Toy Soldiers in The Media (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Oct 11, 2010
So I wanted to start this thread to recognize the occasional; appearance of toy soldiers in popular movies, magazines, shows, etc...

To start it off, here is one:
In the new Harry Potter, when Harry visiting his old room, the camera focuses in on a little corner shelf, and its centerpiece, the WBriatin French L.I. officer:

I believe there is a scene in Young Winston when we see Churchill playing with a bunch of soldiers. And The arms dealer in The Living Daylights, with functioning dioramas!
I also think some BBC miniseries used a massive amount of Britains for a story about a millionaire wargamer. Does any one have more info?^&confuse^&confuse:confused:^&confuse
What about "The Patriot" when Mel Gibson's son melts his lead soldiers to make bullets.....

I nearly cried :redface2:

I don't know if you're including wargames figures but "Callan" a 60's spy drama, the title caracter was a gamer. In the 70's feature film of the same name they used Peter Gilder's figures.(a well known gamer and writer)

Remember Mister Callan's sidekick - "Lonely"?

He must have been one of those Toy Soldier collectors too! You know, one of those nasty lads who go to shows without using soap! Hence, the name, "Lonely"!

What has Max Factor ever done for us?
Obee (John),
Was the nearly cried becuase he was going to shoot British soldiers !!


sure was....

because when the Brits lost North America, they had no where to send thier prisoners, so they sent them 'down under to Australia ...

Thats when all the Irish Prisoners came over..... and my ancestors...

This comes up from time to time. Here are some others...

"Toys", from the late 80's, with Robin Williams, Joan Cusak, and I forget the rest of the cast. It featured dimestore figures made by a gentleman from Florida whose name escapes me (he was featured recently in Old Toy Soldier).

The displays from the Forbes Collection used in "The Living Daylights" (some were mockups, too, I think).

The hit man Joubert, played by Max von Sydox, is painting a Stadden Napoleonic French hussar in a scene in "Three Days of the Condor".

Steve Carell paints a Zouave figure in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin".

Wesley Snipes has a Civil War diorama set up in his apartment in "Murder at 1600"

There's the completely anachronistic scene in "The Patriot", where Mel Gibson melts down Schneider figures circa 1900 to make musket balls.

And there are some dimestores featured in the department store display at the beginning of "A Christmas Story".

What about "The Patriot" when Mel Gibson's son melts his lead soldiers to make bullets.....

I nearly cried :redface2:


Sorry, John, I missed that you already mentioned this one ;)

I didn't cry, I was more irritated that it was completely unhistoric. Later, I learned to look on "The Patriot" in the same way that I look at "Northwest Passage" - more entertainment than docudrama. Now I can enjoy the film a little better.

sure was....

because when the Brits lost North America, they had no where to send thier prisoners, so they sent them 'down under to Australia ...

Thats when all the Irish Prisoners came over..... and my ancestors...


We didn't lose North America, we know exactly where it is!

One episode of Columbo had a rather good ACW dio {with a Character of Columbo in it ^&grin}.
They looked to be around 54mm?
Green plastic toy soldiers played a rather prominent part in the three "Toy Story" movies. Must have been Re-con Marines. -- Al
don't forget "Ronin" with robert Deniro with the Frenchman happily painting his Samurai diorama..A friend painted some semi-round figures for the movie "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter" being filmed here in New Orleans. They were to be for little Tad Lincoln...Pretty sure he said that they were Franco-Prussian figures that he painted as Revolutionary figures as they requested..Whether they make the final cut will be seen.
Steve Carell paints a Zouave figure in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin".

You've looked closer than I have...I couldn't tell what he was painting, but the ones around him looked pretty good. :D
I recall a movie about a serial killer roaming modern day London similar to Jack the Ripper and there's a character in the movie who owns a store called "Waterloo Toy Soldiers" and he's got a huge Waterloo diorama set up in his store; he gets offed in a rather horrific way as I remember on top of the diorama, what a way to check out........{sm5}

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