Treefrog Treasures Forum First Anniversary! (2 Viewers)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
Hello one and all,
I am happy to announce that April 22nd will be the Treefrog Forum's first year anniversary! I can't believe a year has gone by already.
To celebrate the occasion we at Treefrog have a few plans in the works. The first is this:
Any forum member who posts under the anniversary thread ON THE 22nd will be entitled to a free Patriot Models figure to be shipped with their next Treefrog order. You will have two to choose from, either #PMW2001 - US 82nd Airborne - Standing Firing Rifle

#PMCH012 - HAN Pikeman charging

When you post please specify which figure you would like and we will get them ordered as soon as we know the quantities we need. Remember you must post ON THE 22nd to qualify.
We will also be giving away some door prizes (post prizes?) and posting interesting stats about the board although you may have already guess that jazzeum is top poster hands down.
Our congratulations to sceic on his recent commission to officer having reached 600 posts.
More to follow...
Thank you all for making this board what it is today!
Wow! A year already. Thanks Shannon & Pete. It has been great! I can't imagine collecting without it.
When Louis clued me in on this forum last Aug. I had no idea it was so new. it runs like a seasoned, well oiled machine and the subscribers are really great!
Thanks guys for such a wonderful forum! It feels like family in so many ways(both good and Bad) lol
Yes thanks Pete and Shannon for this great forum. Wow I was here since the beginning. :eek:
Yes, thanks to Shannon and Pete for this great place and to everybody else who posts here, especially those great dioramaists.
One year hey, I was here early on as well, but under another name. However we won't say which one will we Shannon :)
OzDigger said:
One year hey, I was here early on as well, but under another name. However we won't say which one will we Shannon :)

Aw, come on, we're all friends here:)
Well, well, a year already. Time has flown! (Though I haven't been around that long )

My special thanks to Shannon and Pete for creating this unique place for collectors to talk about their hobby!

And hopefully, we can talk about it for many years to come...;) :)
Congratulations on your first year anniversy of the forum. The forum is great and I read it daily. Learned alot from posts and we got an interesting group. Leadmen
Congratulations Shannon and Peter and thank you for this great place for all us toy soldier collecting loonies to get together. Where else can you hear from and talk to the owners like Andy C.of King & Country, Ana from Honour Bound, Rick of Figarti, Mike of NMA, etc. all in one place, how great is that? And you even get to voice an occasional opinion or two, just don't get too critical of K&C tank tracks or Brad will jump ugly on you,....right Oz!:D

Congrad's on the first year anniversary of the forum. Thanks Shannon and Pete for the addiction. It has allowed me to realize that I'm far from being the only one with a collecting problem.:D
Congratulations Shannon and Pete:)

I can't believe it's been a year already. Time flys when your having fun!
The forum has meant a lot to many people and it keeps growing day by day. I really think the forum has helped to grow the number of toysoldier collectors in the world.

Keep up the good work and let's make it many more years.

Bill Sager
Hard to believe its only been a year! I seems a lot longer. Cheers and I hope we have a lot of good times to come.

Shannon and Pete,

Congratulations on a successful year for the forum! The opportunity to participate on the forum has meant a great deal to me. Let me briefly explain...

I live in an area in which no Toy Soldier Shops exist. It is a seven hour drive to the nearest brick and mortar store and it is a trip I very seldom make. Further, very few collectors exist near where I live, thereby making the internet my chief means of studying, discovering, learning, and purchasing toy soldiers.

The Treefrog Forum has allowed me to interact with other collectors around the country and around the world. As a result, I have learned loads and have made many new, good friends. Additionally, I know I have become better informed and a better collector. I genuinely and deeply appreciate the opportunity you have provided me and other collectors.

Best wishes for a long and productive experience with this remarkable forum!

Warmest personal regards,

Congratulations on the Forum, a 1 year old but walking and talking! Hopefully the next year will be just as enjoyable.

Remarkably civil too - many fora end up with several different factions who only post on particular threads and/or in criticism of others but this forum remains remarkably cohesive.
I agree Joe, this is a great bunch of guys (and dolls)! I was thrilled that the most recent Symposium was so international, with Kevin, Fred and Thierry joining us from across the pond. Who knows, perhaps we can get you to join in the fun next year? And, dare I hope, perhaps we could get some representatives from down under? I am always thrilled to meet the terrfiic folks I get to chat with in person.
I must give thanks to Shannon, Pete, Brad, and everyone else that contributes here. In the short time since I've discovered this forum, my collecting has gone from a hobby to an obsession, not mention the fact that I check this forum religiously for the latest news and know-how. I look forward to many more years of collective insanity. Whoever said "Don't sweat the small things" must have never been a toy soldier collector.

I love this stuff. It is so much fun being a kid, playing with toy soldiers and talking with others who love this stuff too.

I think that this forum is helping to create the "golden age" toy collecting. This forum has lead to more responsive manufacturers, suppliers, and marketers. Collectors have found a common bond among each other by being able to communicate problems, needs, and especially compliments. Without compliments the world sure would be a miserable place.

Thanks Shannon for putting this together and allowing us to use so much of your time and to the moderators for helping us to get along.

I hope we can make this hobby grow and improve as we age like fine wine and great books.

Michael, I agree with you that this is fast becoming the "golden age" of toy soldier collecting. I have never seen anything to compare with the great figures and vehicles presently being generated by the intense competition between K&C, Figarti, Britains, Conte and, on a different level, the Russian studios. I also agree that this forum plays a big role. In addition to having unprecedented feedback from company heads like Andy, it is fast developing a tight international community of collectors who know each other by name, login name and opinion, if not by face. So thanks again Shannon & Pete for hours of fun and many new friendships.
Happy Anniversary and a big thank you for the forum. It's great to hear what other enthusiasts and even the manufacturers have to say, especially if you are like me and know of few, really any other enthusiasts in my neck of the woods.
Thanks again , I really do appreciate the forum and you're allowing us to sound off as well as a place to show our creations.

Harold Scott

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