Trophy Set Found - What is it?? (1 Viewer)


Jan 18, 2007
Came across this set, not sure what series it is from. Came in Green Trophy Box, no label = 6 figure box just like the red ones, but green unlabeled. Any thoughts/help?

Do you have any idea what regiment it might be? Were pickelhaube type helmets found in British regiments?
Hi Martyn,
The figure similar is a Somerset Light Infantry, but you think it is 24th Foot in Home Dress? I really don't know my regiments that well! but I am sure that these are later made figures than the ones on ebay by the sizing and proportion. I wonder what series they came from. I am figuring it may well be Zulu War series add-on as the collector it came from was a Trophy Zulu only collector?
Something has stumped Tom?!?!?!!? {eek3}
Hi Martyn,
The figure similar is a Somerset Light Infantry, but you think it is 24th Foot in Home Dress? I really don't know my regiments that well! but I am sure that these are later made figures than the ones on ebay by the sizing and proportion. I wonder what series they came from. I am figuring it may well be Zulu War series add-on as the collector it came from was a Trophy Zulu only collector?

Hi Tom

You're right that they have the chunkier look of later Trophy but the "round" bases probably indicate a release date of around 1985-1990, nice find :salute::


Do you have any idea what regiment it might be? Were pickelhaube type helmets found in British regiments?

Yes, Brad, they were. In 1878, the British Army adopted the Home Service helmet, made of cloth-covered cork, similar to the Foreign Service helmet. It featured a spike like the Prussian Helm, as well as regimental badges and metal fittings. Some units wore a finial shaped like a cannonball. It remained the full-dress headgear till 1914, when it was withdrawn. Some bands continue to use it, though.

There was a wave of Prussian-style headgear, and uniform details, too, in the 1870s, in the wake of the Germans' victory over France. Suddenly, a helmet and tunic looked better than a kepi and red trousers.

Some South American countries today still feature elements of the old Prussian uniform in their dress uniforms.

Brad is right, just go to you tube and hit chilean army military parades and you will see the chilean army dressed in prussian uniforms and following the prussian drill manuel all to prussian military music
Ok mystery solved. Actually have 3 sets found all 3 original boxes. They are set RO1 SWB 24th ft south wales border marching sets.

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