Traditional Figures Yeahhhhh!! (9 Viewers)


That would be great. I would love that!


Just to make sure you know what you are getting, these are solid recasts of Britains hollow cast figures and as such are 54mm. These appear to be quite small compared to the K&C gloss figures that you have.
Are you still interested?
Yes of course you are :) it makes for a nice stand alone display.
This set shown went to a Englishman with a Dutch name who lives in France!

I will order the castings early next week.



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You answered your own question:) You'll let me know how much, etc., things like that when they're ready. I'll send you my email address although you can access it directly from the Board here. I really do appreciate this.

It could be an ideal opportunity to try out my new glasses :eek:

Only joking, haven't painted for a few years now so it will be great to get the brushes out again.

So watch this space.


This is the set from Fusilier Miniatures.



  • RHA03.jpg
    29 KB · Views: 103
That makes three of us, plus maybe Vamp and Fish :rolleyes:

Hi Brad,

Count me in as number four! I really want to see the set when it is finished. I have little doubt that it will be grand!

Warmest personal regards,

Thanks Pat. I'm really looking forward to it. It should be real exciting!

Wow thats a very cool thing to do! I will watch with a lot of anticipation! Keep the photos coming and Brad you are a very lucky guy.

All the best


Are you planning on a step by step of how you do it?

Are you planning on a step by step of how you do it?


Oh yes :)

Step 1 will be cleaning up the castings and assembling them, then another showing undercoating, painting the basic colours etc and so on untill we have a finished product.

I am looking forward to this. Hopefully the castings will be here by the end of the week.



That should be very interesting, especially for someone like me who knows next to nothing about painting.

Here goes dumb question 1 (out of a series of many I'm sure): what do you mean by cleaning and, if by cleaning you mean it in the normal understood sense, why do you do that?

Normally white metal castings come with a varible amount of flash, this is can be due to a number of reasons i.e. where the two halves of the moulds meet, in the undercuts, the mould may be worn etc. Most castings of the quaility of Fusilier Miniatures will have next to none, but as the horses are made in two halves there is normally a requirement to 'fill and file' the joints. Not a big deal really but necessary for a good job. I use a craft knife and needle files to remove any excess metal.


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