Those big Napoleonic artillery sets sat for quite a while at MKL after Trophy closed its doors.
Seems like they are now becomming a bit more sort after.
Purchased from a fellow collector on the Forum - Voltigeurs of the Young Guard
purchased from a fellow collector on the forum - voltigeurs of the young guard
nice little dio. Sure wish they could have produced more french sets with ndew poses. Great scene. Thanks for sharing hawkeye
Thanks Hawkeye. I did not set out to collect Trophy's Napoleonics as I knew they had an extensive line. Being a completist type of collector, my first priority was the Boxer series and the fact that Trophy ceased production made me want to avoid the Napoleonic line. Well, long story short I caved when I had the opportunity to purchase a collection of Trophy Napoleonics. So, have added them when I can. I do agree with you regarding the poses, but am also glad they didn't produce more as that would entail more sets to have to track down {eek3} When I get a chance, I will try to post more photos. Lawrence
Damian: Very nice. What is the set # and description of the prone figure firing his pistol over his horse? TommyTrophy British Square
just added a few more sets from the vaults
Not sure how accurate this display is but it is quite colourful
That is a Little Legion figure called Fallen Horse Grenadier
Trophy never did French Horse Grenadiers and that is why I was excited to find that Little Legion had made this regiment.
Nice to see you opeing your vault and sharing it's contents Damian. There's no doubt your havig a grand time doing so. Sure would be fun joining you..........Joe{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}