately, trying to be a bit more judicious on what I am purchasing.
wholeheartedly understood those points and couldn't agree more. I just didnt agree with the broad sword being unleashed at the end of his comments regarding the family, love, K&C pushing buyer's market, etc.

I guess all I am saying is that collecting is ok and varies by everyone's situation. The fun of this is the pursuit sometimes and I think every collector overspends in one way or another, that's also part of the "fun"!

Again, I have a different viewpoint on money than most, I have lost people in my short years who never enjoyed their earnings and I am not about to let that happen to me!

To each his own,
Yup, you can't take it with you so you do need to enjoy things. My father died when he was 56 and it's a loss that was -- and is still -- felt. Fortunately, I was not young or too young (25) like it sounds you were.
I can't say that I am an addictive personality type. I have never smoked, never used illegal drugs, drink in moderation, and hate gambling. So what gives with this compulsion I have to buy toy soldiers?
There are so many wonderful people in the world if you just know where to look. They all have helped my collection. I have been approached by some very nice business people in Colombia. They have offered money to fly me to Bogota so I can carry some parcels to London for them. They say it would be lighter if I just swallow the parcels. I am not sure how they are going to get teh parcels back when I get to London. All the parcles are plastci packest of baby powder. Apparently there are people who collect these parcels, just like we collect toy soldiers. This money will be used to fund my toy soldiers. Just think, I can drop theparcles off in London and then pick up some toy soldiers to bring home. I won't swallow them though. I have already sold my kidney and half a liver to a very nice gentleman from Russia. All this money has been ploughed into my collection. I donate blood every week as well for money. I think therefore I have a reasonable financial plan to sustain my collection.

I am not an addict. Everything is under control.
Yup, you can't take it with you so you do need to enjoy things. My father died when he was 56 and it's a loss that was -- and is still -- felt. Fortunately, I was not young or too young (25) like it sounds you were.

Ya, 18 at the time of my dad's passing(he was 49), tough pill to swallow going off to college. Great thing he gave me was a love for collecting, he was a model railroader and started me on that and toy soldiers at the age of 4! 30 wonderful years thus far, if this is an addiction, I hope it lasts for at least 30 more!
I have just read in teh lonely plante guide book that in Israel they pay fro sperm doantion. SO on my way back from London I will stop there. Are their any toy soldier shops in Tel Aviv.
Damian Clarke
I have just read in teh lonely plante guide book that in Israel they pay fro sperm doantion. SO on my way back from London I will stop there. Are their any toy soldier shops in Tel Aviv.
Damian Clarke

Hey Damian, knock yerself out mate.
I have just read in teh lonely plante guide book that in Israel they pay fro sperm doantion. SO on my way back from London I will stop there. Are their any toy soldier shops in Tel Aviv.
Damian Clarke

Never believe what you read Damian.

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