Okay, the real story behind the name isn't nearly as exciting. Long ago and far away (well, Illinois anyway) before the idea of a toy soldier website was even conceived I was a psychiatric nurse with a new baby and I wanted to stay home with him. Staying at home with my son was great but not particularly intellectually stimulating and with where I was living rather isolating, so I decided to give selling on ebay a try. Pete, my husband, already had an ebay account which is why Treefrog's ebay id is rev.pete instead of Treefrog Treasures (he's a Lutheran pastor). I would troll local auctions and sell antique children's books and toys and whatever else looked promising and interesting.
If you sell on ebay you are technically supposed to be registered as a business in whatever state you live in so I needed a name to file with the state. I never knew what I would have for sale from week to week because I sold everything from antique farm literature to cookbooks and scale model diecast semi tractor trailers so I needed an "all-encompassing name" that would cover a variety of items. "Something" Treasures fit the bill but "Shannon's Treasures sounded all wrong so I tried to find something alliterative like "Trisha's Treasures." My name wasn't Trisha, so that was right out. I like penguins, hedgehogs and tree frogs so Treefrog Treasures was just right. Now that I sell only toy soldiers it is quite a strange name, but on the other hand it definitely stands out, is easy to remember and you can't beat the logo. For a while I had two websites, one for scale model antique tractors and one for soldiers. I ended up shortening the name to TT Tractors for the tractor website so it sounded nice and manly and not like I sold Precious Moment figurines or something but I like the name Treefrog Treasures so I'm sticking with it. The "treasures" part must sound a bit girlie though because I get a lot of calls that start with "Is this Treefrog?"
I put the "tree" and "frog" together to make it more unique in the unlikely case someone had a similar name for their business. It is maybe too unique however because it is always being misspelled on freight bills etc. I've gotten things addressed to Tree Frog Treasuries (investing for frogs?), Taeefrog Treasures, Treefrog Treasuf, Treef Rog Treasures and more.
So that's the real story behind the name. Not that exciting but it does reflect the history of where my business has been. Plus, have I mentioned I think the logo is really cool?