Toy Soldiers on TV March 6th - Watch me on Strange Inheritence (FOX BUSINESS NETWORK) (1 Viewer)


Nov 23, 2006
After almost a year of waiting for the television show, STRANGE INHERITANCE, to air about Mr. Robert C. Postal's Soldier Collection, the episode finally has an air date! This will be my television debut. I am the "Toy Soldier Expert."



Air Date: Monday, March 6, 2017

Time: Check your local listings – after it airs, it should be available on YouTube as well - I believe it is on at 9PM Eastern time.

The collection is now housed at the STRONG MUSEUM in Rochester and the New York Historical Society. As the collection comes up for display, I will keep everyone posted.

Who knows this show may give the hobby a nice and much needed boost!

Thanks and hope you enjoy!

Matt Murphy, Owner Hobby Bunker, Inc.
You're going to be mobbed for autographs now at the shows, Matt!

I believe it's a second episode. What I heard is that a widow saw the first one and called the show to see what to do with her husband's collection as well. Just what I heard - not sure if true
I worked closely with the family prior to the owner's passing and after. I also packed up the collection and delivered them to the museums. Great people I think it will be an interesting show.
I’m very pleased to share with you the premiere date and time for the episode of Strange Inheritance in which Hobby Bunker participated.

The half-hour episode will premiere on Fox Business Network on Monday, March 6th, @ 9:30pm EST. Please note this is EASTERN TIME.

It will re-air on Wednesday, March 8th @ 9:00pm EST.

We advise all participants to record the shows on their DVRs, and to check local listings for subsequent airings. These episodes re-run numerous times.
Just saw the show very interesting. Can you imagine if they were to see some of the collections of a few of the members of the forum!
It pays to keep your heirs appraised so all your efforts do not wind up lining someone else's pockets.{eek3}
Hi HobbyBunker,
For those not in the US is there a way of you posting a link to the program ( in case it was made available on You Tube or other venue ) so that we can also see it?

I’m very pleased to share with you the premiere date and time for the episode of Strange Inheritance in which Hobby Bunker participated.

The half-hour episode will premiere on Fox Business Network on Monday, March 6th, @ 9:30pm EST. Please note this is EASTERN TIME.

It will re-air on Wednesday, March 8th @ 9:00pm EST.

We advise all participants to record the shows on their DVRs, and to check local listings for subsequent airings. These episodes re-run numerous times.
Hi HobbyBunker,
For those not in the US is there a way of you posting a link to the program ( in case it was made available on You Tube or other venue ) so that we can also see it?

I second this - hoping to see the two episodes soon
If you go to YouTube and search on "strange inheritance", you'll find the full series.

I almost felt bad for Matt - why call in a retailer to appraise and make you an offer if all along it's not about money and you have no interest in selling?
Hi Brad,
I did that and all I got was the teaser for the episode.... can you send me the links to the toy story episode 1 and 2?

If you go to YouTube and search on "strange inheritance", you'll find the full series.

The 300 grand appraisal seemed high to me. Nobody ever takes into consideration how much work it would be to sell a collection of that size. They made it look like Matt was low balling her. I've seen that same synario on this show before. Get a dealer quote and then get a higher appraisal from her for their insurance.

The best show they did was the one with Picketts great great great grandson. He got 80,000 from a dealer for his Pickett relics. Then the dealer sold them to the civil war museum in Harrisburg for half a million. Picketts grandson was about as sharp as his famous relative.
I saw that Pickett one too - i guess that "appraiser" has quite the reputation. The FBI actually investigated him
Hi Brad,
I did that and all I got was the teaser for the episode.... can you send me the links to the toy story episode 1 and 2?

Sorry, that's all I get, too. I suspect that the full episode hasn't yet been uploaded, since it just aired last night.
Hi Brad,
I guess they do not offer the full episode on the You Tube, the first toy soldier also only gives a 1.5 minute run of the whole thing....{sm3}{sm3}{sm3}

Sorry, that's all I get, too. I suspect that the full episode hasn't yet been uploaded, since it just aired last night.

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