VID soldiers - Napoleonic russian army sets (3 Viewers)

Ru-59-027 - Vsevolozhskiy A., Yelisavetgradski Hussars

Ru-59-028 - Shukhanov D. V., Olviopolski Hussars regiment
Ru-59-029 - Melesino A., Lubenski Hussars

Ru-59-030 - Dekhterev N. V., Olviopolski Hussars regiment
Ru-59-031 - Dorokhov I. S., chief of the Izyumski Hussars

Ru-59-032 - Mezentzev M. I. 2nd, Belorusski Hussars regiment
Ru-50-033 - Grekov-18th, cossack general, commander of the Atamanski cossack regiment

Ru-50-034 - Cossack general Kuteynikov D.E., commander of the Cossack brigade
Ru-50-038 - Major-General Durnovo I.N., chief of the 29th Jaegers

Ru-50-039 - Major-General Bartolomey 1st
Ru-50-044 - Major-General Tuchkov 3rd, 2nd Brigade commander

Ru-50-045 - General Golenishchev-Kutuzov P.V.
Ru-50-046 - General Poluektov B.V., Moscow grenadiers regt commander

Ru-50-047 - General Baggovut K.F., 2nd Infantry Corps commander
Ru-50-049 - Commander of the 2nd Composite-grenadiers division

Ru-50-050 - Ludwig von Vallmoden-Gimborn, Russian-German legion commander
Ru-50-051 - Rozen, 3rd, A.V., commander of the Life-Cuirassiers regiment

Ru-50-052 - Cyprian Belzig von Kreutz, Commander of the Siberian Dragoon regiment
Ru-50-053 - Anton Skalon, Dragoon regiment commander

Ru-50-054 - General Kaptzevich P.M., 7th Infantry Division commander
Ru-50-055 - Vadbolskiy I.M, Mariupol Hussars regiment commander

Ru-50-056 - Duke Alexander of Württemberg
Ru-50-057 - General Potyomkin Y.A., 3rd Brigade comander

Ru-50-058 - Artillery general Arakcheev A.A.
Ru-50-059 - General Olsufiev Z.D., chief of the 17th Inf Division

Ru-50-060 - Shuvalov P.A., commander of the 4th Corps
Ru-50-061 - Titov N.F., general, chief of the 47th infantry division

Ru-50-062 - Gogel F.G., general, commander of the 3rd Brigade 26th Inf Division
Ru-50-063 - General Duka I.F., commaner of the 2nd Cuirassier Division

Ru-50-064 - General Zass 1st, cavalry commander in the 3rd Army

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