UK Cost of New Napoleonic Lines (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Oct 6, 2008
I have just looked at the K&C UK website and the new Lancers and Scotts Grey cavalry are GBP 78.25 !!! This is against GBP 50.84, which by my accounts is a huge increase.

Oil and raw materials have fallen significantly; rising unemployment in China must be depressing wages and deflation is appearing. I am no economist but these prices seem out of sync.

Great dispatches but 2 lancers = 3 old chaussers; less good
They just had a big fight here in Washington, DC over the Taxi "Fuel Surcharge Fee" which cab companies were allowed to charge a $1.00 extra for fuel costs - well - gas is now at 1.96 a gallon and dropping so a the City Council had to pull the fee from the cab companies by force ! :eek:

I think others will have to re-assess their prices as we enter a deflation stage with products world-wide.
I'm still seeing fuel surcharges on invoices I approve where I work, I refuse to pay them as well, since gas has fallen from $3 a gallon to $1.64 a gallon here in South MS.
Even the price in Hong Kong for those Lancers cost way too much!!!

I would prefer to buy First Legion if the price range is so similar!
The price of all metals are dropping at an incredible rate also I know our steel pipe at work has been dropping it seams like daily and I heard will drop another 40% in the next couple of weeks and the guys at work who scrap copper and brass have been getting less then half what they were getting this time last year so I don,t understand the increase in price being such a large jump???:confused: I could see if it was a buck or two but a $17 dollar price increase for a mounted figures??? has just priced me right out of K&C figures.
I can,t afford to pay these new prices and if more of use would stop buying also he,d have to rethink these new over priced figures.
Looks like I,ll be buying the new collectors showcase figures and britains or spend a bit more and get the first legion figures wich are better looking figures and only a couple of dollars more.

Don,t get me wrong they look nice but the new red lancier figures would be close to my morgage payment for the month!:eek: Add up the total for just one of each of these figures! These prices are out of control for TOY soldiers???
Like I said on another thread I could see the increases when the fuel was skyrocketing but now that it's going down other types of businesses are seeing the the chance to rake in the profits.
Scrap metal prices have dropped considerably since last year. I work in the auto industry and cats and scrap in general have really dropped in price.
I take back my previous comment. I won't show Andy the money no more, price's way too unreasonable!

I bet it's because we all gave too good responses to the red lancers when they were announced, that's why K&C ( I suspect that 'Helen' of Troy new business director is the evil mind behind all the price increases) put up the price.

I agree with Fishead. I would rather buy cheaper figures from other companies instead of K&C. I can't afford them at this price range.
Ha Guys,

I do not usually post on the K&C pages, but here is my 2 cent worth.

It is the old supply and demand issue.

If supply down and demand up, price up.

If demand down and supply up, price down.

So if you want cheaper K&C figures do not buy any for 3 month and prices will fall, simple.

I have not brought any new K&C for the last 6 months other than retired or limited sets.

Not as if the new release sets are limited, they are available at every and any toy shop in the world.

With there being other manufactures out there with products as good as or even better than K&C for better prices and in limited runs, simple fact of life K&C outside there vehicle ranges will find the next 6 to 12 months very hard if they do not lower there prices.

That is my 2 cents worth.
Hi guys,
I noted the comments about pricing and thought I would add my few cents worth.
My comments are not in relation to the UK prices but the specific comment about US$79 for a Napoleonic Lancer.
Obviously there are a number of issues here. The cost of production, wages, metal are all factors that have been mentioned in numerous threads. A basic one that is often forgotten is that the Chinese currency has gone up about 20% against the US$ in the past year so that is in itself a significant factor. K&C are paid in US$ but their value has gone down.
As everybody is aware K&C items once released stay at the same price until retired. Some of the older items have been the same price since release say 6 years ago. Even though further production runs have been done (for example recent Black Watch) they maintained the old price when surely their costs must have gone up. No complaints there.
However lets compare like with like. Collectors Showcase and Britains have been mentioned. They do have some nice figures that are cheaper. But do they have any Dutch Lancers ? Even if they did would they be as good as K&C ?
For those who are concerned with value consider if you bought two mounted figures from three different companies at say $59, 69 and $79 with K&C being the $79 ones. Ten years later which are going to have appreciated in value more ? Lets assume the other two are CS and Britains. I regularly see other brands selling on Ebay for below cost but this is rarely seen with K&C.
I will agree these are not cheap items and buying several mounted figures is a big expenditure for most. However if you want to compare value have a look at what a metal figure kit costs.
In the USA I believe Red Lancer is a well known source of kits. Look at their Andrea 54mm kits.
A mounted Hussar is US$73.95 and a Highlander on Foot is $25.95. That is for several pieces of metal you have to put together and paint yourself. See their web page at :
For those in the UK you might want to look at the Historex web site for Andrea and Pegaso kits.
I remember about 4 years ago a Mounted Roman General (Crowe) metal kit selling in Australia for about A$119 (about US$80 now but probably about US$60 at that time).
Nobody likes price increases. You guys in the USA have got it easy !!! As I have mentioned before the US stuffed up the world economy and the A$ dropped 35% since July ! That is almost an effective 50% increase in price in a few months not including the fact the newer items are more expensive in US$. I would be counting your luck that US$ is the home currency of K&C. The price of a Black Watch figure has gone from about A$26 to about $36 in a very short period of time.
At the end of the day these are a luxury item and each collector has to balance his desire for an item against his available funds. Times are tough so collectors will have to be more careful in what they buy.
I noted Aussie Monty's comments about not buying and prices will come down. In theory sounds OK but what happens if the item you want to come down in price retires whilst you are still holding out ?! I predict smaller production runs and shorter times available to buy. Watch the Arnhem Jeep with trailer on Ebay over the next few months as an example.
Anyway in these hard economic times best wishes to all Toy Soldier collectors and manufacturers.

Good points.

But as you are in the business of selling figures and I am in the business of buying them, a shorter production run will add value to the sets and is a good thing for collectors, not so much for dealers and if prices come down a bit also, win win for me. It will add value to the sets and may make buying it at the price worth while.

Please do not get my comment out of context, I think K&C make a excellent product and great ranges of periods. But prices are getting a bit silly.

I would very much agree with your comments on the Aussie Dollar (kill us over here). But 3 to 4 months ago we were in heaven when it was 0.95c = $1USD.
Here in Canada, we now need 1.30$ canadian to get 1$ US so that's a 30% increase in just over 2 months... A Black Watch guy was 24$US now 32$ that's a 30% increase... plus the 30% increase because of the currency exchange rate.. this equals to more than 60% price increase (because we have to count in the taxes) in a 2 month period... this puts me out of the selected ring of canadian collectors.


Here in Canada, we now need 1.30$ canadian to get 1$ US so that's a 30% increase in just over 2 months... A Black Watch guy was 24$US now 32$ that's a 30% increase... plus the 30% increase because of the currency exchange rate.. this equals to more than 60% price increase (because we have to count in the taxes) in a 2 month period... this puts me out of the selected ring of canadian collectors.



I see your point Alex, but K&C cannot be held accountable for the exchange rate or the taxes charged by a country.
I see your point Alex, but K&C cannot be held accountable for the exchange rate or the taxes charged by a country.

That is quite true but it does have an impact nevertheless and affects the amount of funds you have to spend on this or that.
With the economy doing what it is doing right now, we are all just going to have to be more selective as collectors, and buy what we see as good values. I have been really cutting back to put money away for a rainy day (maybe I' pessimistic, but I see a monsoon coming economically), but I couldn't pass on the K&C Christmas set, and have already pre-ordered all the Luftwaffe and U.S.A.F. related figures from this month's dispatches. I think, as a collector, each one of us has to decide what is a good value, what is a must have, and what we can pass on, and budget our expenditures accordingly. If we do that, the hobby will survive and continue to grow.

That being said, it would certainly be helpful if the manufacturers can meet us half way by keeping items in production longer (giving collectors a longer time to budget to get them) and (dare I hope) cut profit margins a bit so that prices will not skyrocket quite as quickly.
I think Louis has it right. I'm going to be cautious in my collecting habits and will just have to comparison shop. I have never had the need to have everything that is released and now it will be even less than that. I'm cutting my soldier budget by 50% next year and will see what develops. There are many wonderful items out there by all the manufacturers. I don't buy items based on the speculation that they will go up in value later... we all know how that can turn out by what's happening today in other assets... Price is still a major driver in any purchase decision.

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