Vallejo color advice (1 Viewer)

Oct 17, 2009
Im looking to paint a fallschirmjager camo similar to the one the william britains figures have and need advice as to what vallejo color would come closest to the pale green base for the camo.
Thanks for any help,
The color mix on the Britain fallschirmjager camo is as follows: Vallejo #975 Military Green mixed with #955 Flat Flesh to create the pale green for your base coat. #975 Military Green for the dark patches and #846 Mahgony Brown for the brown patches. Also use the Military Green for the 'rain' marks. Call me at Michtoy if you have any further questions!!

I painted the originals.
Hey one last question haha, would anyone happen to know the mix to replicate the colors used on the tunics of the Waffen ss troops in the set " In defense of the hedge" by Old Northwest Trading Company? It looks to be a very pale grey green (especially on the prone reloading figure whose tunic color im tying to replicate) but i cant seem to replicate it when i mix my colors.
Thanks in advance for any help,
I think Dave's on vacation this week, but I'm pretty sure he painted the ONTC figs too.

If I had to guess from looking at a pic (WWII is not my era), keeping in mind there is wiggle room because when exposed to the elements, fabrics can change color a bit, I'd try Military Green, a touch of black, enough white or ivory to lighten it to the tone you want, and experimenting with adding a touch of blue (on my monitor the tunics looks green-gray-blue), and perhaps a little burnt umber. Or it's possible that Vallejo just makes the color straight out. So you can either experiment a bit or wait till next week and call Dave at MichToy. You could also try asking Pete at MichToy. He's switched to acrylics from oils and might be able to point you in the right direction too.
Panzer aces is the sets off paint I use and they have the colours in two sets for german camo colours. They are Vallejo paints and are excellent and give a great colour replication for SS camo uniforms.
Yeah they make great colors for the different german camouflages, Ive been working with tamaiya paints but since I switched to Vallejo paints about two years ago i've seen a great improvement. It's just a pain trying to mix the field grey right. I've come to a mix i like but I still prefer the field grey that was used on the figures I mentioned.

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