UK Cost of New Napoleonic Lines (3 Viewers)

Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

Instead of responding to 'Rant and Rave' post - that IMHO was engineered to stir the pot...

Maybe the poster lives under a bridge (get the refrerence? Anyone? Anyone?)
Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

Maybe the poster lives under a bridge (get the refrerence? Anyone? Anyone?)

In a van down by the river?

I don't collect K&C either, but will fight to the death for someone's right to do that...They are premier figures and the company is run by a VET!!! And a passionate one at that...And it's privately -owned and operated and like a good small/family business, customer service is at the forefront. Merry Christmas all!
Mike Brady
Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

lol, Mike!

Trolls live under bridges. It was suggested that that might be our case here.
Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

I like the Highlanders..and the scots ..yes maybe some english regiment could be more represented but..ehi..if you don't like K&C's predilection for scots , there are plenty of other companies !And after all the scots instantly sell and have great appeal..i live in a little town on the toe of Calabria (that is the extreme south of Italy) and last christmas we got a band of highlanders with pipes and drums playing and marching through the city..what a show!!!The people were enthusiastic..and the streets were full we love scots here in Calabria..bye!
Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

My post has been censored !!!

Treefrog explain why you can use WTF (we all know what that means);

Andy can say in capitals CRAP

But when I say Oliver C - IMHO was trying to stir sh!t it gets changed to pot !!! Was there a typo and you meant to change that word for poo...!!! LOL

I am sure there is lots of that under brideges
Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

Well - I guess I will throw my two cents in here...

I have never been a big fan of people who like to do nothing but run down K&C and other Toy Soldier Producers. It's like you have nothing better to do in their lives except to nit-pick little details and show how superior they think they are ! :rolleyes:

This response was actually a little tame in my opinion Andy - your edge is softening a bit ;) It is just another Ya-Hoo try to draw attention to himself - well congrats O Cromwell you have done it.

Everyone nows where I stand on King & Country products. I can't believe anyone can say that K&C is not the best in the market - or maybe one of the best.

Andy - you have given the poor lad the attention that he so wanted - now go back and MAKE SOME GREAT NAPOLEONICS !! :D

The only thing strange in some of the BW guys is that some seem to wear some red lipsticks :))

Otherwise, they re marvelous and I own one specimen of each pose... and they re trully great !

I dont know how Mr. Neilson feels on the subject, but I know that whenever my work is criticized in this manner I take it as a compliment. For people to come at you in this way you must be one of the best in your field. Mr. Neilson and K&C are certainly that.

Re: Oliver’s Rant ‘n’ Rave

...Also i must say to write 'Dump your K&C for First Legion' well that rang some alarm bells across this forum i'm sure.It just does not sound like a truly impartial collector to me.But hey thats just my opinion,as me dear old mum always taught me politeness costs nothing.;)

Impartial, likely not but Rob this fellow is hardly the first one here to express their preferences in a crude fashion.;) There is nothing wrong with having manufacturer preferences, we all have them. The difference is some of us try to explain our preferences without demeaning the good efforts of the alternative producers. It would be nice if everyone treated comparisons objectively and with less meaningless hyperbole but then we would be experiencing a different dimension.:D
A simple test. If you could own any of the Toy Soldier manufacturing companies in the world which would it be ?!
Regards to all,

Boy what a wish this would be.I would take hands down King & Country.The ranges I would bring to life .Off course I would sack Andy and his creative crew and you Brett and myself we would do all the designing.We could get your Rorkes Drift happening and my Kokoda trail series going.These Two lines would be so popular that Andy would be begging for his job back.Are if only.Simmo.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Dear Oliver Cromwell,
You wrote :
"I believe 1 st Legion offer a better range of fighting figures for the Napoleonic period ( Take a look at the gallery on the site ) and my post was intended to create discussion and perhaps give Andy and his team some food for thought.
The ranges of foot soldiers lack diversity and depth".

In relation to Napoleonics I would agree that 1st Legion has better variety. But then again they are specialising in that area. Hiowever my complaint is they don't have a Pzr IV in early war of Africa Korps markings, or or a SS Marching Band ! I demand Matt of 1st Legion should do more to satisfy his customers !!!!! How dare he not do WWII. I don't see John Gambale complaining on the 1st Legion thread about the lack of WWII Italians. Matt has it easy (no disrespect intended Matt as I am trying to make a point to certain people here - love your range muchly).

Regards to all,

I agree that K&C is awesome in providing us a great variety on the ranges of toy soldiers... but the lack of depth and diversity on their Napoleonic figures definitely much inferior to 1st Legion's products.

Nonetheless, 1st legion has raised their prices too and is way too expensive for me now I prefer buying K&C.
I agree that K&C is awesome in providing us a great variety on the ranges of toy soldiers... but the lack of depth and diversity on their Napoleonic figures definitely much inferior to 1st Legion's products.

Nonetheless, 1st legion has raised their prices too and is way too expensive for me now I prefer buying K&C.
More detail/quality versus lower cost; that has always been and always will be a tough choice. K&C does a great job with so many ranges for their price but for an extra 10-20% I can't resist the 1st Legion Napoleonics. I would rather have 10-20% fewer figures but I certainly am glad I can suppliment them with K&C. I just wish they had continued the Romans.
Simpson and his Donkey wrote
"Boy what a wish this would be.I would take hands down King & Country.The ranges I would bring to life .Off course I would sack Andy and his creative crew and you Brett and myself we would do all the designing.We could get your Rorkes Drift happening and my Kokoda trail series going.These Two lines would be so popular that Andy would be begging for his job back.Are if only.Simmo"

My two reactions to the above are :

I totally deny knowing anybody called Simpson and his Donkey and would never dream of sacking Andy even if I did !


OK ... the next time Andy goes over to the US for a show we sneak up to Hong Kong and stage a coup !!!

I haven't posted on here for a while but I have checked in to see what my friends are up too...anyways after seeing this post I'm going to ad my 2 cents as well...First off I have only been collecting toy soldiers for about 6 years and I am one of the youngest (38 yrs old) in my area that collects toy soldiers and who can afford to collect them most others my age think its a waste of money and have NO interrest in the hobby, I was that one ray of hope for the older collectors seeing new blood...I make good money and so does my wife...I am a big fan of K&C...BUT..the price of figures that K&C charge now is obscene...whether its a bad economy or not I CANNOT justify spending money on these toys anymore..and as I have already stated for my age its a rarety to find a person that would waste their money on this stuff to start with. Perhaps it costs more to make these things and I can appreciate that but when it comes down to it WHO CARES who wants to spend this type of money on toys...I ONCE LOOKED AT THESE FIGURES THINKING THEY WERE A WORK OF ART AND WAS WILLING TO SPEND HARD EARNED MONEY ON THEM...I NOW LOOK AT THEM AS A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!! The cost is so high YOU DON'T GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. I have now gone back to buying ORIGINAL Napoleonic swords and muskets. There is something wrong with this picture when I can buy REAL items for the same price as a toy...Sorry Andy I was a big fan of yours until now...As far as I'm concerned this hobby WILL be short lived, truthfully I'm starting to think that perhaps the younger age has more brains then we do...spending 800.00 on 20 toys when PEOPLE are out of work loosing their houses etc...its almost a JOKE when I look at it now...My post is not intended to get Andy to lower his prices....because whether they go down in price or not I have lost my interrest based on these prices .....the old guys that were happy to see me come along into their toy soldier club are now wondering who will they sell or pass there collection onto now.. Personally if I were you guys who have decided to stick with this hobby I would choose a different company who offer a better bang for your buck...funny as the old saying goes you give a guy an inch and he takes a mile..that would turn anyone off.

I haven't posted on here for a while but I have checked in to see what my friends are up too...anyways after seeing this post I'm going to ad my 2 cents as well...First off I have only been collecting toy soldiers for about 6 years and I am one of the youngest (38 yrs old) in my area that collects toy soldiers and who can afford to collect them most others my age think its a waste of money and have NO interrest in the hobby, I was that one ray of hope for the older collectors seeing new blood...I make good money and so does my wife...I am a big fan of K&C...BUT..the price of figures that K&C charge now is obscene...whether its a bad economy or not I CANNOT justify spending money on these toys anymore..and as I have already stated for my age its a rarety to find a person that would waste their money on this stuff to start with. Perhaps it costs more to make these things and I can appreciate that but when it comes down to it WHO CARES who wants to spend this type of money on toys...I ONCE LOOKED AT THESE FIGURES THINKING THEY WERE A WORK OF ART AND WAS WILLING TO SPEND HARD EARNED MONEY ON THEM...I NOW LOOK AT THEM AS A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!! The cost is so high YOU DON'T GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. I have now gone back to buying ORIGINAL Napoleonic swords and muskets. There is something wrong with this picture when I can buy REAL items for the same price as a toy...Sorry Andy I was a big fan of yours until now...As far as I'm concerned this hobby WILL be short lived, truthfully I'm starting to think that perhaps the younger age has more brains then we do...spending 800.00 on 20 toys when PEOPLE are out of work loosing their houses etc...its almost a JOKE when I look at it now...My post is not intended to get Andy to lower his prices....because whether they go down in price or not I have lost my interrest based on these prices .....the old guys that were happy to see me come along into their toy soldier club are now wondering who will they sell or pass there collection onto now.. Personally if I were you guys who have decided to stick with this hobby I would choose a different company who offer a better bang for your buck...funny as the old saying goes you give a guy an inch and he takes a mile..that would turn anyone off.


Thank you for your opinion and Merry Christmas Mr. Scrooge :)
Your welcome.....:) I guess I sound like sourgrapes...and I feel a little guilty for my comments..truthfully I still love K&C...I just think they are too expensive now...I know Andy has to make his profit and keep up with the times but in all seriousness they are too expensive now.....I have never met Andy but he seems like a great guy...I just can't justify spending 100.00 for just two fuigures....I guess I still have original militaria in my soul. Also I would like to add that all the new K&C figures look great.

I was on my way out and couldn't really elaborate earlier, but I'm back and I must say I really don't understand the logic in your statement.
You seem to be one of a growing number of members in this hobby who have some how taken the increased cost of production personally, Please don't.
If you believe you get better value from military memorabilia have at it.
You show a real mean streak in your statement, I don't know what has brought you to this point, but you were always a good contributor to the forum and I wish you the best of luck in the future and much success with your new/old collection.
PS just saw your latest post, I understand better now, we're all frustrated with the rising cost, things will get better
No problem nmrocks..thanks your take on things...I don't want to bring anyone down...when I first starting collecting K&C figures they were 19 dollars each...that was 5 years ago..that was a hell of lot of money they are 32.00...I knew I would catch flak for my comments....I still believe in what I have expressed but perhaps I could have made it a little nicer....


I agree with you.

at 89$ for 4 nice figures, that was okay with me... it meant 22$ or so for each one...

now 32$ for a figure with a 1.20 currency exchange rate plus 13% tax (44$ for each figure) and a policy that prevent dealers from selling at less than MSRP has resulted in the following for me :

- I recently bought tons of old sets

- I will not buy any more K&C from any dealers out there.. will only buy from people at less than MSRP... economy is going down.. people will sell below MSRP I'm pretty sure... Just wait till it happens.. If it doesnt, then I'm out of K&C soldiers and will create dioramas for my own collection. So I'm asking K&C for 2 things :

Consider us canadians, europeans, australians and so on because we're not just paying 32$+local tax but much more than that...

Permit dealers to sell below MSRP.


Alex who's only 32 !

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